View Full Version : What do do with your stuff

07-28-2011, 11:25
I don't think that I am the first person to run into this problem. I went on a canoe trip with friends and ended up having to put all of my stuff in a tent while I slept in my hammock. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas or suggestions of what to do to keep my stuff out of the elements.

07-28-2011, 11:27
Simple: A gear hammock under your normal hammock:)

07-28-2011, 11:31
I put my stuff under my hammock on a small ground cloth. If the elements are bad I put it all in a plastic trash bag under the hammock. I often hang my pack on my suspension line at the end of my hammock.

07-28-2011, 11:32
I hang my gear from either my suspension or my tree huggers.

07-28-2011, 11:34
I don't have any "do do" on my stuff!

I just carry a piece of sturdy plastic to place my pack and my gear on under my hammock. My pack is waterproof cuben so all my gear goes into it. Other than that a gear hammock is really the best. I think JRB sells one.

07-28-2011, 11:39
I hang my pack from the hammock suspension.

07-28-2011, 11:45
As someone who is about to get a hammock and all the fixin's, this question is of great interest to me as well.

I was under the assumption that the majority of the items that I carry in my pack will be the hammock on associated materials. Thus, when I set up camp, I should be able to hang my pack and what is left of my gear on the hammock suspension.

If I need to start thinking about something different, do tell!

07-28-2011, 11:53
I have the JRB backpack rain cover that also does duty as a water tote, rain catch basin, gear hammock and any other thing I can think of at the time.

07-28-2011, 11:54
You are exactly right, Avenger. If your pack isn't essentially empty after you set up your hammock and hang your food, you brought too much!!

07-28-2011, 12:03
Place rain cover over backpack then tie backpack to a tree. Now that I hammock I started hang the backpack from the tree huggers and then place the rain cover over it.

Because of hanging and not being able to take gear into the hammock with me I also carry a 3xxL Ziploc bag with me. Gear goes into it and lays under the hammock. This is big enough for my boot to fit into also.

I have only had one time the wind got ahold of the rain cover and blow it half way off of the pack and the pack got wet from the rain.

07-28-2011, 12:11
I pack my stuff in vinyl waterproof roll top bags when I canoe or kayak. Being waterproof, they can be hung on a tree, or just laid under the hammock. Can find them fairly cheap at WW or web shopping. Most of mine I think are 13''x25" in size.

07-28-2011, 12:32
I carry a couple extra cargo straps, the cambuckle kind, and a blue tarp that goes over all the stuff in the canoe. At camp, just pull up the canoe (or tie off) pull the tarp out over the edges, and strap it down. Last trip we had one that covered the whole 14 foot canoe. In heavy rain, there was more water from us getting in and out than from night rains.

07-28-2011, 13:18
I carry a 3mil contractor 55 gallon trash bag in my pack for all kinds of uses.

Normally I just set my pack on the ground underneath my hammock (and therefore my tarp as well), and hang my food from a tree.

If the weather looks like it's gonna get REAL bad...I'll put my pack inside that 3mil bag, and tie it off. Between that and lowering the sides of my tarp...never had an issue.

07-28-2011, 13:50
Mac's gear box (http://www.mollymacpack.com/box.html) (AKA gear hammock)

08-03-2011, 10:16
A Jeff's Gear Hammock and Rain (http://www.jacksrbetter.com/JGHPC.htm)Cover might be helpful.

I usually don't have too much extra hanging around, but for what I do have, I will sometimes just leave it in the pack, cover the pack with my rain cover and clip it onto my hammock suspension line.

Ridgeline organizers are a great way to go too...

08-09-2011, 09:50
As someone who is about to get a hammock and all the fixin's, this question is of great interest to me as well.

I was under the assumption that the majority of the items that I carry in my pack will be the hammock on associated materials. Thus, when I set up camp, I should be able to hang my pack and what is left of my gear on the hammock suspension.

If I need to start thinking about something different, do tell!

Stove? (though maybe that falls under food) Extra clothes? Toilet paper? Personal hygiene items? A book to read? Maps/navigation stuff? I feel like food and shelter, while they might take up a majority of the weight, are still a quite small part of my packing list.

08-09-2011, 09:59
empty on the ground underneath me...

TFC Rick
08-09-2011, 10:02
I.m not much of a hiker.............yet, but I would hazard a guess that aside from your clothes, the rest of you materials could prolly fit into a gallon zip lock (size wise) therefore not really posing an issue with hanging on your suspension.

Most of that may also fit into one of those nifty ridgeline organizers if you are so inclined.

08-09-2011, 10:03
Not much left in my pack once camp is set. Any small items just go in a stuff sack and (depending on which hammock) gets tied to the ridgeline. Pack is under my legs in the hammock to provide a nice knee break and insulation for the lower legs and feet.

08-09-2011, 10:03
What are these extra clothes you folks are talking about? :confused::lol:

08-09-2011, 10:41
poncho/windshell, fleece vest? back-up wool socks? you know, extras...

08-09-2011, 11:14
I use my DIY Gear Hammock/Camp Seat. You can get more details about it in my video if you'd like. This is part 3 that talks more about using it as a gear hammock.



08-09-2011, 11:47
I guess short outings wouldn't require extra clothes other than warm things for night - which you're presumably wearing when going to sleep. But on longer trips, of course you'll have at least a change of clothes. If you're me, at least...

08-09-2011, 11:50
I was just joshin about the extra clothes. Go on a really long hike, like the AT, and you start leaving everything 'extra' behind. Old habits die hard. :D

08-10-2011, 22:26
I guess short outings wouldn't require extra clothes other than warm things for night - which you're presumably wearing when going to sleep. But on longer trips, of course you'll have at least a change of clothes. If you're me, at least...

I'm the other way around. On long trips, it's 1 set of night clothes, 1 set of day clothes, rain gear and extra socks. Short trips I don't care about the extra weight (and less food makes for more room).

On topic, if it's reasonably dry under my tarp, if it's wet, hanging from a tree (with a pack cover)

08-10-2011, 22:57
I use a trash compactor bag for a pack liner, which can be used to cover the pack when camped. Some bags are perfumed and should be avoided. Get it off the ground if there are varmints that might chew on it.

08-11-2011, 22:06
I use my DIY Gear Hammock/Camp Seat. You can get more details about it in my video if you'd like. This is part 3 that talks more about using it as a gear hammock.



I somehow missed this video series when it was posted. Wow, did I miss something good! This may be the most multi-functional piece of gear I've seen.

Lately, I've been looking for a chair for my tired bones (they get tired after 6 decades of using them). But, being a gram weenie, I just couldn't do it because of the weight. You have just solved that problem and given me bonus gear!

I can't thank you enough. Oh boy, another DIY project to add to the list :D

08-13-2011, 10:19
I mostly 4x4 camp, so I use a nice carpet under my hammock :D and then I hang my other stuff off the hammock suspension or lay it on the carpet. It depends on what the weather looks like.