View Full Version : GT UL Travel Hammock Vs. The Competition?

06-20-2012, 08:37
I work at ****'s Sporting Goods and I noticed we have the GT UL Travel Hammock on our website for $21.

I have a monstrously big and heavy bridge hammock (complete set up with tarp is about 3lbs). One of the biggest problems with my bridge is any tarp that covers it effectively has to be enormous. At least 8'x10'. I'm looking for a smaller, lighter, easier to cover option to cut my pack weight.

How flat does the GTUL Travel lay compared to the ENO and some of the other less expensive models out there? Having been spoiled by my bridge from the start, am I going to feel restricted in the GT? My one experience with a gathered end hammock was on a DIY hammock a friend made, and it tended to burrito around you pretty badly.

I've already heard that I should ditch the huge S hooks they include with the thing in order to save weight. Are there other mods I should consider?

Two Tents
06-20-2012, 08:44
I have a GTUL you could try if ya show up on the trip next week. Friday night is a car camp thing anyway ( well 300 ft. min from parking area). Hiking 6miles on Sat. Just sayin.

06-20-2012, 10:16
GT UL is on sale at Campmor for $15. I had a GT UL and I liked it a lot, but some folks think it is too narrow. I felt the lay was very comfortable. You can't beat it for $15. :)

06-20-2012, 10:22
I swear by the GTUL. It's polyester and doesn't stretch like nylon hammocks. That's a pro or con depending on what you like. I've been sleeping in my GTUL all week inside my house while my family is off vacationing. I think the dimensions are just right in terms of length and proportionate width. The ENO double nest, in comparison, has a lot of width, but less length and therefor canoes more.

The GT double, in contrast, is as wide as ENO (actually, I think a bit wider) but has more length and is much more comfortable IMO because it doesn't canoe. For the price, the GT double is a better deal than the ENO.

rip waverly
06-20-2012, 10:26
i really like my GTUL