View Full Version : Some Feedback and Suggestions

09-20-2012, 00:23
Here's some feedback and suggestions for this site:

How about the site moderators treat their members with a little respect for dissenting opinions. It seems to me that any view that is contrary to your own is just not tolerated, period. even if it is done in a way that is within the site's TOS, and in an attempt to make the site better.

So let me ask the mods this; Just how am I supposed to know what falls foul of your whims, likes and dislikes if it's not posted anywhere? How am I supposed to stay within the bounds if you don't clearly define them? As an example, a few months ago I posted a thread about a DIY alcohol stove in the DIY section. It was moved without any notification as to why or what I had violated in the TOS. After some further inquiry by me and a comment from a helpful forum member, I was able to find the moved thread. The irritating thing about the whole incident was that within hours of me posting the alcohol stove thread and it being moved, another forum member posted about another (non-DIY) alcohol stove and it stayed. What gives?:confused:

I am, and have been a part of many forums as diverse as ADVRider to XDA Forums, and I can say without a doubt that this forum is the absolute worst I have ever been apart of on how it moderates its members. I just took a look at Just Jeff's public page and three of the messages in the first two pages were from people who had threads moved or removed with no explanation why. Really? is it that hard? The moderators here act like this forum has a million members to wrangle. The truth is, this forum is small, but you chose to run it like your own private club, exclusionary not inclusionary monitoring every post for signs that someone might actually show a little feeling beyond happy-shiny-everything-is-rainbows-and-sugar-plumbs.

I have read time and again that the moderation and intent of mods is to keep the site focused on hammocks. That may be the case, but what you end up with when you moderate like you do is a wiki, not a forum. Your limiting interaction between members, and slamming every post that is perceived to be "not directly hammock related" only limits forum members from using these forums as forums and not just a wiki site to go to and glean information from.
Personally, I've learned all from that I choose to from the very limited scope of these forums and find myself irritated at the narrow-minded moderators of what could be an exceptional gathering place for a great way to make my life easier.

From past experience, I'm sure this thread will be removed shortly after one of the more draconian moderators read it, and any seeds of dissension that it might sew in the minds of the general population will be swiftly dealt with. I do hope however that this will make the round of the moderators in their private circles, and just perhaps make them realize that there is a growing ire among many of the forum members about just how they are treated.

I for one will be moving on from this site in search of a place where I feel more welcome and am able to express an opinion without being chastised for it. No hard feelings, this just isn't a place where I want to be. Good luck, and I hope you can treat your current members better than you treated me.

And by the way; Feedback comes in both positive and negative, so this is feedback, and it was posted in the appropriate forum, and it meets everything in the TOS.

09-20-2012, 03:03
I don't know your history here but I find the site to be well moderated compared to others I've been to and I have read numerous posts expressing the same. Good luck in your forum search and in your future hammocking/outdoor endeavours.

Just Jeff
09-20-2012, 07:39
It's interesting when new people show up and begin posting their changes to how the site should be run. We make it very clear in the TOS that this is a moderated site. We understand that not everyone will agree with how we moderate...that's unfortunate, but we can't please everyone. For some perspective, every time a dissatisfied member posts a thread like this one, we get several responses from members who appreciate how this particular site is maintained and moderated (usually in the thread itself and PMs, and often by a member posting a new thread about it).

So it's unfortunate that you're not satisfied here, but the moderators and a large majority of the members are happy with this community and how it operates. If you're not in that majority, we won't argue with you. I hope you find somewhere more suitable to what you expect from a hammock forum.

We do accept dissent, btw...just not disrespect. Not to other members, and not to the moderators. That's clearly in the TOS that some folks think doesn't apply to them.

09-20-2012, 08:09
Good luck, hope you find a place where you feel your needs are met. I too have appreciated this forum, I too have had threads deleted and moved. Yet, I realize the need for standards. Standards sometimes alienate individuals, a lack of standards will alienate entire communities. I appreciate and value the standards set forth as part of this forum. I also recognize that the forum may not meet the needs of everyone. Best to you.

09-20-2012, 08:10
guess i think the moderators do a great job! especially when you consider they are doing it all without any compensation

i have moderated some forums in the past and call tell you first hand that it takes a considerable amount of personal time

when i go into a restaurant and have bad service for don't like the food, or go to a store and think the salesperson was rude or their prices are too high i just don't go back, but then again it's their place and they can run it any way they want......kinda like this site.....

if your not happy with the site or the mods then i guess if it were me i wouldn't bother with it, but maybe that's just me


09-20-2012, 08:40
It's interesting when new people show up and begin posting their changes to how the site should be run. We make it very clear in the TOS that this is a moderated site. We understand that not everyone will agree with how we moderate...that's unfortunate, but we can't please everyone. For some perspective, every time a dissatisfied member posts a thread like this one, we get several responses from members who appreciate how this particular site is maintained and moderated (usually in the thread itself and PMs, and often by a member posting a new thread about it).

So it's unfortunate that you're not satisfied here, but the moderators and a large majority of the members are happy with this community and how it operates. If you're not in that majority, we won't argue with you. I hope you find somewhere more suitable to what you expect from a hammock forum.

We do accept dissent, btw...just not disrespect. Not to other members, and not to the moderators. That's clearly in the TOS that some folks think doesn't apply to them.

Well said:thumbup:

09-20-2012, 08:42
I, too, have had posts moved to the donators' section. So, don't feel so put-upon. The bottom line is that HF is THE MODERATORS' site. They created it, they maintain it. It's theirs. It is what they want it to be. I personally appreciate being able to come here and read about hammocks, not hunting, not guns, not politics, not doomsday prepping, not hair-dos and make-up.

If the moderators miss a thread that is not hammock related, it only goes to show you what a tough job they have trying to keep up with the activity on the forums. Call it a wiki if you want, that's really just semantics.

Sorry to see you go. Best of luck to you. I hope you find what you're looking for. :D

09-20-2012, 09:12
I feel the moderators are doing a great job. Sometimes folks get upset that a thread is moved and they are not a donating member, so they can't view it. Donation is very reasonable, and the benefits of being a member are awesome. You can even find donating member status offered up for free in the PIF thread. It just requires a return PIF. Can't beat that.
I am sorry you are disgruntled with this site and the moderators. I hope you find what you are looking for.

I find that when you join a group, you may have to adjust to their rules, which most times doesn't take much adjusting. I don't join a group expecting them to adjust to me. :)

09-20-2012, 09:24
I haven't had any real issues with the mod team here, but I 100% agree with his comment about notifying users when a thread has been moved/removed. It's not hard, and shooting a quick PM to the user saying where it's been moved to (especially if it's been moved to an area they don't have access to) and why is just common courtesy and helps clear up any confusion. I've seen numerous complaints about this during my relatively short time here.

09-20-2012, 09:27
"...but you can't please all of the people, all of the time."
However, I'm happy to report that I am always pleased when I come to HF. I'm sorry you didn't find what you were looking for here.

I've posted threads in the wrong category and realized it upon viewing my own post. I sent a PM to a moderator, pleading guilty and asking their help in moving it. I don't know how a handful of moderators can keep up with the traffic here, but I do know that they do a fine job!

09-20-2012, 13:19
A lot of people join up without fully reading the TOS and then are surprised when their thread gets moved. The TOS are to some people like the fine print on a contract. There's no secret to why the mods do what they do. Members need to take some responsibilty if they want to be part of the community.

09-20-2012, 13:37
The mods do a great job... as for your post being moved and not knowing,
if you would take the time to read the Rules you would know this is how they operate ,it's no secret ;)
as for off topic talk,Again read the rules they state that off topic posts will be removed .. most of the time they just chime in and get it back on topic if you want to talk about anything other than Hammocks a PM works fine ;)
as for pleasing everyones needs ... that will never happen
also a DIY Alky stove is NOT a Hammock related item so yes it will be moved

again .. if this is not for you ,thats fine
i'm sure there is another site out there that can fill your needs ;)

Good luck in your search ;)

09-20-2012, 14:05
Sorry to hear. Happy I do not feel the same. I have always understood my relationship to this forum as visiting a friends house. I feel comfortable and enjoy the stay but I always remember that it is their house and rules - not mine.

09-20-2012, 14:14
You are welcome to feel the way that you feel. I really appreciate the way HF is run.
In my first days I had some threads moved. Figured it out and accept the way things are here.
This is my cyber home.
Well done Mods. You can never please them all and if you are....something is amiss.

09-20-2012, 14:16
Happy trails

I come here to discuss Hammocks and associated gear, I like the way the forum is moderated and many thanks to those who make it possible for us to have a place to do that.

My .02

09-20-2012, 14:18
IMO, after brobro said he was moving on, there was no point to continue the conversation.

It's one thing to discuss things openly (like the chat idea, for instance)...but a "this place sucks and you suck, I'm outta here" post isn't especially productive, nor is it worth continuing since he's announced his abandonment.

Arguing at an absentee OP gains nothing. :)

09-20-2012, 14:28
I do not have any problems with the way this place is run/modded. I have never, or at least that I can remember, ever have a thread moved or deleted. This IS hammock forums, not alky stove forum. If you post in the correct sections, then there is no problems.

You know the old saying, "If you want something done right, do it yourself", well if your not happy, start your own forum and see just how "easy" it is.

Around here, 1 bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch, it just gets moved.

Sorry for the rant, MODS, keep up the great work, I know I appreciate it.

09-20-2012, 15:06
IMO, after brobro said he was moving on, there was no point to continue the conversation.

I disagree. The OP directly said "there is a growing ire among many of the forum members about just how they are treated. " Now that is either hyperbole or the OP is part of a hive mind which is essentially silent to many of us. If it is hyperbole then it should be shown as such. If there really is such a feeling, then others need to come forward and voice their discontent. Presumably, this thread is an opening to do that.

The mods have been responsive to popular opinion in the past. If there is such a level of discontent I believe they would take it seriously, if not act outright. I am very content here, even tho some issues close to my heart are not considered "hammock related" enough. Oh well... sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you.

09-20-2012, 16:25
I am unfamiliar with the history of the original poster and speaking from the perspective of someone who has had a moderator remind me that I might be a little too close to the line I appreciate their dedication to the site, it's values and TOS.

With respect to dissenting opinions, I am a firm believer in the phrase "you can disagree without being disagreeable" and that is one of the many things the moderators actively ummmmm. .. moderate.

Sometimes a dissenting opinion is viewed as harsh simply because there is dissent, but if everybody agreed with everything I thought, said or did the world would be lacking in so many ways.

Thank you moderators.

Two Tents
09-20-2012, 16:45
Sorry to hear. Happy I do not feel the same. I have always understood my relationship to this forum as visiting a friends house. I feel comfortable and enjoy the stay but I always remember that it is their house and rules - not mine.

Yep. Like when in a friends house you go by the house rules. I had an old timer tell me once that if you ever get to the point you think you can't learn anything new, you won't. Good luck finding the place you seek.

Beast 71
09-20-2012, 17:35
IMO, after brobro said he was moving on, there was no point to continue the conversation.

It's one thing to discuss things openly (like the chat idea, for instance)...but a "this place sucks and you suck, I'm outta here" post isn't especially productive, nor is it worth continuing since he's announced his abandonment.

Arguing at an absentee OP gains nothing. :)
He'll see it. Haven't nursery rhymes and folktales told you that trolls don't go away that easily.

09-20-2012, 17:48
"...I didn't get a harumph outta that guy!"

@ Gresh: The feedback to the OP also serves as support for the mods.

I love this site. I recognize it's only a small slice of the available "outdoorsy" internet, but I almost always start here because of the civility. Thanks Mods!

lazy river road
09-20-2012, 18:31
Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion and express it in a respectful way. I've had post deleted and threads moved before and looking back well yeah I probably deserved it :eek:. As for keeping this forum strictly about hammocks well that's what I love about this forum. It is well organized and well its simply about hammocks.

Knowing several of the mod personally It is IMHO that they do an excellent job here and if it was not for them and the many other amazing members who I consider many to be my friend I'd go be a part of forum xyz or this or that.

thanks Mods for all your hard work and dedication.

09-20-2012, 18:45
The only time I have been disappointed in the moderation of this site was when I broke the TOS. I may not like all of the rules, but I did agree to them when I signed up. So shortly after I realized that my feelings were hurt from someone on the internet deleting my post about Christmas, I also realized that I had broken the TOS and apologized.
This is not a site for everything under the sun to be discussed, and I'm cool with that for the most part. That is one of the reasons I've found group hangs to be so much fun. You can talk about just about anything around a campfire of semi-like-minded people.

To the OP: I've felt your frustration with the swiftness of a MOD's work, but I have also felt the peace that comes from accepting that this is the way things are and the joy from all the great people and lessons I've learned from on here.

09-20-2012, 18:53
Never had a problem on this site - in fact, I don't think I've ever had a problem on any site. A little civility and talking to people as though they were present goes a long way.

09-20-2012, 20:07
One thing that strikes me about this thread (and a couple of other semi-recent threads as well) is that the OP opinion seems to alienate the moderators from the members, as if we weren't first long-standing members. With the exception of Jeff (co-founder), all of the active mods were members that were added to the team as things went along. To a person, we're all very interested in hammocks. We enjoy using and talking about them, and want to see the community here flourish. We're all members first, moderators second. And because of that, we care. If we didn't, we wouldn't spend dozens of hours a week organizing threads, responding to questions, answering PM's...all with volunteered effort.

I say that to illustrate that HF just isn't run like any number of other sites. It is very much member-driven. So, contrary to the OP's claims, we do carefully listen to the members. However, for the good of the whole forum, we are sometimes forced to make decisions that run contrary to popular member opinion. And on occasion, those decisions are pretty hard to make and we may not even like having to do it. More often that not, those situations are because of prior related issues that have caused conflict, or to avoid what we know to be unfortunate but inevitable problems down the road. We don't always like that, but it's simple reality.

So, I do not doubt that some of the decisions the moderators make are unpopular. And no doubt that we do alienate some of the members from time to time by either responding to something poorly (we're human), or by simply doing something that they disagree with. But is that disrespectful? I don't believe so. If it were, we very much like to think that the more established members here would tell us...after all, we have known many of you personally for years from hikes and hangouts. Many we even number as close friends. But if that happened, I like to think it wouldn't involve name-calling, like draconian and exclusionary.

Is HF moderated tightly? Yes. But please understand, that's very much on purpose. When HF was split from Whiteblaze, shortly thereafter, that site had to be shut down for a while because it got out of hand from arguing, trolling, and off-topic posts. It caused a rift in that community whose effects are still felt. We are absolutely dedicated to seeing that that does not occur here. So, do forgive us if we continually err on the side of caution rather than debate.

In this particular case, it seems the OP is upset about the moving of a single thread some months ago, and not adding a new feature. Fine, we listened and understand that you disagree. Message received. But forgive us if we feel that name-calling and leaving is over-reacting. That being said, we wish you nothing but success. There are lots of other wonderful outdoor-related communities, and I'm sure one of them will fit your needs.

I think that sometimes (and I believe this to be the case with the OP) more is read into the tone of something a moderator says than was actually intended. As canoebie often tells us, it is difficult to accurately convey tone in written language without actual body language to back it up. And a couple of us are admittedly and notoriously bad at conveying that. So while a response may be intended as a flat and straightforward reply yet it comes across as chastisement...that's rarely the intent. And we would ask for the benefit of the doubt when a response can be read in more than one way. But also remember that setting and enforcing rules sometimes does require a certain firmness. That firmness should not be mistaken for arrogance though.

Yes, this is still a 'small' forum. We recently culled a big bunch of zero-post accounts that hadn't been logged into in a couple of years. That leaves HF with about 16,000 members...and 5 currently active moderators. While that may not sound like an astounding ratio, and it's probably not...let us assure you that it keeps us busy. Sometimes busy enough that we forget to send a PM when one of us moves a thread, which was the case here. That was the exception rather than the rule.

There's actually a little bit of a joke among the mods about how we are akin to the custodial staff of HF. As janitors, we mop up the messes and take out the trash. So, as a janitor for HF...I'd just like to say - Please don't be offended if we move one of your threads. It's not personal. We're just doing our best to keep things organized and running smoothly. And please don't hold it against us if we respond to something poorly. If that's the case, chances are that you received a quick response because we were busy in real life, but didn't want to leave you waiting to hear back. We admit we aren't perfect, but we do try our best. Hopefully that best is good enough to keep things going smoothly.

All smilies implied.

...just the musings of one mod. Don't hold it against me.

09-20-2012, 20:57
One thing I try to teach my children is not to be a victim. It's so easy to think people are out to get you, but it's loser thinking - it doesn't benefit anyone.

I must admit I struggled with "the rules" growing up - any rules. And if there were consequences for me breaking the rules, it was always someone else's fault - always. I never did anything wrong. I accepted no personal responsibility. Needless to say, with that type of attitude, it was hard to stay gainfully employed. In fact, one of my trademarks after losing a job was to give my employer the finger and a few choices words on my way out the door.

Well, I grew up. I decided I was no longer going to be a victim, no longer going to walk around with a persecution complex, that everyone was out to get me, that nothing was ever my fault. I'm happy to say that the same employer has fired me four times (or laid off, same difference), and hired me back four times because I didn't succumb to victimhood. I didn't give them the finger once as I hit the door. One time was especially hard to be quiet - they fired me the week before Christmas! That was especially hard to hold my tongue.

I still have moments of victimhood, where I think a certain mod is out to get me (you know who you are!), but I realize that it just doesn't pay to have such negative feelings. Besides, they're feelings - I never have any concrete evidence that someone is out to get me. Just a feeling. Feelings cause people to do stupid things, to say stupid things, to possibly damage relationships or associations. That's why I try to keep my feelings at bay - they're rarely rational.

I think OP may have taken things way too personally, let his feelings get in the way, when the mods were just doing their jobs. With such a modest posting history, I doubt the moderators even knew him enough to dislike him or be "out to get him."

None of my posts get moved any more - I've figured out which forum to post them to, though I struggled at first. I still get the occasional deleted post, but hey, I'm human!

It's certainly a lot more convenient to blame others on your own failure to follow the rules, but it's certainly not mature or productive. And feelings certainly interfere with a civil and reasoned discourse of all things hammocking.

09-20-2012, 21:25
Found this place almost 2 years ago from another forum. Shortly afterwards joined after seeing the single mindedness and friendliness of the membership. Didn't realize at first most of it was due to hard work of our moderators. Sure we have stoves, packs, cutlery, food, etc. But this is THE Hammock Forum. In the recent past we had a thread on 'how do you store a firearm in your hammock'. Through excellent moderation with a few admonitions this thread was allowed to continue for numerous post. I can't imagine the amount of moderation and leniency that was allowed on that thread.

Recently noticed some request to add this or that subforum. In my humble opinion,IMHO something else an old man had to learn, I'm more than happy with the way the Forum is and is currently ran. I'm here morning, noon and night and still have more than enough to keep up with.

Close this bit of ramble with a hearty Thank You to our janitors.

09-20-2012, 22:02
The OP also had an attack and quit post on the thread. about chat. I was taught not to quit and figured out the need to persuade. My second job was janitorial (1st was paper boy) and to this day go out of my way to not make it difficult for those who clean up messes. Thanks moderators for the work you do. This is my favorite forum

09-20-2012, 22:03
Count me in as another satisfied member with HF. I think the moderators do a pretty good job.

09-20-2012, 22:13
We have the BEST mods of any forum on the internet!!!!

Thank you mods!!! You are doing an excellent job!!!!

If anyone disagrees with the TOS of hammock-forums then they are free to "hang up" on this forum and find another one more to their liking.

In my opinion this post should have been rejected.

Maybe he just enjoys stirring the pot to get an argument going so he can show off his ignorance and lack of decency and manners.

09-20-2012, 22:58
It is easy to get angry when someone disagrees with you. The OP seems upset at the lack of a chat function, and the mods response to his suggestion. Watching a few similar threads develop, I can see both sides. Many of these ideas are not new. The mods have already considered them and made a decision on them. The mods responses are generally swift and short. Something like, "We have discussed this before and it isn't the direction we want to take Hammockforum.net." The person making the suggestion probably feels like they are being blown off and that the mods aren't listening to suggestions.

Personally, I would rather get the "Not gonna happen, sorry" over a "well take it under advisement." At least the mods are forward and honest about their moderation of the forum. I admire that.

09-21-2012, 09:28
In my opinion this post should have been rejected.

Unfortunately that would only have proved his point.At least to him.Oh well... guess this kind of puts things in perspective.

09-21-2012, 11:43
In my opinion this post should have been rejected.

Maybe he just enjoys stirring the pot to get an argument going so he can show off his ignorance and lack of decency and manners.

proving his point eh

09-21-2012, 14:54
I think that sometimes (and I believe this to be the case with the OP) more is read into the tone of something a moderator says than was actually intended. As canoebie often tells us, it is difficult to accurately convey tone in written language without actual body language to back it up.

I wholeheartedly agree! I seem to have a particular ability to piss people off even though I go to great lengths attempting to read and re-read my internet writings beforehand in an attempt to be clear and avoid any emotional misinterpretation. This syndrome would run rampant on HF, as it does on other forums, if it were not for the moderators.

I happily join the ranks of those who have run afoul of HF moderators before and applaud them for helping us all to learn how to get along and play nice.
I personally welcome any suggestions from the mods that helps me deal with my own shortcomings.

This forum is what it is because those who stay are comfortable with following the rules they agreed to when they joined. What a novel concept in today's society!

I visit HF several times daily. It feels like family to me even though I have met very few personally. Thanks to the mods for diligently working to keep it this way.

09-21-2012, 15:20
I have been scolded a couple of times. I just accepted the correction, and did not exactly do it again.

You have to have guidelines to insure civilized behavior. I belong to a group of people with the same medical condition. Last December, there was one person posting, that had a complete melt down, on line. Many posters entered into the rude postings. People that were new to the site, they entered into the middle of the discord, taking sides, enlarging the disagreement. I communicated with the moderators, nothing was done with the situation. Things became very bad, I started getting nasty stuff sent through the mail. I filed a formal complaint with the USPS, police were involved. Someone lost their job, over the mess on the website.

All of that could have been avoided if our moderators had been moderating. As things turned out the Web Site was shut down for a week, while everyone calmed down.

I like that everyone is not bickering or being turkeys. I think a good job is being done, I like the order of the site. Men, women, confused, some young and some older. Many different socioeconomic situations. Buy the newest, DIY and everything inbetween. I like it.

09-21-2012, 17:30
I came to HF with the feeling that I was being allowed into someone elses party. How wrong that turned out to be, as all at once I came to understand that this was my place too. I totally appreciate how everything is done, and even the two or three times a moderator took the time to help me in getting started. Ever been offended? No way. Our Mods rock.

Beast 71
09-21-2012, 18:20
Unfortunately that would only have proved his point.At least to him.Oh well... guess this kind of puts things in perspective.

It isn't the first time I've posted this; RREV IS RIGHT !!!
... And I'm sure it won't be the last.

Most of us here are Americans or are otherwise from liberal (notice small L so not trying to be political) western democracies so it's understandable that we'd bristle and chafe when we think our free speach rights are being trod apon, but we must also remember individual ownership and property rights are a huge part of our philosophies as well. Being that we all are under the mods e-roof we have to play according to their rules. Hammock Forums; Love it or leave it!;)

09-21-2012, 20:01
AS speaks wisely, however I didn't read into it that the moderators were not or had not been members. I can see how isolating them in posts may allow for that perspective though. With the membership of 16,000+ and five moderators, they are an active crew alright but I have always viewed them as seasoned forum members who wanted to make this place as wonderful as it is. They earn the respect they get every day.

I agree with AS that in the written language it's difficult to express the emotion and that does indeed lead to one thought being interpreted as another resulting in some unintentional hurt feelings.

Last, it's so stinking refreshing to see that I am not the only one (or even one of just a few) that the moderators devoted some errr... attention to.

09-21-2012, 20:05
Last, it's so stinking refreshing to see that I am not the only one (or even one of just a few) that the moderators devoted some errr... attention to.

Yep, they're out to get you, those mods!

If there are only five for 16,000+ members, I vote for giving them all a raise. They're doing a great job.

09-21-2012, 20:20
Me like.Delete me,move me anyway you want me,long as you love me it's alright.

09-21-2012, 20:28
Me like.Delete me,move me anyway you want me,long as you love me it's alright.
:lol: :lol:
For the younger members, this is a "one hit wonder" by a band called American Breed - 1968.

09-21-2012, 20:57
:lol: :lol:
For the younger members, this is a "one hit wonder" by a band called American Breed - 1968.
I figured one of the grey ones on this site would chime in[or did you ask your father MAD/?. Sorry mods;is that movement I feel?

09-21-2012, 21:43
Nope, MADD didn't have to ask his father. He was there.

09-22-2012, 07:11
I could not disagree more with the OP.

1. The mere fact this post remains on the site contradicts his claim of moderation of dissenting opinions.
2. Rules regarding non-hammock related subjects is indeed detailed in the TOS
3. Many differing opinions appear in the hammock related threads. Just because it stays focused doesn't make it a wiki. Discussion, dissent and differing opinions are plentiful, just stay on topic. ... oh look a squirrel

09-22-2012, 08:38
. ... oh look a squirrel^Quick somebody fetch my gun...

I (dislike) whiners. Go tell your feelings on Facebook.

09-22-2012, 09:45
I own, administer, and moderate a forum of my own. I have also been a long-time moderator on half a dozen other forums, all with a subject matter related to firearms and tactical training. (That's what I do for a living.)
So,....I know and understand how it works.

And with that said, HF is my favorite place on the web!
I like the way this place is run. I like the civility of the members. It's breath of fresh air in comparison to the bickering, ego, and machismo on gun forums.

09-23-2012, 11:45
Sorry but the OP is somewhat correct.

I agree that ALL non hammock related threads should be moved to the off-topic area. BUT.
There is currently a thread talking about how a members dog died, that has not been moved.
As bad as it is to lose a dog it has no more to do with hammocks than does the OP's thread about alcohol stoves!
That said I think the mods do a good job of keeping things friendly and on topic, but by jumping on this guy for speaking an opinion while we have an off topic thread getting lots of posts does sit wrong with me.

Just Jeff
09-23-2012, 13:28
There is currently a thread talking about how a members dog died, that has not been moved.

So perhaps you could use the "report post" button and let us know there's an off-topic thread that needs attention. Might be better to take action to fix it, rather than just post about it in a different thread. Members often help us keep things organized and on topic.

09-23-2012, 14:00
I'm getting a clear message we like it here despite some transgressions a lot of us have made. Since it's"family friendly", be careful of the door. ;-)

09-23-2012, 14:10
(snip).......I do hope however that this will make the round of the moderators in their private circles, and just perhaps make them realize that there is a growing ire among many of the forum members about just how they are treated. (snip)

..So in the 5 pages of this discussion I have seen one person bring up a concern about a potential problem. I do not see a growing ire. In fact, I see public support, respect, and an adult willingness to admit human failings throughout those posts. That does this forum and especially the moderators a great deal of credit.

I have never dealt with the volume and size of a forum like this from a moderator's perspective, but I have been a forum admin and a gaming admin on a large FPS shooter gaming site. It is mostly a thankless job that requires a lot of dedication and finesse. That experience makes me appreciate moderators and admins even more.

I get to spend a good deal of time on computers here and there and I try to use that time productively. When spending down-time on a computer, I try to be productive as well so I look up things and try to learn/stretch my brain.
It doesn't take long to realize when you are on a loosely or non-moderated forum. The quality of the information is often lacking and disorganized and the level of respect for fellow posters is often low.

HF is exceptional. The moderators provide structure and a certain amount of leadership in a way not unlike friendly sheepdogs (no offense intended guys) keeping the flock pointed in the right direction while watching out for problems. The membership maintains a high standard of respect and demonstrates good communication skills. I often find myself giving someone a silent nod and quick thanks when I see how they handled an issue or a mistake. I have never been disappointed with the site, its structure, or its members. In fact, I have been accepted into this community with open arms- not just online but freely in real life.

Cheesy, poorly moderated forums would have flicked away the OP's post without a second thought. This place is better than that. Our mods left it up to allow debate, discussion, and to show that they are not power hungry and easily threatened by someones angry parting shot.

It appears the growing ire has left the building.

Thank you HF moderators for your time and efforts and thank you HF members for freely sharing your knowledge, your skills, and your opinions.

I love this place!:D

09-24-2012, 17:42
I use to visit whiteblaze on a regular basis but the negative comments and running arguments by a FEW of the members caused me to go elsewhere. This is not a bash of whiteblaze .As a junior member here,I appreciate the format and the obvious respect of the other members for each other.It only takes a few malcontents [left unchecked] to sour the experience for everyone.

09-24-2012, 18:00
I have been scolded for breaching of the rules, I goofed, shame on me. So what, I typed the wrong thing, break the rules, pay attention, do not do it again, go on with your life. No need to become upset, unless you have some sort of uncontroled mental problem. Most people break some rule or another every once in awhile, we just need to be made aware of it and not do it again. Pretty simple part of life.

Very intersting that so many of us feel we need to make comments. I think the moderators to an excellent job. Speedy also.

10-01-2012, 20:30
Personally, I think the mods are being a little lax here. This post has nothing to do with hammocks and should be moved...just saying.

But seriously, I like that the mods stay on top of the posts and I too have had posts moved, I am sure they won't be the last ones.