View Full Version : structural ridgeline length for ENO Doublenest?

11-11-2008, 11:36
I don't particularly care much for ridgelines since I've bumped into them at night. However, I would like a ridgeline on the ENO Doublenest to save time and quit having to step back to visually determine the right amount of sag each time it's set up. A ridgeline to hold up a mesh storage bag would be nice too.

How long should a structural ridgeline be for a fairly common amount of sag on a ENO Doublenest?

11-11-2008, 11:41
How long should a structural ridgeline be for a fairly common amount of sag on a ENO Doublenest?

Start somewhere in the neighborhood of 90 inches, and work back and forth a couple of inches until you find what feels best.

11-11-2008, 12:36
Thanks a bunch, Angrysparrow!

11-12-2008, 12:15
Yea, allow room to play with. Start with what looks good, probably where you hang now, then try a longer &/or shorter ridge length.

I usually sleep in my hammock 3 or 4 nights before trying a different length. My personal preferance is a long ridge line: My hammock (counting the attachment ropes) is about 11.25' long, my ridgeline is 10.25' long plus about 8" at each end attached to ring buckles.