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01-30-2013, 11:29
Check this out: TreezTents at www.treeztreetents.com

01-30-2013, 11:36
Eight pounds? No thanks. I could carry my tent and my hammock and still be under that.

01-30-2013, 11:39
Reading their advertisement, I got a good laugh.

"Our whole concept allows users to move away from worn areas and camp anywhere there are trees—regardless of ground conditions, grade or topography..."

Hmmm....seems there's a simpler, much smaller/lighter version already out there...

And then throw in: "...weighs in at a very modest and packable 8 pounds."


01-30-2013, 11:44
Don't mind the weight... It's the PRICES that get me. WOW tha's a LOT of money!!!

01-30-2013, 11:46
Not to mention its $1,249!!!!:scared:

01-30-2013, 11:51
I just looked at their "minimalist". $369 for a 3 point hammock. Actually, I kinda like the idea of a 3 point hammock...I could see my wife feeling a lot more comfortable in that. Of course, you have to find the right configuration of trees...3 trees rather than 2.

But how much could it really cost to DIY your own 3 pointer? And I'd be amazed if someone hadn't already long since come up with this idea.

01-30-2013, 11:55
Might be okay for car or canoe.

01-30-2013, 11:55
It'sAndy had one of these at the 3rd Annual FL Hang this month, and it looked interesting. For kayaking (which is what he's using it for), it's not a bad deal; a freestanding t**t that can be hung from the trees for additional comfort when possible. Yes, yes, you can use your hammock as a bivvy with a groundsheet and tarp--but, it's not freestanding the way this thing is.

Not sure I'd pay over a grand for it (heck, I'm not sure it's something I'd buy, period: I don't intend on going where there are no trees, and my concern for weight isn't quite up to biting seven extra pounds of shelter), but it's an interesting idea for folks who want a lot of flexibility and for whom weight isn't much of a concern.

Personal opinion: interesting idea, fairly well executed, but not something I'd pay more for than a regular full-featured hammock.

01-30-2013, 11:59
Not to mention its $1,249!!!!:scared:

Just imagine what the underquilt would cost... (rimshot) :lol:

Doubt I'd ever buy one, but I'd probably pay $10 just to watch one get set up and try it out.

Any step off the ground is a step in the right direction for our poor groundsleeping brothers and sisters. They are a confused lot, but the recent attempts to elevate their tents show they ARE learning. Keep spreading the good news, they'll 'get it' yet!

01-30-2013, 12:01

umm, no.

it better levitate for that price.

01-30-2013, 12:07
I was looking at their site a while back thinking about building my own three point setup. The only way that works out is with their suspension/tension system they've developed in conjunction with their trampoline type floor. I thought it was a interesting concept but finding three trees spaced appropriately is definitely harder than two in my book.

Here's another weird one for you guys the "Tentsile - Tree Tent" (http://www.tentsile.com/index.html) for any environment they say. The even have one that's supposed to sleep 6-8 people.

01-30-2013, 12:08
$1200, new winter palace cuben tarp, new burrow and a whole new summer quilt set as well LOL!! Ill keep dreamin for now

01-30-2013, 12:08
Heck, even if it were all cuben, it would still be exorbitantly expensive. Seems like an awful lot to pay - and carry - to get a flatter lay. Wouldn't the whole tent configuration be susceptible to wind gusts? I didn't notice any guylines for that. Or maybe its so well constructed with space age materials that it doesn't need additional accessories like that... LOL.

01-30-2013, 12:25
They got the right idea; it's just that the application is a bit... off.

For the price of their minimalist setup I could live quite high on the hammock-gear hog, and for $1200 I could set myself up for a lifetime AND buy a Molly MacPack to lug the gear around in.

Still, I'll pass no judgement--the insanely wealthy need something to spend their money on. Why not the world's most ridiculous t-ammock?

Ooops, judgement :blush::D

01-30-2013, 12:32
They got the right idea; it's just that the application is a bit... off.

For the price of their minimalist setup I could live quite high on the hammock-gear hog, and for $1200 I could set myself up for a lifetime AND buy a Molly MacPack to lug the gear around in.

Still, I'll pass no judgement--the insanely wealthy need something to spend their money on. Why not the world's most ridiculous t-ammock?

Ooops, judgement :blush::D

mwahahaha! well said!

01-30-2013, 12:45
I did get a chance to see one up close at the 3rd Annual Florida Hang. ItsAndy was doing a product review on it. You can tell the guy who designed this was a sailor. The suspension system uses Harken blocks which is some pretty serious hardware.

I can see where it would not be the right fit for most, but for someone like my friend who does kayaking excursions and sometimes has to make camp on a beach, it saves him the trouble of having to carry both a tent and a hammock.

01-30-2013, 13:12
Some folks will go to any length just so they don't have to admit a hammock is better than a tent...


01-30-2013, 13:30
Here's another weird one for you guys the "Tentsile - Tree Tent" (http://www.tentsile.com/index.html) for any environment they say. The even have one that's supposed to sleep 6-8 people.

That has group buy written all over it.

01-30-2013, 14:25
Watch the setup video...HOLY COW are they putting some serious tension on those ropes. I'm trying to figure out how that's NOT horrible for the trees, even with the tree straps.

Not to mention...I've not yet seen how you get in and out of the darned things???

01-30-2013, 15:01
I think $1300 is definitely a bit pricey! I wonder how many people it is supposed to sleep. If someone were to execute this idea, and you could sleep multiple people...then it might be useful and the weight might be tolerable if you could split the load.

Still...the part that bothers me as others mentioned is finding a site:

From their FAQ section:

What is an easy site?

An easy site would be one in which the trees were on nearly level ground and spaced in an easy, nearly equilateral or isoceles (two sides the same length, one side shorter) triangle at least a few feet on each side larger than the footprint of the tent which, with the Alpha, is also shaped as an isoceles triangle. An easy set-up would be from about knee high off the ground—the user must leave some sag room to keep his behind off the ground—to about head-high which is about the highest a user can set the tent and still do all set-up operations from the ground.

Equilateral or isoceles?? I'm going to have to pack my 7th grade Geometry book in order to find a site!

01-30-2013, 20:23
Um, yeah, EASY!

I can imagine a lot places like that...

01-30-2013, 21:38
This reminded me of something you would see in SkyMall.

01-31-2013, 13:19
But Wait there's more!!! For just $369.00 you can get the Treez Minimalist (http://www.treeztreetents.com/The-Minimalist.html). Um, isn't that just a Bridge Hammock and a Tarp?

01-31-2013, 14:00
Um, isn't that just a Bridge Hammock and a Tarp?

"Unlike two point hammocks, you can't turn them over. Rest and lounging are level and stable not saggy and sacklike!"

The hammock rig is 3 lbs 14 oz and their tarp is another pound... ULTRALIGHT!!! :rolleyes:

01-31-2013, 16:51
"Unlike two point hammocks, you can't turn them over. Rest and lounging are level and stable not saggy and sacklike!"

The hammock rig is 3 lbs 14 oz and their tarp is another pound... ULTRALIGHT!!! :rolleyes:

I'll stick to my GTUL and Warbonnet :)

01-31-2013, 17:03
....I think I can do this :rolleyes:

01-31-2013, 17:27
I just looked at their "minimalist". $369 for a 3 point hammock. Actually, I kinda like the idea of a 3 point hammock...I could see my wife feeling a lot more comfortable in that. Of course, you have to find the right configuration of trees...3 trees rather than 2.

But how much could it really cost to DIY your own 3 pointer? And I'd be amazed if someone hadn't already long since come up with this idea.

I think dblhammock has done some successful designs...

Mr. Pink
01-31-2013, 19:47
The man has obviously put in a great deal of time, thought, and hard work to come up with something he believes in. I guess it takes a like mind to appreciate another persons ingenuity.

It takes a lot less to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind or doesn't.

01-31-2013, 19:58
The man has obviously put in a great deal of time, thought, and hard work to come up with something he believes in. I guess it takes a like mind to appreciate another persons ingenuity.

It takes a lot less to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind or doesn't.

Well, that's true, it doesn't take much time to realize that no matter how much real ingenuity was put into it, its done at a ridiculous pricepoint.

01-31-2013, 20:10
The man has obviously put in a great deal of time, thought, and hard work to come up with something he believes in. I guess it takes a like mind to appreciate another persons ingenuity.

It takes a lot less to blurt out the first thing that comes to mind or doesn't.

... Which is what he did when he implied that two point hammocks are 'saggy and sacklike.' The whole website is just ridiculous and misleading. He basically refuses to acknowledge the existence of true ultralight hammocking. If he pitched the idea based on its true strengths, which have been mentioned in this thread, then I'd be on-board... But he doesn't, he plays to ignorance. Sorry I don't appreciate that tactic.

01-31-2013, 20:49
To each their own I suppose. I must say 2 things - 1. I would never buy it, 2. It is cool.

My tent set up is just a bit over that weight, and it is a VERY durable 3 season tent (more like a 4 season as it has full panels that zip in for full double wall protection). Given the protection, I'd rather have my tent - and I've used it in some pretty extreme conditions, none I would be willing to subject my hammock to. I would also not trust this hanging tent in like conditions.

I think it has its place. It is a unique idea. I can't see this thing's intended purpose as being a backpacking shelter. It is entirely too heavy for packing miles. I have packed some miles with my tent, mostly because that is what I started with when I first got in to backpacking. I bought my current tent before my second trip because my first trip was in late fall and we experienced more winter weather than fall weather - and I didn't have adequate gear. Then after a few years of ground dwelling I graduated to hanging. I have yet to sleep in a tent since. My blackbird is a fantastic shelter and offers a ton more advantages over a tent, but it also isn't without it's drawbacks too.

Advantages and drawbacks to a regular hammock vs. this hanging tent - two trees are all you need. I couldn't imagine trying to rig that thing up at some camps. That is where the weight is - the ropes and rigging to set it up like that. A conventional hammock and tarp is more simple.

If you are "camping" and not "backpacking" then this might be a nifty option. It is pretty slick, but you have to have the means to get it where you are going and also the luxury of time to set it up right. My blackbird and big mamajamba tarp/door kit takes enough time to set up for me. I could simplify things with the tarp by itself (and I have done that on numerous trips) but I really like the added protection (especially in the winter and a rain storm) that the doors offer. They just take a few more minutes to complete the set up.

So yea, cool concept for sure. It just doesn't fit well for a backpacking type shelter.

Mr. Pink
01-31-2013, 22:56
Well, that's true, it doesn't take much time to realize that no matter how much real ingenuity was put into it, its done at a ridiculous pricepoint.

I would have to agree on the price. Even though I did not price out everything used or the amount of time and work put into making one. Which I am sure takes more time than a tarp, quilt, and simple gathered end hammock put together.

... Which is what he did when he implied that two point hammocks are 'saggy and sacklike.' The whole website is just ridiculous and misleading. He basically refuses to acknowledge the existence of true ultralight hammocking. If he pitched the idea based on its true strengths, which have been mentioned in this thread, then I'd be on-board... But he doesn't, he plays to ignorance. Sorry I don't appreciate that tactic.

I love light weight gear but, I am not going to jump on the band wagon and bash his product just because I do not like his selling points. If we are going to nit pick here, I would definitely not describe the hammock you have in your avatar as "rigid". Either way, I was just hinting at the idea that everyone has differing opinions. It does not mean we can not have constructive criticism though.

02-01-2013, 08:07
I love light weight gear but, I am not going to jump on the band wagon and bash his product just because I do not like his selling points. If we are going to nit pick here, I would definitely not describe the hammock you have in your avatar as "rigid". Either way, I was just hinting at the idea that everyone has differing opinions. It does not mean we can not have constructive criticism though.

I'm not bashing because I don't like his selling points, I'm pointing out that his selling points are misleading at best and down-right deceptive at worst. We can agree to disagree.

02-01-2013, 08:27
Hard for me to understand that anyone would buy this. I mean there must be a market somewhere if they are being produced so wtf?

02-01-2013, 08:28
I'm not bashing because I don't like his selling points, I'm pointing out that his selling points are misleading at best and down-right deceptive at worst. We can agree to disagree.

Agreed here, though I suppose I cut a little slack for normal advertising hyperbole, which is fairly typically misleading anyway - not limited to just this guy. But, I do think what's worth "bashing" him on - excuse me, "pointing out" - is that his setup seems so rigid that it seems likely to have some of the same negative issues as with camping on the ground. Perhaps slightly less, don't know for sure, but I know I experience some of the same pressure-point issues when I hang my hammock too tight. Hey, perhaps if we tried it there would be some sort of epiphany from how well it slept. Not going to know unless he gets it out there, and at that cost, its not getting out there.

02-01-2013, 08:45
Agreed here, though I suppose I cut a little slack for normal advertising hyperbole, which is fairly typically misleading anyway - not limited to just this guy.

The whole site just seems to assume that I know nothing about what ultra-light shelter solutions are out there. I don't appreciate that. If they want to limit their customer base to the ignorant then that's their choice, but I certainly don't have to respect it. :mellow:

02-01-2013, 11:46
I believe every good idea blossoms into a great idea. Maybe this type of system will eventually spawn into something lighter, more reasonably priced, and more beneficial to the hanging community. Gotta love the ingenuity people have when properly motivated. After all, my current set up is a prime example of what motivated, brilliant people ( the HF forum) have come up with.

02-01-2013, 12:02
Wanna see a truly innovative hammock/tent hybrid:


I can't find the site for this but I saw them a while back. Each of the 'arms' is a sleeping quarters and the inner section is a 'common area.' No mention of lightweight on the site, but instead they focus on the environmental impact benefits... From what I remember anyway. Again I can't find the manufacturer now, this is just a picture linked elsewhere I found.

02-01-2013, 22:48
Wanna see a truly innovative hammock/tent hybrid:


I can't find the site for this but I saw them a while back. Each of the 'arms' is a sleeping quarters and the inner section is a 'common area.' No mention of lightweight on the site, but instead they focus on the environmental impact benefits... From what I remember anyway. Again I can't find the manufacturer now, this is just a picture linked elsewhere I found.

OMG. Here's a foreign language article about them with more pictures.


Edit: apparently this is a tentsile from above: