View Full Version : Stealth Camping, where do you park?

02-22-2013, 21:17
I have 2 areas I would like to explore but I have no idea where to park. They both have parking areas, but would you get towed? :eek:

02-22-2013, 21:18
That depends where they are, what they are... And how strict they are...

02-22-2013, 21:23
Have someone drop you off/pick you up after? Just a thought.......RR

02-22-2013, 21:32
One of the parks is huge, but the area around it is dirt roads with houses every half mile. I just feel like they would call the cops if I left my car there over night. The other one I would have to park in a more residential area and casually walk a dirt road to the trail head. Lots of places in West Mi. to stealth camp.

02-22-2013, 21:33
Knock on a door and ask to park?

02-22-2013, 21:48
I live in Battle Creek, I may know the spot you are thinking of, give me some more info and I might be able to help you out.

02-22-2013, 21:53
I park legally. Usually a parking lot. Never on a parkway.

02-23-2013, 20:34
I'll use public parking or trailhead lots that are not checked for overnighting or would raise suspicion. I have a few places where I have established a relationship with people who let me park on their land or even in their driveway.
There's so many ways to do it. I've never once encountered a problem. I only stealth camp state land, never private.

I've also done the "Drop me off here and pick me up there on Sunday at 3pm" type weekends.

02-23-2013, 20:45
I run into this often trying to get river access across private land for launching my kayak. I've knocked on doors before and offered $100 for 1 year of access/parking. Sometime it works - sometimes it doesn't. But when it does, I'm assured of access without the crowds often associated with public access points.

In any case, I would ALWAYS ask before parking illegally or on someone's private property.

02-24-2013, 13:39
Well...it absolutely depends on the area, how strict etc. etc. but when I am in State Parks and I want to Stealth Camp and I am not registered at a camp site I put a sign on my window saying "My cars battery is dead, I will be back tomorrow afternoon to get this heap out of here". Never had any problems.