View Full Version : St. Louis REI — Hammock Camping Class

03-08-2013, 08:37
REI is offering a Hammock Camping class next month here in St. Louis. I am interested in going to maybe pick up some new tricks. Has anyone heard of Jim Swinehart is he possibly a Hammock forum member?

Anyways there are 45 spots available and it is a free class so I will give it a try. If anyone is in the St Louis area and plans to go let me know and we can meet up and compare some of our Hammock notes after the class.


St. Louis REI — Hammock Camping
Date: 4/17/2013
Event Location: St. Louis REI
Event Fee: Free
Time: 7:00 - 8:00 PM CDT
Presenter: Jim Swinehart
Group Size: 45
Description: If you thought hammocks were only for a backyard snooze then think again. Hammock camping opens up many more places for campsites - stony, sloped, and damp sites as well as keeping you off the ground and away from small animals, reptiles and insects. Sleeping off the ground with a properly rigged tarp also keeps you out of rainwater runoff during a downpour that might seep in under a tent. When properly fit, they are usually more comfortable than ground beds and offer complete shelter with a bug net and tarp. Lightweight hammocks and tarps are a great option for ultralight backpacking. This workshop will review the basics of hammock camping, from choosing the best hammock and rigging to tips on site selection and options when trees are scarce. Jim Swinehart, a retired Geology professor, has hammock camped for over 35 years around the world and in a variety of climates.

03-08-2013, 09:29
Could be interesting.

03-08-2013, 09:35
Curious to see if the teacher is a member as well and if not if he has heard of this site.

03-08-2013, 11:54
sounds like fun. Might not be worth the 2 1/2 hour drive for me to attend, but there are always fun things to do in the Lou! It's cool that REI has recognized this form of camping as legit and is adapting their product line and information accordingly.