View Full Version : Unique toggles?

03-12-2013, 15:28
I switched over to whoppies and am now using the marlin spike method. I grabbed the first thing I saw and thats a set of very old 1/4" drill bits to use as toggles. last trip out I used my great grandpa's beat to heck straight steel chisel and a pin from some scaffolding. What things have you used?

03-12-2013, 15:36
I'm very new to this but as soon as I walked in the garage after reading about these toggle thingies I looked at some stainless steel brake lines. They're about 3/8in and I cut them about 3in long, I then dipped them in red paint.

03-12-2013, 15:41
I use shell casings from a .308

03-12-2013, 15:47
I use 3" pieces of an aluminum arrow shaft.

03-12-2013, 17:54
I use a couple pieces of dowel rod.

03-12-2013, 18:05
As usual, it sounds like I'm the wierd one, using something bigger than most of you chose . . .

When I went to the garage, I grabbed a piece of 1/2" EMT conduit and cut off a few 3" pieces. These little bits really aren't that heavy, and I think the larger diameter works well because the straps don't have to contort as much to tighten firmly around the toggle.


03-12-2013, 18:10
I took one of the plastic clothes hangers and cut a 2.5" section from the straight part then drilled a hole at one end and put a loop of mason line through 3 grams each

03-12-2013, 18:34
I use pieces of carbon and aluminum arrow shafts. Pretty ho-hum... I like Gresh's .308 case idea!

Take it easy,

03-12-2013, 19:14
I use pieces of carbon and aluminum arrow shafts. Pretty ho-hum... I like Gresh's .308 case idea!

Take it easy,

True story: On my first hang, we all went shooting at the nearby outdoor range. When we got back from the range I replaced my toggles (a BIC lighter and a pen) with ammo casings - never looked back.

03-12-2013, 21:35
+1 on the arrow shafts, i've also used a section of dowel, short stick, tent stake, and the spine side of small carabiners.

03-12-2013, 21:41
I use a piece of fiberglass tent pole.

03-12-2013, 22:29
30.06 casings

03-12-2013, 22:42
As usual, it sounds like I'm the wierd one, using something bigger than most of you chose . . .

When I went to the garage, I grabbed a piece of 1/2" EMT conduit and cut off a few 3" pieces. These little bits really aren't that heavy, and I think the larger diameter works well because the straps don't have to contort as much to tighten firmly around the toggle.


I started out on some 3/4 inch EMT conduit. Now I'm using carbon fiber arrow shafts cut to 3 inches, 3g for the pair.

03-13-2013, 04:15
I use shell casings from a .308

Had the same idea. I had a random .243 casing laying on my drsser and was considering using that. Nice and shiny in case you drop it.

03-13-2013, 05:05
I use 3" pieces of knitting needles.
Olddog gave me my 1st set and I've made them for all my other hammocks since.

03-13-2013, 05:07
I use pieces of an old and broken cf fly rod cut into 3" sections, work great and the pair weigh 3g with cord.

03-13-2013, 06:13
I took one of the plastic clothes hangers and cut a 2.5" section from the straight part then drilled a hole at one end and put a loop of mason line through 3 grams each

Ditto exactly. I use the mason's line loop to girth hitch them through the loop of each tree strap for storage.

I was lucky enough to find a RED plastic coat hanger! These are my go-to toggles now. Lighter and less bulky than any I've had before (other than trail sticks.) :D

03-13-2013, 07:57
Call me a sissy or call me strange, but really prefer to marlin spike hitch a carabiner into the tree strap and then just clip into that. I'm a fairly big guy and I like the security and peace of mind :D

03-13-2013, 09:02
I just grab two sturdy sticks from around the area. I carry a couple slices of arrow shaft as backup, but I rarely need to break them out.

03-13-2013, 09:44
A frozen carrot has been used when I dropped a soft shackle in the snow. :D :lol:

Not tried a leek yet, only used that for a snow anchor.

03-13-2013, 09:50
I have graphite golf club shaft cuttings (I used to make a lot of clubs). You can often pick up a broken shaft at ranges and courses. One from the tip and one from the butt end and they slip inside each other. Also super light.

03-13-2013, 09:53
I use 3" pieces of an aluminum arrow shaft.

This is what I use, when I use toggles (which is rarely). I love whoopies but for me, toggles are a bit of a pain. I prefer an Elephant Trunk or similar. The whoopie always seems to slip off the knot at some point during setup (for me).

They're light and cheap and I use them with my scouts. Just don't like them personally.

03-13-2013, 10:08
Call me a sissy or call me strange, but really prefer to marlin spike hitch a carabiner into the tree strap and then just clip into that. I'm a fairly big guy and I like the security and peace of mind :D

+1 to this. JBizzle showed me this trick last year at the first KC Area Hang, and I've used it ever since.

03-13-2013, 10:18
Call me a sissy or call me strange, but really prefer to marlin spike hitch a carabiner into the tree strap and then just clip into that. I'm a fairly big guy and I like the security and peace of mind :D

+1 Same here :)

03-13-2013, 21:23
I'm surprised there are no antler or bone ones out there.

03-13-2013, 21:31
I'd been looking at this site all winter. I made myself a tablecloth hammock, whoopies and straps. The first day over 40* I packed them up to try out in the forest preserve. Then I realized I had no toggles. So I grabbed my two largest Allen wrenches. They worked great.

03-15-2013, 09:23
two 4 inch thumbsized hickory sticks, debarked and whittled down to silky smoothness

03-15-2013, 09:43
CJ A few folks have used antler. There was some mention of it before

ahah..here ya go.thread and pics (https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=37892&highlight=antler)

03-15-2013, 11:34
A frozen carrot has been used when I dropped a soft shackle in the snow. :D :lol:

Not tried a leek yet, only used that for a snow anchor.

I thought the spent ammo casings were totally Mcguiver but I think you win they golden roll of duct tape... a frozen carrot. That has to be one of the bravest things I've ever heard. :lol::lol::lol:

03-15-2013, 12:36
Yeah, the frozen carrot idea is great - in the morning when the sun hits it, it melts, and drops your slumbering butt to the ground! Automatic sun-up alarm clock! :laugh:


03-15-2013, 12:44
Yeah, the frozen carrot idea is great - in the morning when the sun hits it, it melts, and drops your slumbering butt to the ground! Automatic sun-up alarm clock! :laugh:


lets not forget the wildlife... frozen carrot + hungry squatch = fun times for your fellow hikers :D

03-15-2013, 15:16
I've got a small set of whitetail anters out in the garage. thinking i could cut a couple tines off and smooth the ends. The thouggt just came to me when I saw the thread title.

Edit-and now after reading through the thread I see its mentioned, so much for originality :p

03-15-2013, 15:57
CJ A few folks have used antler. There was some mention of it before

ahah..here ya go.thread and pics (https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=37892&highlight=antler)

Thank you! I thought they would look pretty cool and they sure do!

03-16-2013, 08:17
I pulled one of my wife's noisy wind chimes down and started hacking away with a hacksaw and now I have an endless supply of toggles and a little less noise on those windy nights

shhhhh, don't tell her it wasn't a wind storm that took the thing away. ;)

03-16-2013, 12:23
Yep, still using mine and wouldn't trade them. Here is a link to the thread with my photos:

I'm surprised there are no antler or bone ones out there.

03-16-2013, 16:30
Here's a set of antler toggles I just made.