View Full Version : Canada>Alberta/BC>??????> May 24 Weekend

Jungle Jim
03-27-2013, 12:33
Since I've gotten no response to the Easter Weekend in Banff, I'm guessing we have to start planning further out....

So, I'm open to going anywhere in Alberta or interior BC for the May 24 weekend. Let's see what we can put together.

Jungle Jim

Jungle Jim
03-28-2013, 15:26
Where are my BC and Edmonton brothers and sisters on this one? Surely someone has a good idea for a gathering of the clan, so to speak?

Jungle Jim

04-05-2013, 22:29
How bout the Cline PLUZ. Its by Nordeg, and has many pristene lakes with trout.?????

Jungle Jim
04-06-2013, 15:25
Sounds good to me! 6 hours of driving doesn't bother me!!!

Who else is in?

Jungle Jim

Jungle Jim
04-06-2013, 15:52
Which trail and lakes do you have in mind?

Jungle Jim

04-06-2013, 16:24
Where are my BC and Edmonton brothers and sisters on this one? Surely someone has a good idea for a gathering of the clan, so to speak?

Jungle Jim

Sounds like a great trip, unfortunately I am a little too far away on the coast to attend.

04-06-2013, 20:36
Bit out of range for me now that I live on the coast but there are some good spots in the Cline area. Up by the second or third set of falls past the main Siffleur Falls or park in the gravel quarry and head up the Cline for a few hours and base camp there and do some day jaunts.

If any of you make it coastal let me know. I'm planning at least one island hang this summer.


Jungle Jim
04-06-2013, 23:25
Yah, we are a bit spread out in Canada, aren't we?

If anyone is interested, here is a link to a map of the Cline PLUZ


A topo map I checked out online shows a fair trail leading up the Cline River to Pinto Lake. Looks to be about a 30km hike which sounds like a bit too far for a long weekend.

04-06-2013, 23:59
man I hate having to work long weekends. The Nordegg area is my 2nd favorite in Alberta. worked in Rotten Monkey House for more years than I care to admit :) some fantastic fishing later on in the season . Oh, It will snow. Never fails on May long there :) Have fun and stay warm .

04-07-2013, 17:37
Okay. There are a couple of lakes up in the Cline that we could base camp at. The first one that looks like it would not be too hard to get to is Landslide lake. It looks beautiful up there, but I have never been. Hidden Lake looks promising too, although with both these high mountain lakes, I don't know how big the trees are. Could anyone shine some light on this for me? There are also a couple of campsites along the Cline River Trail that look very promising, particularly the one at Entrance Creek. These are only suggestions, we could head off up the Forestry Trunk Road to Brazeau or one of the other PLUZ up there. I think the only thing to worry about up in that area is cougar, bear, and ????Sasquatch????. Here is a link to Alberta Sasquatch Reportshttp://www.albertasasquatch.com/alberta_reports.html
Its funny how many reports are from around the Nordegg area.

But seriously, I would love to get out there with some fellow hangers, and have a great old time in the outdoors of Alberta.
Just wondering, could we change the date to May 31 - June 3 weekend? I have booked these days off for holidays and it would be cool if it could coincide, plus, May 24 is the long weekend and my uncle says it can get very busy up in there.

04-07-2013, 17:52
I think we should get one of those Hammock Forums flags to hang at our campout. LOL. They seem popular down in the Linville Gorge area.

04-10-2013, 13:43
It will be fairly busy in the area. First long weekend of "summer" ;)