View Full Version : Help! Should I buy this machine

08-09-2013, 11:07
Any thoughts on the value and quality of this machine.


08-09-2013, 11:10
How much is it?
This looks like an older model, so it probably will be
sturdily built. It has a foot pedal (I think), so thats
a plus.

What do you intend to sew with it? Anything super thick?

08-09-2013, 11:19
Any thoughts on the value and quality of this machine.


Does the seller have, or can YOU find, the manual for it? Will they let you try it before you buy it? How long has it been since it was last used? What condition was it in at that time?

All things I would consider before buying a machine, now that I have already bought one and didn't know to check for any of the above information before buying.

edit: Also, if you can get a look at the condition of the gears on the inside, sometimes not all of the gears are steel. One of mine is plastic, but it's not broken.

08-09-2013, 11:20
They are only asking $25. I am looking for something that can sew thicker stuff, as I already own a box store modern machine.

08-09-2013, 11:20
In general, Whites are good machines. That specific one I have no clue. It depends largely on its previous use and maintenance. I don't pass valuation estimates on machines based on pictures off the internet. If you have access to the machine, take it for a spin. Read my "Guidelines" thread in my sig. Others seem to have found it helpful.

08-09-2013, 11:33
Here's the manual (http://www.hammerwall.com/Manuals/White/Description/808/White%20Domestic%20Sewing%20Machine%20Owners%20man ual/840_White%20808%20x/) if you want to familiarize yourself before giving it a try.

08-09-2013, 11:42
25 bucks seems like a good deal,
pending good condition and such.

08-09-2013, 12:17
If its a boat anchor, $25 is not much of a deal. Take Rev's advice. I did and eventually found a Singer 15-91 that does everything I've asked of it so far.

08-09-2013, 13:43
Is it at a store/shop? Or private owner? If the folks are trustworthy or friends then go for it.
Take some webbing and thick material along and do several passes with each material.
Also bring a few feet of scrap ripstop and run the machine thru the stitches. Bring thread along too.

If the machine is not set to run, pass on it. Sometimes folks pull the needle or say no testing. If that's the case, keep looking. Bring a screwdriver along and pop the top and inspect the gear drives. Any cracks or splits are repairable but it can get costly.

PS. There is a hang planned soon in our area. Come on over!

08-09-2013, 14:15
PS. There is a hang planned soon in our area. Come on over!

Lol, I know. I'm bummed, that I can't make it. I'm going to evangelism school on the 18th and won't be back until late November. I have been trying to make it to a hang though. I'm looking forward to someday going to one.

08-09-2013, 14:19
It's at a thrift shop. I stopped in again to ask if I could try it out. As she was setting me up with a space to do so, she suggested that I would be better off to take it home and try it. I have it and can stop by and pay for it or return it when I know more.

08-09-2013, 14:31
It's at a thrift shop. I stopped in again to ask if I could try it out. As she was setting me up with a space to do so, she suggested that I would be better off to take it home and try it. I have it and can stop by and pay for it or return it when I know more.


08-09-2013, 14:33
In general, Whites are good machines. That specific one I have no clue. It depends largely on its previous use and maintenance. I don't pass valuation estimates on machines based on pictures off the internet. If you have access to the machine, take it for a spin. Read my "Guidelines" thread in my sig. Others seem to have found it helpful.

Go with what Ramblinrev is telling you. He knows what he's talking about.

08-09-2013, 14:47
When in doubt ask a Rev, then have the good sense to heed his words.

08-09-2013, 16:23
Okay so, I set it up, and tried it out. It took a little while to figure some things out, as I'm used (like I've been doing it a while haha) to a more modern machine. It ran a great stitch. I'm impressed with its construction. All the gears are steel, and it weighs a lot. In fact I only see one part (the decorative stitch drum thingy lol) that isn't metal. It looks like it was hardly ever used. It does come with a manual (which, by the way, is in pristine condition) and an assortment of feet. I am particularly excited about the rolled hem foot, which I've been wanting to get for my other machine. All in all I think I'll buy it. Not sure I can really go wrong for 25 bucks. It feels strong and it won't put me out much.

08-09-2013, 16:39
Now there ya go. Sounds like you found yourself a deal. I paid $125 for mine, then a $50 service and I count myself lucky.

08-09-2013, 18:45


08-09-2013, 20:25
Well all in all I'm pretty happy. I haven't had a chance to clean and oil the machine yet, so I know it's not 100%. I took some scrap curtain fabric and rolled it and rolled it till it was over 1/4" thick, and it sewed through it without even changing the sound the machine made. Thanks for all the help everybody, I really never expected to own one sewing machine..... Let alone two, but I think it will last me a long long time.