View Full Version : Camping Oct 5-6 Dallas area suggestions please

Shelly O'Smelly
10-01-2013, 15:23
I'd like to get myself and my 5 mo old Lab mix out for a night. We need to get the rust off my camping skills and teach the little one camping manners.

Can someone suggest a spot to do this? I am te** outfitted still and looking to (hangs head) car camp.

10-01-2013, 18:10
Cedar Hill State Park is very close to Dallas and it's a decent place.

10-01-2013, 18:43
Another thought would be to head down I 45 to Fairfield and go to Fairfield Lake State Park where we will be for the hang in November. I'll actually be there the weekend after your trip with a group of teens I'm teaching about hammock camping.

10-01-2013, 20:34
Grapevine lake was a good get away place .

10-01-2013, 21:31
Check out Ray Roberts Lake State Park... there's tons of trails and stuff to do there. Click here --> http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/state-parks/ray-roberts-lake/map

Ray Roberts Greenbelt Corridor (Trails only)
Ray Roberts Lake (Isle du Bois) - Campsites available
Ray Roberts Lake (Johnson Branch) Campsites available

Shelly O'Smelly
10-02-2013, 00:29
Thank you for all the great suggestions. It's so hard to choose!

10-02-2013, 08:41
Thank you for all the great suggestions. It's so hard to choose!

Don't then. Plan a trip to each of them. :laugh:

10-07-2013, 17:30
All suggestions are great. Cedar Lake might be particularly good since you feel like you're out in back country (kind of) but only 15 min or so from a store if you need anything. They also do a great job of keeping facilities clean. Last time I took my son (6), he was so excited because at dark the city lights up across the lake and becomes noticeable, and he could see his Mom's office!

I personally like Fairfield because you can easily car camp or they have a primitive area a short hike (3 mi) around the lake. Bonus: The primitive camp area has a toilet and running water at the beginning of the camp area...great for taking kids and city-types!

On the other side of the metroplex (God's side), Dinosaur Valley also has nice developed lots, good primitive sites across the river on the hill, and good trails for day hikes.

Shelly O'Smelly
10-07-2013, 19:07
Dinosaur Valley sounds like a cool way to get the kids interested, If I could only get them to fly "unaccompanied minor".

I'm taking little tiny baby steps during this reintroduction to camping and learning curve for backpacking. I've got old folks "itis" with a bunch of fancy names, so I need to cautiously find my limits and get the body moving.

I have always enjoyed camping and hiking in my younger days, but had to quit when my health deteriorated, now I'm resolved to do it, just need to find how I can make it happen!! Hammock camping is genius for the rusted joints!

11-18-2013, 13:56
Erwin Park off 380 in McKinney is not bad, not GREAT, but not bad. Free lots of places to camp, though you have to be a bit more creative with Hanging, as the sites do not have trees readily available, but with some looking you can find some nice treed spots. Also the big gazebos are GREAT for hanging if you simply want to test gear and work out your old itis issues, as the posts are perfect size and distance for hanging a hammock, IMHO.