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02-07-2014, 19:05
2014 Spring MAHHA, April 25-27th, Official Planning Thread

Donna here.....Time to start officially preparing for the fun!

-Friday April 25th - Sunday April 27th.

-This is a Family Friendly Event!

-Pine Grove Furnace State Park
1100 Pine Grove Rd.
Gardners, PA 17324

-There is a Google Spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Av_1g-9ThQhbdFE5TzJoY1p5YlFhODFybjRkNXNpNnc&usp=drive_web#gid=0)for signing up. There are 2 tabs at the bottom on the left of the page. An "Attendance signup", and a "Breakfast/Supper Items needed" tab. We will need to know the number attending the Saturday Supper about a week before...see below.

-There are pre/post hike threads started here (https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=87768), and here (https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php?t=87958).

-We have the Furnace Stack Pavilion reserved for the entire day Saturday. The cost for this is covered with the raffle monies.

-Vendor Sales...As with all MAHHAs...there will be no vendor sales. The MAHHAs are for fun, fellowship, food, relaxation, etc. We, as a group, do not have a sales permit from PGFST, and have no interest in obtaining one.

-Demonstrations/instructional times...To be determined.

-Cell Phone Coverage...There is next to no coverage in the park. I have been able to text more often than call. There are some locations where there is some call coverage...but not very reliable.

-All of the group sites have been reserved. The cost for these sites is covered with the raffle monies.
Each of these group sites have their own campfire ring...bring plenty of fire wood...just make sure it is from PA as per PGFST requests. Note: The park allows gathering dead, down wood... but no chainsaws in the park.

-Parking....With the amount of attendees, there will be a concern for parking. There is a large parking lot at the group sites, but we need to park conservatively. Our group will be the only one using this parking lot, so it will be better than years before. As last year....There will be no parking allowed along the entry road into the group camping area. And there will be no parking allowed on the main road.
-Anyone coming for the day on Saturday, will need to park in one of the day use areas...not in the group camping parking lot.

-Pre Hikers/Post Hikers...There will be NO parking in the group parking lot before Friday or after Sunday late afternoon. Please do not go to the office and ask....not happening! You can use the Parking area available for the Appalachian trail located near the Furnace Stack Pavilion. You will need to register your vehicle with the office. You may also use the parking lot down the road...at Caledonia State Park...on the other side of Rt. 30. You might need to register your vehicle there also.

-Family Campground...It is just up the road on the right. Sites can and should be reserved for anyone not wanting to hang or tent in the Group Camping Area. There are sites with electric. There are sites that allow dogs. There is a bath house with showers and flush toilets for those with sites. Note...Sites with electric that allow dogs have the highest demand. The person reserving sites in the Family Campground is responsible for the cost.

-Dogs are not allowed in the Group Camping area, but are allowed at the pavilion.
-Service dogs are allowed anywhere in the park.

-No alcoholic beverages allowed in the park. Rangers will be patrolling the area and will be invited to attend the dinner.

-Name Tags... [O]TTeR has graciously volunteered again this year to make name tags for attendees. Please use the signup sheet to let him know what name you want on the tag.

-Saturday morning Breakfast: Dutch is the contact person. Please use the signup sheet to register your attendance.
-Something new...We will be adding sausage to the menu this year. We are asking for volunteers...each to bring enough to serve 10. Please sign up on the spread sheet.
-I am looking for someone to bring a Large Coffee Pot or alternate way to heat water for instant coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. If you have one, and can bring it, please sign up on the spreadsheet. If someone does bring something to heat water, and you want a hot drink...bring a mug, and your coffee, hot chocolate or tea bag of choice.
-There are additional items listed on the spread sheet...Please sign up to bring something if you are able. Thanks!

-Saturday Supper: Donna is the contact person. (Contact thru 2Questions, or on this thread.) Please use the signup sheet to register your attendance.
We will be having a Pig Roast as the main event. The pig will be roasted off site, and brought to the pavilion ready to serve off the bone. I will need a count of attendees about a week before the roast. The cost for the Pig Roast is covered with the raffle monies.

-We will be grilling Kosher Beef Hot dogs for children and adults not eating the pork. Please note the number of hot dogs you want cooked for your family on the signup sheet.

-Everyone is encouraged to bring a food contribution for the supper. Please see the sign up sheet for suggested food items. There are other items needed...please sign up to bring something if you are able.

-See Post #16 in this thread, with a food suggestion/request from Dylan.

-Raffle: After the meal, we will be having a raffle. Pan will post on this thread with details about the raffle.

-After the meal and raffle: Please make sure you clean up your eating area and take with you, or dispose of, any food containers you brought. This will help to leave the pavilion area in the same or better condition than when we arrived.

-Sunday when leaving group hang area: Please look around your area before you leave to make sure everything is cleaned up...again...let's leave the group hang area in the same or better condition than when we arrived. If someone forgot something, take it with you and post on HF. If you don't want to take it with you, leave it on a picnic table. Tim and I will be walking the group area before we leave.

If there are any details I neglected to include here..please let me know.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.:)

Downhill Trucker
02-07-2014, 19:18
Thanks for all of the hard work that goes into this event. I'll see y'all there, and will be doing a post or pre event hike as well.

02-07-2014, 21:28
Zilla and Mrs Zilla will be there!!...Thank you Donna again!!!:thumbup::tongueup::thumbup:

02-08-2014, 08:08
Thanks for all of the hard work that goes into this event. I'll see y'all there, and will be doing a post or pre event hike as well.

+2. Thanks alot I cam,t wait.

02-08-2014, 08:39
We are looking forward to it! Thanks Donna!

02-08-2014, 09:04
Signed up. I can't wait! Thanks Donna and Dutch!

02-08-2014, 10:55
I am just the short order cook, Donna is a whirlwind of organization.

02-08-2014, 13:19
All signed up. Thank you for getting the sheet up Donna.

Brian P.

02-08-2014, 18:44
Thank you Donna and all the others who will make this yet another great MAHHA!

02-08-2014, 21:42
Signed up and counting the days.

Downhill Trucker
02-08-2014, 23:52
I just realized I have to start DIYing some new toys. :)

02-09-2014, 10:02
I am planning on doing a Post Hike out of the Spring Hang.
The thread is here:


Cranky Bear
02-09-2014, 10:54
Signing the family up, and praying that I am well enough to make it.

As always a big thank you to all whom contribute in any way to make this event happen.

02-09-2014, 12:33
I am just the short order cook, Donna is a whirlwind of organization.

===> SHORT Order Cook?? Those pancake stacks and Scrapple didn't look so 'short' at the Winter NEHHA!

Dutch = The Titan of Titanium, and Purveyor of Pancakes!

~ SkyPainter

02-09-2014, 16:11
So excited for Spring MAHHA!!!!

Can't wait to see everyone!

2013 was not a good year for making MAHHA's…..but this year will be different:)

****I am hiking in for the hang, so I was hoping that someone headed back to DC area on Sunday could give me a lift? ****

02-09-2014, 16:27
Just signed me and the boys up. Helen will be traveling and can't make it this year.

I don't eat pork or beef. Are any other folks interested in coordinating a crab, lobster, or clam boil as an alternative?

02-10-2014, 09:17
Myself, my dad and my brother are signed up.

===> SHORT Order Cook?? Those pancake stacks and Scrapple didn't look so 'short' at the Winter NEHHA!

Dutch = The Titan of Titanium, and Purveyor of Pancakes!

~ SkyPainter

Agreed!! That french toast was AMAZING at NEHHA.

02-10-2014, 13:33
On the calendar and signed up

Looking forward to seeing everyone

02-11-2014, 07:55
I'm ready. Though I've been enjoying some good winter camping trips in the northern West Virginia region, so I'm not in too much of a hurry to get to the Spring season.

02-11-2014, 09:25
I can't wait to show (aka reunite) [o]TTeR my really comfy and awesome hammock chair I call the "[o]TTeR Recliner". I might even let him sit in it. I should probably figure out how to lock it to the trees so it doesn't mysteriously migrate to Canada.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again this year and thanks to all for organizing!

02-11-2014, 11:10
I'll be there. Staying in the Family Campground with the dog. Contemplating a pre- or post-hike, too. :)

02-11-2014, 16:29
Can hardly wait!!! Ill have the wife and child in tow this year. Im sorry to say that my daughter has not embraced the hammock just yet so she will be sleeping in a primitive "Land Hammock", but if I remember correctly there were lots of places for those around the group sites.

I will also be bringing along another Canoe Paddle for the raffle this year, ill post pictures once I have it finished.


lazy river road
02-11-2014, 20:58
I put it on my calendar and I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed. Now a days these thing end up being last minute decisions by the wife. If I do come which I hope I can I'll be collecting recycling again and bringing bags for it. Thanks to all who keep this running from year to year.

02-11-2014, 21:07
When you come...make sure you bring tons of pictures of those wonderful twin boys!

02-11-2014, 21:41
===> SHORT Order Cook?? Those pancake stacks and Scrapple didn't look so 'short' at the Winter NEHHA!

Dutch = The Titan of Titanium, and Purveyor of Pancakes!

~ SkyPainter

Purveyor of pancakes in Titanium armor, now that's dedication :shades:


I can't wait to show (aka reunite) [o]TTeR my really comfy and awesome hammock chair I call the "[o]TTeR Recliner". I might even let him sit in it. I should probably figure out how to lock it to the trees so it doesn't mysteriously migrate to Canada.

Looking forward to seeing everyone again this year and thanks to all for organizing!

Oh how I missed that chair, looking forward to hanging with you again my friend, it will be good to see you to BFMofo :shades: Grieving for the WR-II gave way to innovation and I will be hanging in the R-III (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukL7Z4bBimc) this year.

Downhill Trucker
02-12-2014, 00:39
TTeR;1197968']Purveyor of pancakes in Titanium armor, now that's dedication :shades:


Oh how I missed that chair, looking forward to hanging with you again my friend, it will be good to see you to BFMofo :shades: Grieving for the WR-II gave way to innovation and I will be hanging in the R-III (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukL7Z4bBimc) this year.

Amazing as always... Can't wait to see what you bring this year!

02-12-2014, 14:50

Oh how I missed that chair, looking forward to hanging with you again my friend, it will be good to see you to BFMofo :shades: Grieving for the WR-II gave way to innovation and I will be hanging in the R-III (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukL7Z4bBimc) this year.

Looking forward to seeing you again as well. Canadians know how to hang, that is for sure. Also, can't wait to see the R-III. I watched your amazingly produced YouTube video (link below) and I made a comment that posed a couple of questions that have gone unanswered. :lol:


02-15-2014, 18:54
Is hammock camping permitted in caledonia state park? I'm thinking I'd like to hang there Thursday night, then hike in on Friday.

02-15-2014, 19:53
Is hammock camping permitted in caledonia state park? I'm thinking I'd like to hang there Thursday night, then hike in on Friday.
Camping (with tent or hammock) is only allowed in the pay sites. This is true for all state parks in PA. Its a fairly short hike into the Quarry gap shelter from Caledonia. That is what I did on my hike into MAHHA last year

02-15-2014, 20:18
Camping (with tent or hammock) is only allowed in the pay sites. This is true for all state parks in PA. Its a fairly short hike into the Quarry gap shelter from Caledonia. That is what I did on my hike into MAHHA last year

Quarry Gap beats Caledonia SP hands down. What is it? 3 +/- mile hike? I can't remember... But it's a very easy hike, other than the little climb up the hill from the swimming pool area. OTOH, I got a little backwards on the AT leaving the parking lot; it took me longer to find the AT than it did to climb the hill :D

02-15-2014, 22:49
Quarry Gap beats Caledonia SP hands down. What is it? 3 +/- mile hike? I can't remember... But it's a very easy hike, other than the little climb up the hill from the swimming pool area. OTOH, I got a little backwards on the AT leaving the parking lot; it took me longer to find the AT than it did to climb the hill :D

Agreed. Check out my video from last year.

02-16-2014, 15:00
I would be up for your pre-MAHHA hike from Caledonia or as suggested, Quarry Gap would be so much better. The acommodations are hard to beat. I've never over-nighted there but have hiked a few times thru there and it is gorgeous.
Thursday night, 19 mile hike to Pine Grove on Friday would be great.

02-17-2014, 06:53
I've actually been to the quarry gap shelter. VegaMike and I stopped there on a hike (http://midatlantichikes.com/rockyknob-quarrygap.htm) last fall. It wasn't far at all from the trail head we parked at. I'd definitely be up for staying there Thursday night for the pre-hike.

02-17-2014, 18:16
I left a comment in the spreadsheet, but I figured this will be seen by a few more folks. Is firewood from my stack in York, PA okay for PA park regulation purposes?

02-17-2014, 18:17
I left a comment in the spreadsheet, but I figured this will be seen by a few more folks. Is firewood from my stack in York, PA okay for PA park regulation purposes?

Yes, that will be fine. Thanks for checking!

02-17-2014, 18:34
Yes, that will be fine. Thanks for checking!

Does anyone know of a source for wood in that area,, maybe we could all go in on a truck load, kinda like jd did in Watoga and split the cost and share the pile, we then would not have to worry about fire wood or have to pay the high rate for sub par wood most campgrounds offer for sale,,


02-17-2014, 18:39
Does anyone know of a source for wood in that area,, maybe we could all go in on a truck load, kinda like jd did in Watoga and split the cost and share the pile, we then would not have to worry about fire wood or have to pay the high rate for sub par wood most campgrounds offer for sale,,


I will send an e-mail to the park manager to see if he has any suggestions for a source...If anyone else know of a source...let us know!:)

Downhill Trucker
02-17-2014, 22:42
I got a bunch of wood from a guy down the road from the park last year. I forgot how much it was but we got a ton quite cheaply.

02-18-2014, 07:25
I got a bunch of wood from a guy down the road from the park last year. I forgot how much it was but we got a ton quite cheaply.

Check it out and let us know what you find! Thanks!

02-18-2014, 08:22
I'll bring a box full of wood from PA. Also at least three of my lightweight cook kits for the raffle.

02-19-2014, 21:34
IN!!!!!! And Thank you to those who have been putting this together. Kristen and I are really excited to see the friends we made at Stokes st. forest this past fall, as well as meeting new ones.

02-20-2014, 11:12
I'm going to stay in the family camping area, but I will definitely be over to the group area to hang out and meet everyone! Thank you for planning this.

02-20-2014, 20:24
Hey hangers, I have a huge favor to ask!

I will be hiking in from the south with Jolly Green and Perrito.

Could a hammock hanger with a larger vehicle shuttle us to our cars Friday afternoon or Saturday morning? I am thinking of starting at Caledonia, but may be a little farther south...

I have be home for the kids' prom preparations Saturday afternoon...

02-20-2014, 20:59
Hey hangers, I have a huge favor to ask!

I will be hiking in from the south with Jolly Green and Perrito.

Could a hammock hanger with a larger vehicle shuttle us to our cars Friday afternoon or Saturday morning? I am thinking of starting at Caledonia, but may be a little farther south...

I have be home for the kids' prom preparations Saturday afternoon...

And the kids are hoping no one volunteers, or their car breaks down, or.......

02-23-2014, 14:59
Thank you for doing this! I will be attending for my first time this year. A handful of my friends (whom I met outside of HF) have attended in previous years and say only good things.

We'll be donating a Hammeck Netty for the raffle. All signed up on the spreadsheet, thanks!

02-23-2014, 15:29
And the kids are hoping no one volunteers, or their car breaks down, or.......

Nah, not my kids! They are total angels :D

03-05-2014, 21:07
Alrighty. I have signed up and will be bringing some food stuff. I may convince some friends to come and maybe the GF (who knows). I look forward to meeting new people and others I have talked to over the phone or email.

03-09-2014, 00:36
Many thanks to 2Q and ZQ, it was nice meeting you both last year, and to everyone else involved in making this hang possible.
Can't wait.
Take care Stay safe

03-09-2014, 10:45
Alrighty. I have signed up and will be bringing some food stuff. I may convince some friends to come and maybe the GF (who knows). I look forward to meeting new people and others I have talked to over the phone or email.

Just don't invite both the GF that knows and the GF that doesn't. There might be trouble if you do.

03-10-2014, 09:50
I'm going to stay in the family camping area, but I will definitely be over to the group area to hang out and meet everyone! Thank you for planning this.
My plan as well. I'll be coming from a trout fishing trip and plan/hope to be out of the woods in time to pick up the wife and make this.
I have space 35 reserved - incase of foul weather I can offer to shelter 4 or 5. This will be DW and my 1st group hang - so be kind:>)

03-10-2014, 10:18
My plan as well. I'll be coming from a trout fishing trip and plan/hope to be out of the woods in time to pick up the wife and make this.
I have space 35 reserved - incase of foul weather I can offer to shelter 4 or 5. This will be DW and my 1st group hang - so be kind:>)

Well, this is only our second group hang, but I can tell you with confidence after our experience at the first, kindness is not in short supply at these group hangs. We didn't even make it out of the car before Oh No introduced himself to us to make us feel welcome, and then Knotty took us on a tour to find the best available trees because it was getting dark when we arrived. Gear was lent, skills were shared, bread was broken, and friends were made... yeah, we know the kindness from forum members. :lol::lol:

Also, what's DW? Da Wife?

03-11-2014, 09:31
Also, what's DW? Da Wife?

Darling Wife. And DH is Darling Husband. But Da Wife works, too :D

03-12-2014, 07:43
Just don't invite both the GF that knows and the GF that doesn't. There might be trouble if you do.

HAHAHA too sharp. Don't worry I learned long ago that I can only handle one boss at a time :D

Besides I would like this to not be my last voluntary hang if you get my drift.

03-13-2014, 08:14
I have an update on the Post hike Northbound out of MAHHA here if anyone is interested.
MAHHA POST HIKE (https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php?p=1195856#post1195856)

03-13-2014, 09:01
This will be my first group hang! I'm pretty excited!

03-22-2014, 13:14
I'm just in the initial phase of researching hammocks. I think this would be a great opportunity to see different setups and get gear recommendations. I would only be able to spend the day either Friday or Saturday. First can I come to learn? Second what day would be best to get the most exposure to different setups. I'm just south of Hancock me about 1.5 hour drive for me. Thanks.

03-22-2014, 13:24
I'm just in the initial phase of researching hammocks. I think this would be a great opportunity to see different setups and get gear recommendations. I would only be able to spend the day either Friday or Saturday. First can I come to learn? Second what day would be best to get the most exposure to different setups. I'm just south of Hancock me about 1.5 hour drive for me. Thanks.

That would be awesome if you showed up Saturday.
you are more than welcomed, anyone interested in hammocks is encouraged to drop by and spend some time with us.
That is how I learned to love the hammock way of hiking and camping.

03-22-2014, 13:27
See you Saturday. Thank you very much.

03-22-2014, 13:33
I'm just in the initial phase of researching hammocks. I think this would be a great opportunity to see different setups and get gear recommendations. I would only be able to spend the day either Friday or Saturday. First can I come to learn? Second what day would be best to get the most exposure to different setups. I'm just south of Hancock me about 1.5 hour drive for me. Thanks.
If your not staying overnight because you dont have gear then i suggest you pick up a $12 dollar table cloth hammock and i am sure someone will help you whip the end and loan you a set of whoopies for the night, probably even a tarp, show up friday and spend the night, its a great experiance that you will be glad to be a part off. members are more than willing to help out a new hanger, this way you get the full experiance and by the end of day saturday you will most likely know what you want to buy for yourself.. I thought i had it all figured out until my first hang and it was quite an eye opener

03-22-2014, 13:56
Ty Zilla. Might come up Friday pitch a tent. Exactly what I looking for. I keep going back and forth based on what I read between a bridge and gathered end hammock. Hopefully learn and spend money the best way the first time.

03-22-2014, 14:19
Ty Zilla. Might come up Friday pitch a tent. Exactly what I looking for. I keep going back and forth based on what I read between a bridge and gathered end hammock. Hopefully learn and spend money the best way the first time.

Yeah, bought a couple gathered ends and then went ahead and made my self (with my wife doing the sewing) a custom diy double layer gathered end with a opening for a pad and then we went to our first group hang and fell in love with the bridge style hammock,, so you never know,, i did end up making my own custom bridge and i love it..

03-22-2014, 14:43
Ty Zilla. Might come up Friday pitch a tent. Exactly what I looking for. I keep going back and forth based on what I read between a bridge and gathered end hammock. Hopefully learn and spend money the best way the first time.

You would not be the first or last tent pitched at a group hang, and no one will look at your tent with a mischievous eye. Zilla is right in saying to get the tablecloth for 12 bucks and you may have a very comfy hammock by the end of the weekend. I believe they are having an additional 10% off right now and here's a link http://www.tableclothsfactory.com/tablecloths-Table-Linens-Chair-Covers-Sashes-s/132.htm. What would be great is to see you sleep in your tent on friday, and by saturday, spending the night in YOUR very first hammock, that you spent less on than the gas to get you there. Don't worry about the other things yet; believe me, gear comes out of nowhere at these things when you need them. But regardless, your pad and sleeping bag would get you through ok. No matter which way you do it, on ground or between two trees, the great thing is that you'll be there; there is no better way, than a group hang, to see if this is for you, and you'll learn a ton without spending a dime. Anyway, look forward to meeting you there!:D

03-22-2014, 15:49
I'm just in the initial phase of researching hammocks. I think this would be a great opportunity to see different setups and get gear recommendations. I would only be able to spend the day either Friday or Saturday. First can I come to learn? Second what day would be best to get the most exposure to different setups. I'm just south of Hancock me about 1.5 hour drive for me. Thanks.
I thought this might help you and others who don't know what to expect. It is an excerpt from a private message I sent to someone recently.

Last year I started to become active in Hammock Forums and decided to go to a large group hang a few hours away from me in South-Central PA. I really didn't know what to expect. There was a sign-up sheet for a pot luck item or other needed supplies (I brought a load of firewood).

I came to the area early and hiked in 20 miles from the south, others had offered to join up, but I wanted to hike a long day Thursday and have only a short distance Friday, so I hiked and camped alone. Wednesday night on the trail was not great weather, rain on and off and a lot of wind. Sleep was not great (but still better than a tent) I learned not to use too small of a tree since they sway a lot in high wind. Then a long hike on Thursday followed by the best night sleep I have ever had! Friday I had a leasurly breakfast and rolled into Pine Grove Furnace around noon.

There were already a fair number of hammocks hung, so I found a place and set up, met up with some other hikers who provided a shuttle to get my car and buy some fresh food for dinner. Soon the trees filled with hammocks of all types, everyone was very welcoming and made me feel like I knew them for years. There were people from North Caroline to Canada. Saturday, breakfast was provided (cooked and organized by one of the vendors). I was wondering how things were funded...I hadn't paid anything and we were taking all but one of the group camp sites. Afternoon was show and tell time from cottage vendors and individuals with the chance to do some test lies in several different styles of hammocks. There is a fairly large number of cottage vendors that cater to the hammock community and most that were within an 8 hour drive were there. Then came the raffle, vendors and individuals donated over 3 picnic tables full of various gear some cheap some worth over $300!! Chances were a bit pricey at $20, but I figured that the weekend was already worth $60 to $80 so I bought 3 or 4 (I don't remember which) almost everyone won something (after the cheap prizes were all taken all tickets were put back in for the dozen or so big ticket items). Next came dinner with a pig roast and side dishes brought by members. At the end of it all the raffle proceeds paid for the purchased food and camp site fees, then on top of that a several hundred dollar donation was made to HammockForums.net and another several hundred dollar donation made to the state park where the event was held. All and all a class act.

Sorry for the length, just thought you might like to know who we are (besides people who like a good night sleep)

Doogie - aka Doug

03-22-2014, 17:16
Thank you for the gracious responses. Looking forward to being able to meet you guys and being able to determine if a gathered or bridge will be best for me. Based on your responses I think this is the perfect opportunity to gain knowledge and meet hiking buddies. Fantastic community I don't own a hammock yet but feel part of the group. Thanks for the hospitality.

03-22-2014, 22:55
So this sounds like a great place to look at different hammocks, tarps, etc. Plus meet a bunch a great people in the hammock world.

03-23-2014, 09:24
To correct an earlier comment raffle tickets are $10, the same price for the last 10 years of raffles... Prizes the last couple years have ranged in vallue between $1200 and $1400 or so.... Oh, and it is what provides for free camping for the weekend, the pavilion rental, and the pig roast.


Baby JoDa
03-24-2014, 07:05
I am signed up and ready, cant wait. I really enjoyed the Fall MAHHA. My wife will be camping at another site with our dog.

03-28-2014, 21:46
Hey hangers! As March ends, I am getting excited for this hang. I, which is less than a month away!! We went to a group hang in the fall, Where Kristen and I had a great time and met some great people. At that hang there was a group dinner like this, (well sorta). The hang in october at Stokes was smaller in comparison and this one seems to have a preplanned menu, which makes sense given the size. I don't want to step on toes or change the tempo, so if this idea doesn't fit, I'll throw it right out the window!!!! :scared:
But I was thinking of making Pizza again like I did at the other hang (I was thinking of making somewhere between 8-10, or possibly more as needed). I have 2 pizza stones, which I put right on the fire pit grates, so I can make 2 at a time this time, but I don't have a good lid to keep the heat in. I could really use 2 webber-like grill lids to trap the heat of the wood fire in to cook the pizza. If there are 2 wonderful hangers that would be willing to bring and let me use their round, detached grill top (must be at least 15-16 inch diameter), I would GREATLY appreciate it.
Again, if this idea throws the flow of dinner off and ruins christmas, I will dismiss it this very second... It's probably crazy to try to cook enough pizza for all, but I had a lot of fun doing it before and I want to try :thumbup:

03-29-2014, 16:28
I can't wait for this!! I had a blast the group hand in October. I am getting the items together and building a turtledog stand and will bring it down for those who are curious about them.

03-31-2014, 07:36
Hey Pinballwizard, I absolutely loved your pizza at Stokes, and would look forward to having more! since you are new to this particular venue, thought I would let you know that there is not a fire pit where we will be having our dinner. there are fire rings in the camping area which is about 3/10ths of a mile from the pavilion. Last year people brought charcoal and cement blocks and the like in order to cook with the Dutch ovens. There is also one of those standing grillz near the pavilions.someone please correct me if I'm wrong about my recollection.

that being said, we completely waffled all the food last year. Even with the pig and all the contributions to dinner, there with nary a scrap of food left!

03-31-2014, 07:58
Hey Pinballwizard, I absolutely loved your pizza at Stokes, and would look forward to having more! since you are new to this particular venue, thought I would let you know that there is not a fire pit where we will be having our dinner. there are fire rings in the camping area which is about 3/10ths of a mile from the pavilion. Last year people brought charcoal and cement blocks and the like in order to cook with the Dutch ovens. There is also one of those standing grillz near the pavilions.someone please correct me if I'm wrong about my recollection.

that being said, we completely waffled all the food last year. Even with the pig and all the contributions to dinner, there with nary a scrap of food left!

Donna here...

Thanks Demeter for commenting. I saw his post, but didn't have a chance to respond...and then it slipped my mind. The standing grill at the pavilion will be used to cook the hotdogs. There should be some extra room for something else...someone might bring other meat to cook. This has happened in the past. So, unless you have some portable grills, or do as Demeter suggested and bring cement blocks....and something underneath to protect the ground/cement...there isn't anywhere at the pavilion for you to cook your pizza. You will have limited space and I'm not sure what the Park will allow for cooking away from the pavilion. I wouldn't suggest cooking on the grass, even protected...will the heat kill the grass?? Although the portable grills could be on the grass. I'm not trying to suggest you not to make your pizza for Saturday supper...I just want you to be prepared for what is/isn't available for you. I'm not sure how many would be around for a Saturday pizza lunch at the camping area using the fire pits??

Also...we did have a some pork left over last year. The pork from the pig was eaten, but the extra pulled pork they brought with them for overflow was left. The pig feed more than expected, but we wanted to make sure we had enough...running out of pork wouldn't be good!!

03-31-2014, 08:46
Donna here...

Thanks Demeter for commenting. I saw his post, but didn't have a chance to respond...and then it slipped my mind. The standing grill at the pavilion will be used to cook the hotdogs. There should be some extra room for something else...someone might bring other meat to cook. This has happened in the past. So, unless you have some portable grills, or do as Demeter suggested and bring cement blocks....and something underneath to protect the ground/cement...there isn't anywhere at the pavilion for you to cook your pizza. You will have limited space and I'm not sure what the Park will allow for cooking away from the pavilion. I wouldn't suggest cooking on the grass, even protected...will the heat kill the grass?? Although the portable grills could be on the grass. I'm not trying to suggest you not to make your pizza for Saturday supper...I just want you to be prepared for what is/isn't available for you. I'm not sure how many would be around for a Saturday pizza lunch at the camping area using the fire pits??

Also...we did have a some pork left over last year. The pork from the pig was eaten, but the extra pulled pork they brought with them for overflow was left. The pig feed more than expected, but we wanted to make sure we had enough...running out of pork wouldn't be good!!

Saturday lunch or Friday dinner in the camp sites would be my suggestion for attempting pizza. Sorry I don't have any round grill lids to offer.

03-31-2014, 08:58
Saturday lunch or Friday dinner in the camp sites would be my suggestion for attempting pizza. Sorry I don't have any round grill lids to offer.

Friday Dinner is a good idea!

03-31-2014, 13:48
Thanks for the heads up Amy and Donna. Yeah, 3/8 of a mile is further than I want to cook from the group; I might get lonely and scared, and by the time I got the pizza to the group it would be cold and half eaten:scared: Pizza aside, it sounds like the more cooking surfaces, the better, no? I have a coleman grill, (I believe it is a Roadtrip) I can bring, along with some other stoves and such. As far as food goes, I just got my first dutch oven and I'm dying to use it. Maybe it's because there's already going to be all that great pork, but something is telling me to make loaded veggie burritos, which pork and other meat (I might bring Chicken with it) can be added to very nicely, but still doesn't exclude vegetarians.

While I do like the idea, Doogie, I think I will hold the pizza for a hang more suited for it. I would rather not get into Friday because it may get too complicated... Besides, I'm still newer to hanging and I want to take in all I can from you wonderful, fine folks.:thumbup:
Again, if this idea is against the grain, and what's needed most is just to bring stuff on the signup sheet, that can be done as well

03-31-2014, 14:20
Donna here...
What to bring isn't limited to what is listed on the sign up sheet. Of course, you are welcome to make something if you want. People enjoy all verities of food, and that is the fun of a pot luck type supper!!

You should plan on bringing your own cooking surface...if it can be put on a table outside the pavilion, that would be best. If you want to use the ground, the pavilion is surrounded with grass...just plan on protecting the grass. We don't want to do damage to the grass. Portable stand up grills should be fine on the grass. Outside the grass area is gravel parking and road. The parking area will be full. The uncovered concrete area at the pavilion isn't very large, and we will have over 100 people milling around the pavilion before, during and after supper. There were a few cooking on this area last year, which isn't a problem as long as there aren't too many doing it. Having plans to cook on a picnic table outside the pavilion might be a good idea just in case.

03-31-2014, 14:39
Just a comment from last years experience. I cooked up a batch oc baked apples in the camping area in a durch oven and then walked it over to the pavalion. I would not want to do that again. It got heavy before too long.

I'm going to miss you guys this year. Our troop decided to have its own hammock campout that weekend. So now I'm sewing up twenty DL hammock blanks for them to finish up. I'll be thinking of you and the pig.

03-31-2014, 14:48
I cooked up a batch oc baked apples in the camping area in a durch oven and then walked it over to the pavalion. I would not want to do that again. It got heavy before too long.

Suggestion...several could cook at the camping area in dutch ovens if someone brought a wagon that could be used to get the food over to the pavilion.


03-31-2014, 20:09
I may be bringing company with me. My wife, and an office mate and her husband. We all have plans to hike in north bound. So since I am bringing extra mouths to feed, is there anyone I could make a monetary donation too to put towards food please? I originally signed up to bring napkins for everyone, but may need to ask someone to bring them for me. I will reimburse whomever that may be for the cost and their time :)

Thanks, Brian P.

03-31-2014, 23:16
I may be bringing company with me. My wife, and an office mate and her husband. We all have plans to hike in north bound. So since I am bringing extra mouths to feed, is there anyone I could make a monetary donation too to put towards food please? I originally signed up to bring napkins for everyone, but may need to ask someone to bring them for me. I will reimburse whomever that may be for the cost and their time :)

Thanks, Brian P.

Donna here...
Brian, If you want, you can take your name off the sheet for the napkins. Not a problem. I'm sure there will be someone else that will be able to bring them.

The only money that will be collected will be for the Saturday Supper/Pig Roast and raffle. Each ticket will be $10.00. We ask that a minimum of 1 ticket purchase donation for each person attending the supper/raffle. Pan will be posting on this forum with Supper/Raffle specifics.

04-01-2014, 00:50
I just realized I wasn't signed up yet. Count me in.

04-01-2014, 06:20
Donna here...
Brian, If you want, you can take your name off the sheet for the napkins. Not a problem. I'm sure there will be someone else that will be able to bring them.

I will remove my name from the list of items. I at least signed up to cook sausage for breakfast and hotdogs for dinner to compensate for my inability to bring food with me. I had full intentions to purchase additional tickets. Last year at the Fall MAHHA I purchased 5, and made out like a bandit :)

Brian P.

04-01-2014, 06:23
I just realized I wasn't signed up yet. Count me in.

Since you're doing the Pancake Breakfast, I just assumed it was a given you would be there :lol:

Brian P.

04-01-2014, 07:19
I signed up to cook sausage for breakfast and hotdogs for dinner.

Brian P.

That's great! Thank you!

04-01-2014, 10:03
Donna here...

I just had a long conversation with the contact person at PGFSP. Everything is good to go. Parking will continue to be an issue with such a large group, but there might be an option for overflow parking I will be checking out. It is about 2 miles up the road (actually south) in the State Forest.

Firewood...Friends of Pine Grove Furnace will be getting us wood and dropping it off in the Group camping area. So, we should have plenty of firewood.

If anyone has any other issues that haven't been addressed yet, please let me know.

04-01-2014, 10:54
Still need me to bring some firewood, then?

04-01-2014, 11:01
Ummm....probably not. Apparently this is the same group that dropped off firewood last year. I didn't notice how much was there. If anyone that went last year remembers if there was plenty...could you comment whether kurteous needs to bring any. Thanks!

P.S. I guess if you wanted to bring some, and it stayed in your trunk unless needed, you could take it home with you.

04-01-2014, 12:14
Well because of an awesome new job and lots of OT, I wont be able to attend this year. Sucks but hoping to make it to the Fall MAHHA. Anyways, I still wanted to contribute to the raffle this year so I am going to donate a hammock I made recently to the raffle. Here is a few pics. It's a Double layer 11' hammock with two 6' UCR suspensions and 3000lb B.S. Black Tree straps about 7' and 9' long. It has a 22" opening on one side to allow for a pad insert. Hope it finds a good home and lots of hang time. Hope everybody has a great time at the MAHHA.


Wise Old Owl
04-01-2014, 19:56
This will be my first group hang! I'm pretty excited!

Uh OK - please do not run around with scissors. The hang offers aroma therapy and as a special treat a masseuse with that funky chair. :shades:

04-01-2014, 22:45
Really nice looking hammock there X I hope it finds a good home, sorry you can't make it but you're confabulation is appreciated

04-02-2014, 17:45
I thought I was going to make it for this one, but something has come up (I am going to propose :lol: I didn't want to wait any longer and the gf is too sad that I would spend my birthday weekend away voluntarily) See you guys in the fall if I don't meet you before then.

PS. I hope someone can grab the chips in my stead.

04-02-2014, 19:11
We are not down for anything yet so we will grab the chips, sorry your not gonna make it, i hope she says yes and congrats..:thumbup::thumbup1::thumbup::thumbup::th umbup1:

04-02-2014, 19:25
I thought I was going to make it for this one, but something has come up (I am going to propose :lol: I didn't want to wait any longer and the gf is too sad that I would spend my birthday weekend away voluntarily) See you guys in the fall if I don't meet you before then.

PS. I hope someone can grab the chips in my stead.

Is this REALLY more important than the MAHHA?!
But in all truth, CONGRATULATIONS!!!:laugh:

04-02-2014, 20:34
Why not bring her and propose in front of a giant, roasted pig?

Wise Old Owl
04-02-2014, 20:49
I like that idea- will it have a Honey Crisp in its mouth?

04-03-2014, 13:11
Is this REALLY more important than the MAHHA?!
But in all truth, CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Hahaha believe it or not I was between a rock and a hard place :lol:

Why not bring her and propose in front of a giant, roasted pig?

If I did that I am pretty sure I would be next on the grill ;)

04-03-2014, 19:26
Still need me to bring some firewood, then?

I am sure the wood will be used. There were enough small fires last year to use all that was there

04-03-2014, 20:13
I am sure the wood will be used. There were enough small fires last year to use all that was there

Donna here...

Yes, there is a fire pit on each site...we have all 6 sites...so there could be 6 fires glowing!:) Can't you just smell it now!! I love the smell of a good campfire!!

04-04-2014, 10:08
I will be hiking in with a small group. Instead of all 4 of us trying to hitch a ride back to the car Sunday, could someone please take me to pick up my car Friday or Saturday after you have settled in? I will reimburse for the round trip to Caldonia park.

Thanks, Brian P.

04-04-2014, 11:21
I will be hiking in with a small group. Instead of all 4 of us trying to hitch a ride back to the car Sunday, could someone please take me to pick up my car Friday or Saturday after you have settled in? I will reimburse for the round trip to Caldonia park.

Thanks, Brian P.

There will be quite a crowd of pilgrims on "El Camino MAHHA". Perhaps we should charter a bus to take us back to our cars Saturday morning. :lol:

04-04-2014, 11:39
I'd be happy to do a shuttle run or two on Friday/Saturday.

04-04-2014, 12:17
I'd be happy to do a shuttle run or two on Friday/Saturday.

I might be needing a ride about the same distance North, Boiling Springs is my tentative start point. I should have a parking spot in PGF (friends with a cabin), so I may not need one depending if G...Hawk and I meet up to shuttle beforehand or if we just start separately.

04-04-2014, 19:09
Here is a teaser of the Netty we're donating for the raffle!

04-05-2014, 06:43
Just found out I'm able to make it! It's been way too long since I've seen my hammock friends. Now, I just have to find all my gear...

EDIT: Spreadsheet updated.

04-05-2014, 08:45
I might be needing a ride about the same distance North, Boiling Springs is my tentative start point. I should have a parking spot in PGF (friends with a cabin), so I may not need one depending if G...Hawk and I meet up to shuttle beforehand or if we just start separately.

Just find me if you need a ride. I will be in pretty early on Friday. Also, I'm signed up to help with Saturday breakfast cleanup, so you can definitely find me there.

04-05-2014, 08:48
Here is a teaser of the Netty we're donating for the raffle!

Looks nice! I've been considering picking up one of your Netty hammocks. The breezy I got recently is great, and bug season is coming quickly. I've been working with a separate bug net system that works well, but an integrated net is appealing.

04-05-2014, 15:42

The wifes tag is ready..

04-05-2014, 15:45

AWESOME, Great job otter, thank you very much..:thumbup::cool::thumbup::boggle::thumbup::co ol:

04-05-2014, 19:11
No Pizza?!?! Yaarrrgghhhh! That's gonna be missed. Will have to console myself with bacon, scrapple and porkroll. ;) I'm good to sherpa\shuttle as needed. Can work the details as the date gets closer. Truck will carry 3 plus me & gear. Happy to help in any way.

04-05-2014, 20:42

I would like to start at the trailhead together. Then we can hike our own hikes.

Would we meet at your car drop off point?


I might be needing a ride about the same distance North, Boiling Springs is my tentative start point. I should have a parking spot in PGF (friends with a cabin), so I may not need one depending if G...Hawk and I meet up to shuttle beforehand or if we just start separately.

04-07-2014, 10:30
Once again JRB is proud to host the Spring MAHHA Raffle... As in recent years we are joined by several of our fellow cottage manufacturers...To date Dutch, 2QZQ, UGO, and Papa Smurf will be participating.

The prizes are contributions from the vendors... They support the raffle as a means of giving back to the community and support of the forums... They receive only your thanks and admiration... This raffle is traditionally a huge support to the community, the host park, ATC and hammockforums.net...The prizes have been valued at well over $1200 for two years now...You don't want to miss out.

We will use the same raffle deal and rules:


Your ticket purchases go first to defray hang costs...Campsite rental, pavillion rental, Saturday Breakfast and the Big "PIG OUT"...couldn't resist... This years MAHHA budget is well over $800... Remainder of the proceeds goes to Hammockforums...( Edit... To clarify... We have prepaid $350 from last years raffle and ZQ is out another $174 to the park on rental fees...Adding the pig roast $100 additional out of pocket from ZQ and a remainder current numbers estimate are $425... Name tag materials alone $75...Total $1124...Additionally, we would like to make some donation to the Pine Grove Furnace State Park for the load of fire wood, min $75....Now $1200...Planning ahead for next year to reserve the facilities plus a near by additional pavilion area for its trees and parking we will need the deposit another $650 with PFGSP to lock up the facilies for 2015 Spring MAHHA... I seriously doubt we will have any excess...)

Tickets are $10 each and we do not make change Come to play you won't get odds this good on great gear very often.


You must be present to win or have trusted your buddy with your tickets...

Prizes are arrayed in thee tiers,based on value...Winning ticket holders may choose any prize in a tier until that tier is exhausted, then it is off to the second tier, when the top tier is reached all the tickets go back in the hopper so all have a chance to win the Biggies....NOW, when you win be prepared to pick quikly, as we keep up a good pace and the indecisive sometime get prizes snatched out by the winner of the next number called...

See y'all at the MAHHA...


04-07-2014, 10:48
Thanks Pan and all of the cottage vendors. I have some items for the raffle too.

04-07-2014, 10:50
Just a heads up - Zilla will be winning all the big prizes this time around......:boggle::boggle::boggle::thumbup::bogg le::boggle::boggle::laugh::laugh::laugh:

04-07-2014, 12:11
I had an idea that might help the parking situation. I assume that like last year we will end up parking in a lot of cars. It might be helpful to have a card on your dashboard that had your name and then write down the site that you are in so that if someone wants to get their car out they could go to the site listed on the car and call out the name of the person who needs to move their car.

Just a thought ....what do others think. I'll make sure I have a notepad of some sort either way.

04-07-2014, 12:12
Sounds like a great idea!

04-07-2014, 13:17
I had an idea that might help the parking situation. I assume that like last year we will end up parking in a lot of cars. It might be helpful to have a card on your dashboard that had your name and then write down the site that you are in so that if someone wants to get their car out they could go to the site listed on the car and call out the name of the person who needs to move their car.

Just a thought ....what do others think. I'll make sure I have a notepad of some sort either way.

Excellent idea! Maybe have an index sized card with name, hammock forum name, group site, and optional cell #?

if you want, I could take on the project of printing them up to be handed out on arrival, or left somewhere. Donna, I could make them up and mail to you since I will not be the first one there.

04-07-2014, 13:31
Excellent idea! Maybe have an index sized card with name, hammock forum name, group site, and optional cell #?

if you want, I could take on the project of printing them up to be handed out on arrival, or left somewhere. Donna, I could make them up and mail to you since I will not be the first one there.

Good idea...as long as you coordinate it with doogie...so as not to step on his toes so to speak!:) I don't think the cards need to be there at the beginning. They can be handed out later to the car owner. I'm guessing each card will need to be generic with the car owner filling in the specifics and putting it on their dashboard. Thanks! Donna

Two Tents
04-07-2014, 13:35
This is the best MAHHA idea since custom name tags!

04-07-2014, 13:42
Good idea...as long as you coordinate it with doogie...so as not to step on his toes so to speak!:) I don't think the cards need to be there at the beginning. They can be handed out later to the car owner. I'm guessing each card will need to be generic with the car owner filling in the specifics and putting it on their dashboard. Thanks! Donna

Doogie, let me know if this is something you want to do yourself or want me to do. Happy to help.

04-07-2014, 13:51
Good idea...as long as you coordinate it with doogie...so as not to step on his toes so to speak!:) I don't think the cards need to be there at the beginning. They can be handed out later to the car owner. I'm guessing each card will need to be generic with the car owner filling in the specifics and putting it on their dashboard. Thanks! Donna

You have my permission to go as far as you want with it. I would probably not print them up early since many will be sharing cars...just seems a waste. Probably all that would be needed would be a stack of cards and a marker (so old people like me can read it thought the windshield)

04-07-2014, 13:59
You could probably print at least 50 generic cards with spots to fill in the info:

Forum name____________________
site number____________________
contact #______________________

and just have a stack of cards for the extra fill ins. I would think it''s important to make the print big enough so old people like Doogie can clearly read it through the dash :lol::lol::lol: Great idea and followup Doogie and Suede:thumbup1:

04-07-2014, 18:05
You have my permission to go as far as you want with it. I would probably not print them up early since many will be sharing cars...just seems a waste. Probably all that would be needed would be a stack of cards and a marker (so old people like me can read it thought the windshield)

Ok, I will make them up. I will probably make a 6 per page job and print on some sturdy card stock. If I do 10 pages, that will be 60 cards.. maybe I'll do more. I can easily do this at work with access to one of those big paper cutters and printers that can handle thicker stock paper.

04-07-2014, 18:45
Ok, I will make them up. I will probably make a 6 per page job and print on some sturdy card stock. If I do 10 pages, that will be 60 cards.. maybe I'll do more. I can easily do this at work with access to one of those big paper cutters and printers that can handle thicker stock paper.

You might not need to do that many because we only need to identify the cars that have cars parked in. The first row of cars won't need identified. I don't remember if cars were parked 2 or 3 deep last year. It is of course, up to you! Donna

04-07-2014, 19:41
You might not need to do that many because we only need to identify the cars that have cars parked in. The first row of cars won't need identified. I don't remember if cars were parked 2 or 3 deep last year. It is of course, up to you! Donna

It really won't be any more work. It's no problemo. :)

04-07-2014, 21:16
It really won't be any more work. It's no problemo. :)

Great! Thank you for offering to do this. If you have any left over...you are ahead for next year!:)

04-08-2014, 06:04
I am doing a Post hike Northbound from Pine Grove to the Boiling Springs Area. I will be parking my wheels somewhere around Boiling springs.
Is there anyone familier with the Boiling Springs area that can advise me a good spot to park my ride on Friday the 25th? I will be ending my hike on Tuesday afternoon the 29th in the boiling springs area. So my wheels will be there for about 5 days.
The iron works ? The Scott trail center? Somewhere around the childrens lake?
Any help would be appreciated.
I have never been in Boiling Springs.

04-08-2014, 06:11
I am doing a Post hike Northbound from Pine Grove to the Boiling Springs Area. I will be parking my wheels somewhere around Boiling springs.
Is there anyone familier with the Boiling Springs area that can advise me a good spot to park my ride on Friday the 25th? I will be ending my hike on Tuesday afternoon the 29th in the boiling springs area. So my wheels will be there for about 5 days.
The iron works ? The Scott trail center? Somewhere around the childrens lake?
Any help would be appreciated.
I have never been in Boiling Springs.
You need a permit for overnight parking. My AT guide says to contact the local AT office (I think it is in Boiling Springs) to arrange for overnight parking. The number listed was 717-258-5771
G...Hawk just did this for our pre-hike and it sounded like they were very nice on the phone, said if she couldn't pick up the permit during office hours they would leave one for her somewhere....I think she spoke with Kelly.

04-08-2014, 06:53
You need a permit for overnight parking. My AT guide says to contact the local AT office (I think it is in Boiling Springs) to arrange for overnight parking. The number listed was 717-258-5771
G...Hawk just did this for our pre-hike and it sounded like they were very nice on the phone, said if she couldn't pick up the permit during office hours they would leave one for her somewhere....I think she spoke with Kelly.
Thanks, that's good info.

04-08-2014, 09:51

I spoke with Kelly, at that number.
If I was going to get there after or before office hours there is a box that parking permits are left in.

You and I could do the shuttle together. I will be parked at Boiling Springs.
I am unsure when I will be getting to PGFSP off the trail on Friday.

Otherwise, expect Doogie will shuttle me to pick up my van.


04-08-2014, 10:06

I spoke with Kelly, at that number.
If I was going to get there after or before office hours there is a box that parking permits are left in.

You and I could do the shuttle together. I will be parked at Boiling Springs.
I am unsure when I will be getting to PGFSP off the trail on Friday.

Otherwise, expect Doogie will shuttle me to pick up my van.

Yes, I plan on shuttling both Demeter and G...Hawk to Boiling Springs on Friday whenever we are all set to go.

04-08-2014, 11:41
Yes, I plan on shuttling both Demeter and G...Hawk to Boiling Springs on Friday whenever we are all set to go.

I will be following you guys up to boiling springs in my toaster so that I can drop it off at the iron works lot by Bulger road (with permit), and hitch back with doogie (or whomever), back to PGF. I will be Hiking NB back to Boiler Springs on Sunday.
Its gonna be great!!!
Can I hang out the window on the way back to PGF yelling WEEEE WEEEEE WEEEEE ?

04-08-2014, 11:47
Sure MML, whatever makes you happy! :)

04-08-2014, 17:34

Having seen multiple people end up leaving their car interior lights on....and then returning to vehicles in the morning with a dead battery (don't even think about asking me how I know this)....having the signs even in the front row cars may be a good idea.

04-08-2014, 19:39

Having seen multiple people end up leaving their car interior lights on....and then returning to vehicles in the morning with a dead battery (don't even think about asking me how I know this)....having the signs even in the front row cars may be a good idea.

Yes, a valid consideration!

04-08-2014, 20:00
Any thought to checking raffle tickets as people line up for food? I've heard that we've had free-loaders at past MAHHA potlucks, and the margin between expenses and raffle receipts is getting slimmer. I'd hate to see Tim, Donna, Dutch, Pan, and others who work so hard on this gathering go in the hole because some didn't pay.

04-08-2014, 20:09
Any thought to checking raffle tickets as people line up for food? I've heard that we've had free-loaders at past MAHHA potlucks, and the margin between expenses and raffle receipts is getting slimmer. I'd hate to see Tim, Donna, Dutch, Pan, and others who work so hard on this gathering go in the hole because some didn't pay.

Yes, margins could be getting slimmer. I actually like your idea. I will check with Pan tomorrow to see what he has to say. Yesterday he and I were talking about the subject of how to know who purchased raffle tickets for the dinner, and slimmer margins.

Cranky Bear
04-08-2014, 20:35
A possibility may end up having to institute a per person cost? Prior events have been contribute to the food by bringing a dish and all and we usually made out ahead from raffle ticket purchases. Now that the food has grown to the extent of a almost catered (pig roast) the expense has grown to not be as easily offset by the raffle itself. Instituting a per person cost may help that....just an idea.

04-08-2014, 20:45
The ticket purchases have been a per person purchase. A lot have purchased more than one person. Yes, Yoda, you are right...the cost of the main dish has increased. Everyone is still encouraged to bring a food to contribute. But with the size of our group...it is much easier to have the pig roast (or something similar) instead of us cooking hamburgers and hotdogs for 130+ people. Pan has some suggestions that need to be discussed with the group. Thanks for commenting! Donna

EDIT: The Pig Roast is easier and more uniquely fun!:)

04-08-2014, 20:47
Tim suggested we might want to try the hand stamp idea we had last year, although didn't use. These are all thoughts to consider...probably for the next MAHHA. Although, I could easily get a stamp and ink for this year. I will ask The Wise One (Pan) for his thoughts!:)

Cranky Bear
04-08-2014, 21:43
Or have a separate ticket for the roast? Maybe a different color ticket would work and rip the ticket in half upon being served?

I understand and fully agree that the roast is astronomically easier for everyone. Just trying to help, MAHHA is a great event that had evolved tremendously, I just hope as it does it is still able to keep that same vibe it has had in years past. All for the best I guess.

04-08-2014, 21:57
Or have a separate ticket for the roast? Maybe a different color ticket would work and rip the ticket in half upon being served?

I understand and fully agree that the roast is astronomically easier for everyone. Just trying to help, MAHHA is a great event that had evolved tremendously, I just hope as it does it is still able to keep that same vibe it has had in years past. All for the best I guess.

Yes, our goal is to keep the MAHHA's fun, fellowshipping (is that a word;)), relaxing, good vibing (made up word ;)), family oriented, yummy food eating, socializing event! :)

Thanks for the colored ticket idea...to be discussed I'm sure!


Cranky Bear
04-08-2014, 22:04
Yes, our goal is to keep the MAHHA's fun, fellowshipping (is that a word;)), relaxing, good vibing (made up word ;)), family oriented, yummy food eating, socializing event! :)

Thanks for the colored ticket idea...to be discussed I'm sure!


I know, and you all do such a wonderful job and I'm sure tiring time of putting it all together. The fellowship that we all had at Gathland was a huge part of what made it so special, which is something that I hope others feel it still holds as the event has now become what it is. Nothing wrong with where it is now or what it is becoming, just the nature of it all I guess. Glad to be a part of it all.

04-08-2014, 23:16
Well, i noticed at Watoga that there were alot more people at dinner and the raffle then it seemed were at the campsite, but i dont know how many were being slick , if any, but getting your hand stamped at the time you purchase your ticket(s) is a fool proof method, if your stamp wears off you still have your ticket for proof, if you dont have either then you have a problem.
I am 100% with Donnas hand stamp idea,, the ones involved in all the hard work putting these things together will also have a better piece of mind knowing everyone there has chipped in and not have to worry about- hey, did that guy just show up to eat and hang out for free.
And if you have someone with a money problem and is short then i am sure someone would try and help them out, but to show up and try to get away on everyone elses donations is wrong and goes against the spirit of our comunnity
STAMP EM !:glare::cursing::glare::eek::eek:

04-09-2014, 10:30
ALCON, ( All Concerned) :)

Let's not get too far out on trying to reverse a small issue... No one wants to play line police and spend time stamping hands or checking tickets, or worse turning someone out of the chow line...It takes the fun out of the Hang.

Everyone just need to recognize the cost of blocking entire park camp areas for the weekend, great professional meals, sodas, trucked in fire wood, professional name tags,and some minor reimbursements for the charcoal etc is significant...It is an absolute bargain at $10 for a ticket especially when a ticket has an about an 80-85 percent chance that it will win a prize at the raffle...A raffle that last year had close to $ 2,000 in total prizes, all donated by the vendors and individual contributors, and almost every prize has a retail value between $10 and as much as $300.

Covering the costs and handling the year in advance payment, as well as being good citizens of our chosen advoction by supporting the form, the ATC, The PGFSP museum, Fiends of PGFSP (like all years past) is easily done if everone gets one or two raffle tickets per head in thier group (Families keep it to one per head. Those that can, buy 2 or more)...

Remember, every dollar covers cost or is donated back to our community...And there is an accounting posted in the after action thread each year.

We can keep this easy and fun and in expensive... If everyone plays reasonably.


04-09-2014, 10:43
Sounds reasonable. I will buy two tickets so my dog can have a snack, too.

04-09-2014, 12:32
Donna here...

Please see the thread I just started with information I didn't want buried in this thread. Find it here... https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php?91495-HEAR-YE-HEAR-YE-Those-attending-the-Spring-MAHHA-at-PGFST


04-09-2014, 12:42
Pan's post number 110 should probably go there as well.

04-09-2014, 12:49
Pan's post number 110 should probably go there as well.

Great idea! Done!

Cranky Bear
04-09-2014, 16:48

If something should arise (with my condition) after the deadline I will paypal you the funds for whom ever of my family doesn't make it. For me there is unfortunately the reality I could wake up on that Friday morning and not be able to physically get out of bed...but I will let you know should that become reality.

04-09-2014, 17:05

If something should arise (with my condition) after the deadline I will paypal you the funds for whom ever of my family doesn't make it. For me there is unfortunately the reality I could wake up on that Friday morning and not be able to physically get out of bed...but I will let you know should that become reality.

No Jared...That definitely won't be necessary. You do what you need to do for you and your family without any worry about the funds. That is the last thing you need to worry about! I do hope you can make it...but completely understand if it is best for you to stay home. There will be more hangs to attend!


04-10-2014, 09:27
I just want to be clear about something: we buy raffle tickets at the hang, correct? It's not a pre-sale sort of situation? I'm don't want to miss out on this action!

04-10-2014, 09:28
I just want to be clear about something: we buy raffle tickets at the hang, correct? It's not a pre-sale sort of situation? I'm don't want to miss out on this action!

Yes, purchased at the event. Bring cash, and for the number of tickets you want. They don't make change in the line ;)

Brian P.

04-10-2014, 12:01
Yes, purchased at the event. Bring cash, and for the number of tickets you want. They don't make change in the line ;)

Brian P.

I'll take my change in tickets, thankyouverymuch :lol:

04-12-2014, 12:37
Hey everyone...I forgot to include...in the informational thread I started here....https://www.hammockforums.net/forum/showthread.php?91495-HEAR-YE-HEAR-YE-Those-attending-the-Spring-MAHHA-at-PGFST&p=1240207#post1240207...this

If you have a portable hammock stand, and would be able to bring it...and don't mind loaning it to someone, or using it yourself...please bring it. This is just in case we run out of hanging trees.


04-12-2014, 19:11
Donna here...I need a favor from some kind gentleman/lady.

We were going to bring the charcoal for the hotdogs and possibly something else someone might bring to cook. I thought we had a full bag left over from the last MAHHA. Tim cleaned out his shed today, pulled the bag out...it hardly has any left in it. Since we are already bringing a lot of stuff, I'm asking if someone else would be willing to bring a bag. We have the lighter fluid. We will also bring the little bit of charcoal that we have. I will take our name off the spread sheet for the charcoal. If someone is willing to bring it, please fill in your name.

Thank you very much!

04-12-2014, 22:04
Got it. I'm also bringing oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, but didn't put that on the spreadsheet.

04-12-2014, 22:11
Thank you very much!

Cookies sound yummy!

04-13-2014, 14:47
I wont be able to stay overnight for this hang unfortunately. Im still going to try and make it for a while on Saturday.

04-13-2014, 17:14
Donna, I will be brining my turtle dog stand. (I'm actually putting it together right now!) I also have a bag of charcoal sitting in storage. I'm not sure how much is left but, I can bring whatever I can to help.

04-13-2014, 18:31
After taking a little time off to vandalize a box of Chocolate Lucky Charms in the name of Fashion :shades:, I got back to drafting name tags and caught up to the list. Everyone on the Spring MAHHA planning Spreadsheet should have a PM from me (with Name Tag(s) drafts), if you're on the list but didn't get a PM please let me know??

04-13-2014, 18:38
Donna, I will be brining my turtle dog stand. (I'm actually putting it together right now!) I also have a bag of charcoal sitting in storage. I'm not sure how much is left but, I can bring whatever I can to help.

Bringing your stand is great! Thanks! We are hoping everyone has trees to hang from, but having some stands just in case is a good thing!

WV is bringing some charcoal. You can bring yours just in case it is needed, but I doubt it will. Thanks!


04-15-2014, 06:06
ALCON, ( All Concerned) :)

Let's not get too far out on trying to reverse a small issue... No one wants to play line police and spend time stamping hands or checking tickets, or worse turning someone out of the chow line...It takes the fun out of the Hang.

Everyone just need to recognize the cost of blocking entire park camp areas for the weekend, great professional meals, sodas, trucked in fire wood, professional name tags,and some minor reimbursements for the charcoal etc is significant...It is an absolute bargain at $10 for a ticket especially when a ticket has an about an 80-85 percent chance that it will win a prize at the raffle...A raffle that last year had close to $ 2,000 in total prizes, all donated by the vendors and individual contributors, and almost every prize has a retail value between $10 and as much as $300.

Covering the costs and handling the year in advance payment, as well as being good citizens of our chosen advoction by supporting the form, the ATC, The PGFSP museum, Fiends of PGFSP (like all years past) is easily done if everone gets one or two raffle tickets per head in thier group (Families keep it to one per head. Those that can, buy 2 or more)...

Remember, every dollar covers cost or is donated back to our community...And there is an accounting posted in the after action thread each year.

We can keep this easy and fun and in expensive... If everyone plays reasonably.

I was confused last year at MAHHA hang, I purchased a $10.00 ticket and then I thought you were suppose to eat the ticket. Tasted like paper.
I dont get out much.

04-15-2014, 10:38
I was confused last year at MAHHA hang, I purchased a $10.00 ticket and then I thought you were suppose to eat the ticket. Tasted like paper.
I dont get out much.

There's a laugh I really needed this AM. :) Thanks for that.

04-16-2014, 12:42
Can anyone help me. I'm looking for a Cathlic Church nearby. Are there any handy, and if not how far away is the closest?

Two Tents
04-16-2014, 13:04
There's a laugh I really needed this AM. :) Thanks for that.

Yea MML is an even bigger riot in person. Ya haven't hiked till you have done trail time with a guy in a kilt wearing a pirate hat! Not the baseball pirate hat; a tri corner, honest ta goodness pirate hat! I'm gonna miss all the fun.

04-16-2014, 13:18
Can anyone help me. I'm looking for a Cathlic Church nearby. Are there any handy, and if not how far away is the closest?

The closest catholic church is about a 20 minute drive. Here is the info St Ignatius Loyola, 1095 Church Rd, Orrtanna, PA 17353.

04-16-2014, 14:46
The closest catholic church is about a 20 minute drive. Here is the info St Ignatius Loyola, 1095 Church Rd, Orrtanna, PA 17353.
kurteous beat me to it (work got in the way). Get there early, it is small.

Downhill Trucker
04-16-2014, 20:52
2Q... Any chance you'll be bringing your caldera cone making jig? I really want to make a two piece cone and that would make it soooo easy. I'll bring my own flashing, scissors, and hole punch (I think you told me that I need a paper clip also to hold the two cones together?). Thanks either way.


04-16-2014, 21:02
Sure, I'll bring my stuff to makes some cones!

04-17-2014, 06:10
Sure, I'll bring my stuff to makes some cones!

Sounds great because I didnt get to make one at the fall MAHHA. Our session got cut short when we started looking for WV's lost dog.

What width flashing do I need for a 2 piece set up? I have some 6" at home if that will work.

Thanks, Brian P.

04-17-2014, 07:02
I've never made/used/seen one in person. Are these cones really helpful for the stove?

2Q... Any chance you'll be bringing your caldera cone making jig? I really want to make a two piece cone and that would make it soooo easy. I'll bring my own flashing, scissors, and hole punch (I think you told me that I need a paper clip also to hold the two cones together?). Thanks either way.


04-17-2014, 07:22
I've never made/used/seen one in person. Are these cones really helpful for the stove?
They do increase the efficiency of your stove by blocking out wind while at the same time focusing heat on your pot. I'll be bringing some flashing to make a few of these for my pots. 2Q did a video of a DIY caldera cone:


04-17-2014, 07:23
I've never made/used/seen one in person. Are these cones really helpful for the stove?

we could totally hijack this already lengthy thread to talk about the stove, lol. There are a bunch of threads in the cooking section singing the praises of the caldera cone; you may want to check them out.

04-17-2014, 09:19
awesome. I'll bring some flashing as well.

Cranky Bear
04-17-2014, 09:27
I've never made/used/seen one in person. Are these cones really helpful for the stove?

Take a look here for more info:http://www.traildesigns.com/videos

04-17-2014, 14:27
Hey guys! Dad (blackfoot) and I are trying to work out logistics on our short hike into mahha. We would need a ride about 8 miles north of pine grove around lunchtime on friday afternoon. If youre planning on already being at the camp site at pine grove at that time and would be willing to shuttle us back to our car at the trailhead on route 34 please shoot me, or dad a PM. Thanks!

04-18-2014, 11:53
7 Days,,And so the count down begins..,:thumbup::tongueup::thumbup::boggle::thum bup::woot::thumbup::tongueup::thumbup::boggle::thu mbup:

04-18-2014, 12:30
Next Friday at this time I'll be lounging in the trees. Or shuttling people to their cars. Either way, I'm looking forward to my first group hang!

04-19-2014, 08:17
I am all packed..... now the hard part, waiting to leave:bored:

04-19-2014, 08:37
:thumbup::thumbup::boggle::thumbup:6 DAYS:thumbup::thumbup::boggle::thumbup::thumbup:

04-19-2014, 16:24
Yep, going to need a bigger accordion folder for tags this year :shades:


04-19-2014, 17:41
unfortunately we will not make it this year, some things have came up and it has shifted all of our plans for the next couple weeks. [o]tter sorry you made our tags and didn't need to

04-19-2014, 20:24
TTeR;1244564']Yep, going to need a bigger accordion folder for tags this year :shades:


Otter, what is the count as of now??

Nevermind, i checked the ss ---147 so far


04-19-2014, 20:28
Two things: I have the Pay it Forward Box from the fall PA hang. I will bring it, but have to leave Saturday after breakfast. This means someone who commits to attending the fall hang will need to take ownership of the box on Saturday. These are some nice items that may not be flashy enough for the raffle, but are donated to help each other out. I just threw a roll of aluminum flashing in for diy projects. There is a camp chair and other like items for you to chip in and pay it forward! Please let me know if you are interested in making sure it gets to the next destination in October .

Secondly, Where is Sweet Baby D? Her inbox is full :-( hoping to see her at the hang...

Two Tents
04-20-2014, 06:09
Secondly, Where is Sweet Baby D? Her inbox is full. I Sent you a PM.

04-20-2014, 07:47
:thumbup::tongueup::thumbup::tongueup::thumbup:5 DAYS:thumbup::tongueup::thumbup::tongueup::thumbup :

04-20-2014, 08:10
Two things: I have the Pay it Forward Box from the fall PA hang. I will bring it, but have to leave Saturday after breakfast. This means someone who commits to attending the fall hang will need to take ownership of the box on Saturday. These are some nice items that may not be flashy enough for the raffle, but are donated to help each other out. I just threw a roll of aluminum flashing in for diy projects. There is a camp chair and other like items for you to chip in and pay it forward! Please let me know if you are interested in making sure it gets to the next destination in October .

Thanks Demeter for holding that box since October. I remember that JTDad13 left his chair behind, but I think Jay grabbed it and held it for him. So I don't think the chair in the PIF you have is his, but I just wanted to double check, because I don't think he meant to leave it. His was a recliner, I think. And if this isn't his chair... Awesome, there's a chair in the PIF :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

04-20-2014, 13:18
Ok. So I added myself to the spreadsheet. Need some guidance here. I'll be coming with my fiancé and baby on Sat. We won't be staying but I really just want to hang out for a few hours and eat dinner. So...is that ok? I'll pay for 2 raffle tickets although I really don't need the tickets themselves. I just want to chip in on the cost since I'll be eating.

04-20-2014, 13:23
Nhott, you've got it exactly right. The raffle follows the potluck immediately, so you might want to stick around and win some gear.

04-20-2014, 13:28
Nhott, you've got it exactly right. The raffle follows the potluck immediately, so you might want to stick around and win some gear.

Just so you know,, you are gonna want to stay once you get there, so be prepared for that!

04-20-2014, 13:34
Just so you know,, you are gonna want to stay once you get there, so be prepared for that!

I'm already at that point. Trust me. I want my fiancé to come with so this is what I can do this time around.

Two Tents
04-20-2014, 13:54
Ok. So I added myself to the spreadsheet. Need some guidance here. I'll be coming with my fiancé and baby on Sat. We won't be staying but I really just want to hang out for a few hours and eat dinner. So...is that ok? I'll pay for 2 raffle tickets although I really don't need the tickets themselves. I just want to chip in on the cost since I'll be eating.

Ok so get the tickets and eat and you'll be free to go with no strings. Give the raffle ticket stubs to MML, sbd, WV, ect and tell em there for Two Tents. You'll feel good about it all and maybe I'll win something! :) Peace!

04-20-2014, 14:21
I'm already at that point. Trust me. I want my fiancé to come with so this is what I can do this time around.

Throw your gear in the trunk, just in case and if you need a hammock or tarp for her i am sure, really sure that we cand come up with a set up for the night

04-20-2014, 14:23
Nhott, you've got it exactly right. The raffle follows the potluck immediately, so you might want to stick around and win some gear.

WV, dont forget the gps tracker for the dog !:boggle::tongueup::tongueup::boggle::laugh::laugh ::laugh::tongueup::tongueup::boggle::boggle:

04-20-2014, 14:44
Ok so get the tickets and eat and you'll be free to go with no strings. Give the raffle ticket stubs to MML, sbd, WV, ect and tell em there for Two Tents. You'll feel good about it all and maybe I'll win something! :) Peace!

Throw your gear in the trunk, just in case and if you need a hammock or tarp for her i am sure, really sure that we cand come up with a set up for the night

Haha. Honestly I only need (want) quilts at this point. I'm sure that will only last until I see what's in the raffle but for now I'm good. I could use some superpowers to convince Christina to either take a 7 month old teething baby camping or spending a night without her. I have a hard enough time with the latter.

04-20-2014, 15:15
If you can convince her to let you stay, look me up. I'll be leaving on sunday and you are on the way home.

lazy river road
04-20-2014, 15:59
Haha. Honestly I only need (want) quilts at this point. I'm sure that will only last until I see what's in the raffle but for now I'm good. I could use some superpowers to convince Christina to either take a 7 month old teething baby camping or spending a night without her. I have a hard enough time with the latter.

Well if it helps your case any you can mention to your fiance that your friend LRR is leaving Mrs. LRR home with Smiles and Love (our ten month old twins) home with just mommy for the weekend so day can go find the sanity he has lost in the woods. Wwwhhhooo MAHA!!!!!

04-20-2014, 18:27
A little teaser for this years contribution to the Spring Mahha 2014 raffle. I will be bringing one of these paddles with me this year.

https://www.hammockforums.net/gallery/files/8/4/7/8/paddles_2014_thumb.jpg (https://www.hammockforums.net/gallery/showimage.php?i=23772)

Good luck everyone and can't wait to see you all again.


04-20-2014, 21:01
unfortunately we will not make it this year, some things have came up and it has shifted all of our plans for the next couple weeks. [o]tter sorry you made our tags and didn't need to

Donna here...
Too bad you won't be able to make it. The unexpected messes up the best made plans.:(

Will someone be able to bring the salad he had signed up to bring? If so...please let me know on the spread sheet...and Thanks!

Edit...I just noticed that he had also signed up to bring sausage for breakfast. If someone would be willing to bring this that would be great! If so, please let me know on the spread sheet. Thanks!

04-20-2014, 22:09
I'll bring the salad. Any particular kind? I'm swinging by the Pennsylvania Dutch Market in Hagerstown on my way up.

04-20-2014, 22:19
I can get breakfast sausage

04-21-2014, 06:54
I'll bring the salad. Any particular kind? I'm swinging by the Pennsylvania Dutch Market in Hagerstown on my way up.

Thank you very much! You may bring any kind...such as macaroni, potato, cole slaw....the sky's the limit! I'm sure what ever you bring...it will be eaten! With 130+ attending the dinner...there will be a multitude of taste buds to enjoy all food brought!

I can get breakfast sausage

Thank you also very much!

04-21-2014, 07:56
:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::boggle::thumbup::thumb up::thumbup:4 D A Y S :thumbup::thumbup::boggle::thumbup::thumbup::thumb up:

04-21-2014, 08:07
So my wife and I went to Costco the other evening, and bought a big ol box of sausage. We have 35 servings! We had also signed up to bring a salad item. I was wondering if anyone who also signed up to bring sausage would want to swap with us and bring a salad instead?


EDIT: If not, that's fine. We can still bring a deli salad. There will not be a sausage shortage, for sure!

04-21-2014, 11:37
A little teaser for this years contribution to the Spring Mahha 2014 raffle. I will be bringing one of these paddles with me this year.

https://www.hammockforums.net/gallery/files/8/4/7/8/paddles_2014_thumb.jpg (https://www.hammockforums.net/gallery/showimage.php?i=23772)

Good luck everyone and can't wait to see you all again.


Ryvr, those look awesome.

Black Foot
04-21-2014, 15:35
Hey guys! Dad (blackfoot) and I are trying to work out logistics on our short hike into mahha. We would need a ride about 8 miles north of pine grove around lunchtime on friday afternoon. If youre planning on already being at the camp site at pine grove at that time and would be willing to shuttle us back to our car at the trailhead on route 34 please shoot me, or dad a PM. Thanks!

Wanted to let everyone know that we got a shuttle arranged. We got a bunch of offers from people who were willing to lend a hand by giving us a ride and I wanted to personally thank you all for your kindness and willingness to help. I don't know if anyone noticed but there are some really great people on this forum - just sayin'

04-21-2014, 21:04
Wanted to let everyone know that we got a shuttle arranged. We got a bunch of offers from people who were willing to lend a hand by giving us a ride and I wanted to personally thank you all for your kindness and willingness to help. I don't know if anyone noticed but there are some really great people on this forum - just sayin'

Great to hear. Yes there are some really nice people on here, and I am willing to bet one of them will give me a shuttle back to Caledonia Friday evening too ;)

Thanks, Brian P.

04-22-2014, 00:56
:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thum bup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::tongueup: :tongueup::tongueup::tongueup::thumbup::thumbup::t humbup:..3 D A Y S..:thumbup::boggle::thumbup::tongueup::thumbup::b oggle:

04-22-2014, 07:51
If anyone's still sitting on the fence or, if you're prone to procrastination, here's the "motivational" final call for Name Tags :shades: I will be sitting in front on this computer till Noon, after that I'm packing in preparation for the journey South where, we will lay siege on the great Furnace of Pine Grove! Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up, Can't make anymore tags after lunch today ;)

Please note, if you haven't seen a draft of our tag(s) via PM then it doesn't exist, I lost my mind reading skills after the "incident"

For those keeping score, last year I printed off 82 tags, the year prior, 64 [Pause for dramatic effect] So far this year...148 :thumbup1:

04-22-2014, 08:13
TTeR;1245913'] Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up, Can't make anymore tags after lunch today ;)

For those keeping score, last year I printed off 82 tags, the year prior, 64 [Pause for dramatic effect] So far this year...148 :thumbup1:

First of all, thank you so much for making all the tags.
Second, Wowy wow wow on the amount.
Third, Nice Princess Bride reference :lol:

04-22-2014, 08:23
...I will have to pull out of the hang this year at the last minute. Something's come up and I'm going to be stuck at home for the weekend, so I won't get a chance to meet everyone.

That being said, I'm supposed to be bringing a bunch of water for breakfast on Saturday. If anyone is coming up from the general DC area and wants to meet me sometime between now and Thursday, I'd still like to contribute what I signed up for. And, if there's any way I can help with my share of the event costs, I'd be willing to do that as well.

Really bummed I can't make it. Guess I'll have to meet you all in the fall!

04-22-2014, 10:37
...I will have to pull out of the hang this year at the last minute. Something's come up and I'm going to be stuck at home for the weekend, so I won't get a chance to meet everyone.

That being said, I'm supposed to be bringing a bunch of water for breakfast on Saturday. If anyone is coming up from the general DC area and wants to meet me sometime between now and Thursday, I'd still like to contribute what I signed up for. And, if there's any way I can help with my share of the event costs, I'd be willing to do that as well.

Really bummed I can't make it. Guess I'll have to meet you all in the fall!

I live in Springfield and am driving up on Friday.... Pm me so we can meet.

04-22-2014, 11:11
First of all, thank you so much for making all the tags.
Second, Wowy wow wow on the amount.
Third, Nice Princess Bride reference :lol:

No worries, making the tags is too easy, next year, I may have to do them left-handed ;)

Just checked the spreadsheet one last time...AND.... I'm off the clock! It's been a blast labeling everyone again this year, really looking forward to handing you your tags at Pine Grove, Friday wont come soon enough!!

04-22-2014, 11:20

Not a problem. I can take care of the water and get it to TZ Friday afternoon.

Take care, stay safe

Black Foot
04-22-2014, 12:43
TTeR;1246037']No worries, making the tags is too easy, next year, I may have to do them left-handed ;)

Just checked the spreadsheet one last time...AND.... I'm off the clock! It's been a blast labeling everyone again this year, really looking forward to handing you your tags at Pine Grove, Friday wont come soon enough!!

After having a great time with them last year, I'm looking forward to catching up with our friends from Canada, assume you'll be camping here again?


04-22-2014, 12:57
After having a great time with them last year, I'm looking forward to catching up with our friends from Canada, assume you'll be camping here again?


Since this is our 3rd Spring MAHHA, "SITE EH" has become our "home away from home" ;)

Quick hike down Memory Lane: Spring MAHHA 2012 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tgallagher123/sets/72157629939779963/) & Spring MAHHA 2013 (https://www.flickr.com/photos/tgallagher123/sets/72157633381690482/) :shades:

04-22-2014, 14:16
Can I hang there? I'll bring my passport for inspection and cpap machine so my snoring doesn't keep anyone up.

04-22-2014, 14:48
Can I hang there? I'll bring my passport for inspection and cpap machine so my snoring doesn't keep anyone up.

All are welcome ;)

Unless you're louder then the sound of somebody trying to start a chainsaw, I really wouldn't worry to much about snoring Mate, my advice, bring earplugs!

Baby JoDa
04-22-2014, 14:53
People tell me that I'm a loud snorer, but I've never heard a thing. ;)

04-22-2014, 16:04
People tell me that I'm a loud snorer, but I've never heard a thing. ;)

You just need a CPAP machine that is significantly louder than your snoring, like ggreaves. :D

04-22-2014, 17:05
Can I hang there? I'll bring my passport for inspection and cpap machine so my snoring doesn't keep anyone up.

I have yet to meet the person who can out snore Brantwing and we have been camping with him for years. Feel free to join us like Otter said all are welcome.


04-22-2014, 18:29
I was looking forward to going to MAHHA this year but just found out about a loss in the family last night. I really need to be home to be with my family. Thanks for all the work people put in to this and for otter for making the name tags. Donna you do so much organizing all this and it is very appreciated, i will for sure be there next year!


04-22-2014, 19:06
I was looking forward to going to MAHHA this year but just found out about a loss in the family last night. I really need to be home to be with my family. Thanks for all the work people put in to this and for otter for making the name tags. Donna you do so much organizing all this and it is very appreciated, i will for sure be there next year!


Understand completely......Take care Ian...hopefully we will see you and your cool dog on the trail this year. 2Q

04-22-2014, 20:01
I have yet to meet the person who can out snore Brantwing


Challenge accepted Sir, ask the JerseyBearz.

04-22-2014, 20:20
Ok, can we put all the chainsaws in one camping area so they drive each other crazy all night!

I can see I need to bring my noise cancelling headphones in addition to the earplugs. I camp so I dont have to listen to DH !!!! :-)

04-23-2014, 07:28

Wife would like me to bring a new in box Yogurt machine for the raffle. Would this be an appropriate gift for the group?



04-23-2014, 07:30

That is the worst possible reason to be grounded from the hammock :( We are sorry for your loss, and wish the best for you and your family.


04-23-2014, 08:37
Mahha friends,
I will not make it to this years Spring event. I will miss all of my MAHHA buddies. I look forward all the photos and shared stories here on the forum.
Have fun and be safe!


04-23-2014, 08:56
Sorry you won't make it, Soundman. Enjoyed camping and hiking in with you!

04-23-2014, 09:39
Mahha friends,
I will not make it to this years Spring event. I will miss all of my MAHHA buddies. I look forward all the photos and shared stories here on the forum.
Have fun and be safe!


Sorry to hear that SoundMan, I enjoyed meeting you last year. Hopefully we can meet on the trail sometime.


04-23-2014, 15:35
stupid question for anyone from the Harrisburg area.... being from Canada, bugs aren't out around here yet (grass just turned green on the weekend). Will I need a bug net on this hang?

04-23-2014, 15:37
You shouldn't. Maybe the occasional gnat but nothing like the summer time.

04-23-2014, 15:58
Thanks for the info. My hammock has an integrated bug net but I like to insulate using a pod system, which I can't do if the bug net is up.

04-23-2014, 16:39
Anyone interested in trying out a slackline? I'll bring it just in case...


04-23-2014, 17:17
stupid question for anyone from the Harrisburg area.... being from Canada, bugs aren't out around here yet (grass just turned green on the weekend). Will I need a bug net on this hang?

They were starting to hatch when I was trout fishing two weeks ago, but it's slightly cooler now. So it could be a coin toss.

Early Bird
04-23-2014, 18:15
stupid question for anyone from the Harrisburg area.... being from Canada, bugs aren't out around here yet (grass just turned green on the weekend). Will I need a bug net on this hang?

the bugs were actually kind of bad backpacking out of Harper's Ferry 2 weeks ago, although they weren't as bad at night

04-23-2014, 18:22
Central jersey bugs are really bad towards sunset allready, mostly nats,, :scared:

04-23-2014, 18:23
Forewarned is forearmed. Thanks!

04-23-2014, 19:09
Checking page 2 of the signup sheet it looks like everything listed is covered. Anything else I can bring to help out? Happy to linger around kitchen area and assist w/ cooking as well as needed.

lazy river road
04-23-2014, 19:42
I am going to print off recycling signs on green paper to hang around the pavalion and bring specific bags for recycling and make sure all materials that can be recycled get recycled. Please look for these signs during the pot luck Saturday night. I am so excited to see everyone and will miss those who could not make it. See you all Friday night.

04-23-2014, 22:03
I forgot my alcohol stoves packed in my wife's pack, and she's not going now. Anyone have an extra stove/stand that can fit a 12cm imusa I could borrow please? Unfortunately I am also hiking in, and hope someone will lend me one for my meal at birch run shelter tomorrow night. If not, looks like its gonna be cliff bars and jerky lol. I have my dry baking stuff, just no stoves :(

Thanks Brian P.

lazy river road
04-23-2014, 22:23
Can't say my stove will fit your pot but I'll have a propane two burner stove and a pot to boil water or cook in that your more then welcome to use however ya see fit (boil water cook in whatever) however with 150 plus hangers IMHO you shouldn't have to much of a problem finding a stove to cook on. But if yah do just walk around the camp site with one finger in the air yelling out who's got my extra stove and I'll take care of ya.

04-23-2014, 23:04
Made a midnight run to walmart and purchased a can of fancy feast, and a hole punch. Total cost was $1.75 it will work for my hike in, however I may need to borrow a simmer stove to bake on. I am sure someone will have one I can use for one muffin :)

Thanks, Brian P.

04-23-2014, 23:26
:woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::thumbup::thumbup:ON E MORE DAY..:thumbup::thumbup::woot::woot::woot::woot::wo ot::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::t humbup::thumbup::thumbup:

04-24-2014, 00:46
See you all tomorrow. weather is supposed to be really nice. 150 old friends and new friends I haven't met yet. This is going to be so cool!

Take care stay safe

04-24-2014, 06:36
let me know how that fancy feast tastes.

04-24-2014, 07:58
Heading out to hike back. This will look different soon.http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/04/24/meveha6u.jpg

04-24-2014, 08:02
I am on my way. Should be on the trail around noon!!

04-24-2014, 08:08
Have fun good peoples. I shall live vicariously through the pictures, videos, and stories posted here.

04-24-2014, 09:41
Sadly, I won't be able to be at the Spring MAHHA.

I drove my 3+ hours to PGFSP on Tuesday to leave my car and get a shuttle to PenMar to do my prehike. Literally a couple of miles from the park, my car started making knocking noises up front. By the I made it to the park I couldn't drive the car any more as it was actually banging very violently. I made it all the way there! I had it towed to a local garage and my shuttle guy took me to PenMar. I got to Deer Lick shelters and got a phone call from the garage that the damage was in the thousands. I spent the night at the shelter and after talking to my mechanic/friend from home, I decided that I needed to have it towed home for him to do the work for me and save me lots of $$$.

I've been looking forward to this event and will miss hanging out with all of you. I'm one bummed perrito.

Have fun everyone!

04-24-2014, 10:15
Sadly, I won't be able to be at the Spring MAHHA.

I drove my 3+ hours to PGFSP on Tuesday to leave my car and get a shuttle to PenMar to do my prehike. Literally a couple of miles from the park, my car started making knocking noises up front. By the I made it to the park I couldn't drive the car any more as it was actually banging very violently. I made it all the way there! I had it towed to a local garage and my shuttle guy took me to PenMar. I got to Deer Lick shelters and got a phone call from the garage that the damage was in the thousands. I spent the night at the shelter and after talking to my mechanic/friend from home, I decided that I needed to have it towed home for him to do the work for me and save me lots of $$$.

I've been looking forward to this event and will miss hanging out with all of you. I'm one bummed perrito.

Have fun everyone!
Awe Dennis, that sucks especially since you didn't make it to the winter NEHHA. I'm driving my 17 year old Nissan pickup down there...hopefully she makes it...
Edit: I mean the spring NEHHA.