To be able to post items for sale in our For Sale forum you will need to join the "Sellers Group". Once you in the "Sellers Group" you can create a new thread. You can also Open, Close or move your thread at any time. See the step by step instructions bellow on how to create, edit, change prefix's and move your thread. See the guidelines of what you are allowed to sell below under Guidelines.
1. First you must join the "Sellers Group".
A. To join the "Sellers Usergroup" group you need to click on SETTINGS in the top right of the screen.
B. Scroll down and the left side of the screen until you see PERMISSION GROUPS and click on it.
C. Put a mark in the box to the right of "Sellers Usergroup".
D. Now click on the Join Group in the bottom left.
E. Now you should be all set to use this group.
Creating a thread
1. Create your thread by clicking on Post New Thread in the For Sale forum..
2. Set the prefix to your thread to one of the following:
FS = For Sale
FS/FT = For Sale or For Trade
SOLD = Sold
WITHDRAWN = Withdrawn, if you change your mind and don't want to sell it.
3. Type in the title to your thread in the Title block.
4. Type in the items you have for sale with a description and the asking price (most have all three of these). No auction-style posts, no bidding on items, or linking to auctions.
5. Once done click on Submit New Thread in the bottom right under the message box.
6. Now your message is there for others to read.
7. When items are sold you must Close thread, change prefix, and move thread. See directions below.
Editing a thread content
1. Open the Thread you created.
2. In the first post #1. In the bottom right of the message click on EDIT.
3. If you just want to change the description or prices then you would make the changes and click on SAVE in the bottom right under the message box.
Closing, editing Prefix and moving your thread once your items are Sold, Traded or Withdrawn
1. Open the Thread you created.
2. In the top right just Above the thread click on ADMINISTRATIVE.
3. Click on Move in the drop down box.
4. Click on Proceed.
5. Now click on the drop down box to the right of DESTINATION FORUM.
6. A listing of forums will now display. Pick the one that is a couple of lines under the For Sale forum. It is titled [SOLD/WITHDRAWN] Items no longer available (No Posting).
7. Do not change anything in the REDIRECT block.
8. Click on MOVE THREAD in the bottom right.