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  • Want To Buy (WTB) guidelines

    Want To Buy (WTB) guidelines
    1. There are no minimum post to participate in the 'Want To Buy (WTB)' sub forum.

    2. Items in WTB must be related to outdoor gear.
    Excluded (cannot be bought or sold on HF)
    a) Fire arms, ammunition, or holsters for same
    b) Fishing, skiing, pulks, or any other sporting gear
    c) Electronic gear – if it requires power or batteries it cannot be sold on HF
    d) Automatic knives, butterfly knives and swords

    3. A member may only have one (1) WTB thread active at any one time with no limit on the number of items in the thread. Once a member closes their thread they can then open another. If a member opens a 2nd thread, thereby having two threads active, both threads will be deleted.

    4. Do not refer individuals to vendors for items they WTB. Only offer items that you personally own.

    5. Do not post links to websites that offer referral bonuses or kickbacks.

    6. When OP has found item, they must close the thread. Repeated failure to close a thread may result in loss of access to the Market Place.
    Closing, editing Prefix and moving your thread once your items are Found
    1. Open the Thread you created.
    2. In the top right just Above the thread click on ADMINISTRATIVE.
    3. Click on Close
    4. Click on Proceed.

    7. No off topic discussions are allowed in WTB threads. Off topic discussion will be deleted at the moderator’s discretion. This includes but not limited to recommendations or reviews (good or bad) of items offered or chatter in the thread. Please limit conversations to offering the item or to ask/answer questions about the item the OP is requesting to purchase.

    8. If PayPal is used you may not use the "Send money to family or friends" payments option. You must use the "Pay for goods or services" option.

    9. Do not play "price police" and make a public post in another member's thread about where a product can be found at a lower price or comments that the seller’s price is high/low. A simple Private Message to the seller may be helpful, though.

    10. OP must always post an "I'll Take It" in the thread where the seller is making their offer. This creates a public record of the intent, and officially claims the item.

    11. Do not offer to purchase items if you are not the OP of the thread. The items being offered are for the purchase ONLY by the member opening the thread. All other offers to purchase will be removed.

    12. Once an agreement has been reached, the buyer has 48 hours to submit payment to the seller. If funds aren't received in that time, the seller may rescind their offer to sell by posting in the thread.

    13. When you post a new WTB thread, you will have to select a prefix Click on the area and select. This will automatically preface your thread with WTB: (thread title). You will not be able to post a new thread until the prefix is selected.

    14 OP should bump the thread once per 7 days in order to keep it active. Threads not bumped may be removed by moderators as being inactive with no prior notification to the OP. Repeated abandoned threads my cause OP be removed from the Marketplace.

    15. Hammock Forums Marketplace Rules must be read, AND followed, in order to maintain access to the Marketplace. Members who disregard these rules will face suspension of their access to the marketplace for an undetermined amount of time, at the Hammock Forums staff discretion.

    Guidelines -
    1. Use thoughtful caution when purchasing. Consider how long has the member been on the forum, and the amount of the transaction.

    2. Communicate clearly, frequently, and calmly. This eliminates frustration for both buyers and sellers.

    3. As per rule 8 - Never use the 'I'm sending money to family or friends' payment options when purchasing. This does not automatically supply the shipping address to the seller, and it strictly limits the buyer's options for any refund if there is a problem with the transaction.

    4. Consider using a shipping method that can offer tracking or delivery confirmation. USPS Priority is a good option for U.S. addresses.

    The Fine Print -

    - Hammock Forums is not responsible for transactions or goods exchanged.

    - If there is a dispute, please PM one of the moderators.

    - The Marketplace forums are meant for individuals selling surplus or unwanted gear only. It is not a place for members to start their small business endeavors.

    - Hammock Forums welcomes those who wish to offer a hammock related item or service to the other members of the forum. Those wishing to offer a hammock related service or product should first contact one of the moderation team to make your intentions known and then post relevant threads in the Other Vendors and Services sub forum.

    - The Marketplace forums will be kept "tidy". Old threads deemed inactive will be closed by the individual opening the thread once the transaction is completed. Failure to clean up your thread may result is loss of access to the Market Place.
  • Recent Forum Posts


    20* Full Length vs 3/4 UQ

    Yeah, having a buff or gaiter helps quite a bit... as long as my neck doesn't get cold, I stay pretty comfy most of the time.

    My go to under

    ObdewlaX Today, 21:05 Go to last post
    PaPa K

    New SLD gear on the horizon.

    Haven’t tried the cat cut, but I am still drawn to the Airwave we were discussing in another thread. Think I need an hammock intervention

    PaPa K Today, 20:57 Go to last post

    Any tips for sewing a button hole for a knotty mod?

    Don't use a button hole. I've always just left a half inch gap in the hem a foot down from the end of the hammock. Easy to thread the 3/8" or

    PappyAmos Today, 20:46 Go to last post

    VA, Grayson Highlands Fall Festival, Sept 26 - 30, 2024

    For some reason I am not getting all post notifications in my email.
    Oh well, Good to hear from each of you!

    slowhike Today, 19:26 Go to last post

    FL>Hidden Pond, ONF>Sept 27 - Sept 29, 2024>9th Annual Summer's Last Gasp Hang

    Coming from Salt Springs personally I would split off 19 onto 319 west, then all you do is turn Left/South on FR88 (paved), and it's pretty much a strait

    78Staff Today, 17:23 Go to last post

    Any tips for sewing a button hole for a knotty mod?

    That’s called Dutch magic. We all fall victim, sooner or later.
    He’s got a magical button hole machine.
    Ask Dutch.

    gargoyle Today, 17:01 Go to last post

    Canada -> Central -> EGL Fall Trip 2024

    I'm heading in Thursday. I plan to be at the launch at 9am.

    LuvmyBonnet Today, 15:52 Go to last post

    Canada -> Central -> EGL Fall Trip 2024

    That's correct. Because folks often like to spend an extra day or two, I figured I'd bookend my permit so we have a site reserved both on Clydegale an

    Chard Today, 14:59 Go to last post
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