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    Black Cat Tarp Tutorial

    This tutorial was written and published by Blackbishop351, originally on his website. Huge thanks to Blackbishop351 for putting this together. This tutorial is also available in PDF format here and here (thanks gun parker and angrysparrow).
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    DIY KAQ Instructions
    The following tutorial was taken from Kick *** Quilts. The original tutorial is courtesy of Patrick McKenna, and is posted here with his permission. This tutorial is also available in PDF format from here or here (thanks gun parker and angrysparrow). Acrobat Reader is required to view files. Now on to the good stuff....

    I think making plans available is the right thing to do for a variety of reasons. This section is more for making your own for the pure satisfaction of it or as a starting point for a more personal custom project. I also think it's a useful way of showing you what you're buying from the inside out.

    I'm going to give instructions on how to make mine exactly. I highly encourage you to embellish on the design and/or materials to suit your own needs, though. Here are some possible variations:

    Ultra-lightYou could use 0.8 oz. ripstop instead of 1.1 oz. You could use less insulation, maybe have it only double-layered in key areas, like around the torso and shoulders. You could leave off the reinforcing patches and side tie-out loops. For the corner loops, you could use 1/4" Grosgrain ribbon instead of 3/4" and leave off the cordlocks and just use knots instead. The 0.8 oz. will save you several ounces and the insulation skimping should save at least that much.

    Heavy duty
    You could use 1.9 oz. ripstop breathable and 330 denier reinforcing patches. You could use nylon straps instead of the Grosgrain ribbon. You could reinforce all seams with Grosgrain. You could replace the 3/16" attachment shock cord with something thicker.

    Temperature variation
    I currently use two layers of 3/4"-1" Polarguard 3D. Adding another layer should get you between ten and twenty degrees of extra warmth. Alternatively,
    Published on 03-15-2014 02:22

    Hammock Forums has always had a strict rule against political and religious posts. This has normally applied to issues that most members can agree are contentious...gun rights and carry laws, differences in religion, political elections and candidates, etc. As we've said several times, this isn't about First Amendment rights but about keeping this particular site respectful and on-topic.

    Hammock Forums is a family friendly site. This means that our topics, language and treatment of each other are what you'd want your kids to see. We're not a bunch of prudes...we just think that the internet has enough places where that behavior is tolerated, and this particular site shouldn't be one of them. This is a great community where the norm is to support others in their ideas and projects, and not assume offense where none is intended...and therefore not to flame, call names, or create friction in our threads. Respectful disagreement is ok; disrespectful comments are not.

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    FL>Hidden Pond, ONF>Sept 27 - Sept 29, 2024>9th Annual Summer's Last Gasp Hang

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    How is the weather?

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    Indoor Hammock Enthusiast

    I use this setup everyday:

    And after I put wheels on it. This was a stellar option that I love.

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    FL>Hidden Pond, ONF>Sept 27 - Sept 29, 2024>9th Annual Summer's Last Gasp Hang

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