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  1. #1
    Senior Member Ghillieshot's Avatar
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    Measuring and cutting your hammock fabric for a new hammock company. Ghilliehammocks

    Hey guys,

    So I have been making hammocks for quite a few years now. But a time consuming tedious part of it (besides all the sewing. ) is trying to measure out the fabric and cut it ''square'', I know there would be easier methods then just trying to lay it out square and trying to cut it strait with my scissors, plus the fabric I get is never on a role. I guess that would sort out a lot of problems if I could get it on a role. That opens a new questions, where could I buy rolls of fabric that wouldn't take a mortgage to ship to Australia. I am going to be starting a Kickstarter with my own hammocks. I have actually been planning this for a few years now, trying to finalize what I would make, and cost... etc. If anyone could give me a hand, that would be great. Thanks guys.

    I am still in the final stages of finalizing my company, but I am nearly there. You'll be hearing about the Ghilliehammocks soon. I have quit a few ideas. But any help from other company owners would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and don't worry, I won't be digging in on your businesses, as my hammocks are going to be more likely sold in Australia. Plus I am not going to be stealing any copyright from anyone. I have my own Ideas of what I will do as I have been making hammocks for a few years now. Looking forward to hearing from you all.

    Cheers guys.


  2. #2
    Senior Member Snowball's Avatar
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    I can’t help you regarding a fabric supplier but I do have some ideas for cutting.
    First of all get a table big enough for the largest fabric size you are going to cut and don’t forget good light. I think most of us have made a wrong cut because of shadows and or because of poor marking on the fabric. Tools and the physical work environment is half the work.
    Everything depends on your financial situation.
    A CNC laser cutter would be no. one but it is expensive. The benefit is you can cut curves and what not with ease and change sizes and shapes very quickly + the edges are sealed at the same time.
    If you are very handy you could make one yourself. If you look at youtube you can find several videos of DIY CNC machines with routers. You do however need to get a laser head instead.
    I am don’t do hammocks for a living its only a hobby but I am lazy. I have a background in metalwork and have been a CNC machine operator many years (not anymore). Machines do exactly what you tell them to do and you can stand back and look. When you are lazy you often become creative. How can I do this with less work for me? Cutting fabrics is not my favorite part of DIY hammocks so lasers have been in my mind although its overkill. Again look at youtube. Laser pens all over and some can burn holes plastics. If they can do that my guess is they can also cut nylon and polyester. Most of these lasers are cylindrical so if you plan to do any kind of serial work make a wooden template. If you can find a laser with cutting qualities offset the template with the radius of the laser and just move it around the template.

    Warning. Lasers are not toys and can damage your eyes. It can also apply for reflecting light! Also don’t forget the potential fire Hazard.

    Laser aside wooden templates can be used over and over again for marking and cutting with a hot knife.
    For manual cutting I also got my eyes on a EC-Cutter

  3. #3
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    My cuts are usually anything but square. I don't like to stress over the small stuff if it's not someone else's money on the line and if it's close enough, that's good enough for me. One thing that helps me at least stay close is a rotary cutter used with a straight edge. I'm also a steel fabricator so I just sheered a a 3" wide straight edge from a sheet of stainless.

    For the rotary cutter, I've found the smaller diameter ones are easier to keep control of. I started with a larger one and had some problems wobbling away from my straight edge. Got a smaller one and I don't even have to think about it; it cuts right where I want it to.

    Overall though, I found my work surface to be the biggest contributor to cut quality. When I work in my shop with plenty of room and a good flat surface, it's pretty easy to get nice straight cuts. If it's cold and I'm being a wuss by workin in the house, things are a bit more cramped and my inside work surface is less than true so my cuts get a little squirrelly.

    If you think about it, most finished edges on a hammock are roll hemmed anyway to any screwiness in the cut, within reason, won't show in the final product. I put much more effort in attempting nice straight stitches (usually failing, but at least I try :P ) since that's the most noticeable aspect of a finished hammock.

    As for buying full rolls of fabric? Can't help ya. You could try contacting folks who sell by the yard and ask about bulk pricing. I'd imagine they'd help ya out since you want to offer finished products rather than DIY supplies.

    Good luck!

  4. #4
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    I suggest you find a mentor. In the U.S.A. and Canada there are both government and private nonprofit agencies to help you with a business start up.

    If you are not knowledgeable in the business end of your startup, some help by an expert will be invaluable. Most of the government sponsored startup help also will help you obtain funding for your project, that will be within your ability to repay or help you with grants. There are a lot of options the public does not know about for getting some extra input before you get your tax number. A good business plan is all important, your plan will included who you will receive your supplies from. You need to be sure your supplier will be able to deliver the goods in a reliable and timely fashion.

    I used government start up funds in Canada, I was also offered a lot of help without obligation. Reliable suppliers were my biggest problem. I finally sold out because I could not keep a regular flow of my wool.

    As mentioned by other members, your work space needs to be comfortable, large enough and well lit and clean. Life improved when I had a workspace the right size and height. Storage space where you can see what you have, yet the supplies are protected.

  5. #5
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    Well like one of the other guys said , Im lazy so I built a table 5 ft wide by 6 feet long . I just made it out of cheap quarter inch plywood so I cut with a razor knife or a big soddering iron . The 1/4 inch plywood projects out past the frame of the table so I can clamp the material easily .So far all my hammocks have been five feet wide so not much measuring there . The length usually starts at about eleven feet or so . I only have to measure down a half a foot then after the material is doubled over . If I had more room Id probabley make the table 12 feet long .
    These measurements don't do you much good I spose , but the point is make a nice square table about the size of the hammocks your making and let the table do the measureing and squareing . By the way I have a big aluminum straight edge that spans the table for the knife or the iron to track on .
    Last edited by riverjoe; 12-04-2014 at 19:25.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Ghillieshot's Avatar
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    Wow. Thank you all for your help. I will look into all of these helpful pieces of information. I think the bigest problem I have right now is my working space. It's literally in my bedroom as I am renting and living in a rundown shed. My working space is literally 8ft by 5ft. It's old carpet that is overlapped, so I feel that when I move, I'll have a much better set up. I am still planing a lot, I won't be doing anything for a while in reg to the business/kick starter. Thanks heaps for your help everyone. I will keep researching and looking for ways to better myself. Keep me posted if you come up with any new ideas.


  7. #7
    Senior Member XTrekker's Avatar
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    Easy way to get things close to square is simply to fold the fabric in half and measure from the folded edge and place a few marks along the raw edges and follow up with a straight edge and few pins. This method works in tight spaces and doesnt require large work tables. Check out a few of my videos and you will see what I mean. Gonna make another video soon if my newest methods that simplify the complete process as my previous methods were a bit more difficult than what I use now days. Best of luck to ya, you can always hit me up anytime if you want to know any of my KIS methods.

  8. #8
    Senior Member SnrMoment's Avatar
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    The simplest way I've seen to cut straight off a roll is to suspend it like a roll of toilet paper and use a guide to cut across it. Doesn't take up much room in your shop.
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