It’s HOT! The Texas Butt Bake Hang is just around the corner and I’m ready for some cool weather. I’m ready for fall!

It’s time to start talking about November! Yep, let's get the Annual Texas Fall Group Hang planning underway!

If you don’t have the date saved yet, mark November 13-15, 2015 on your calendar for the Lone Star State’s Annual fall hammock infestation of the trees at Fairfield Lake State Park.

It’s a great time to renew friendships, make new ones, and play with gear, so don’t miss out.

For our 7th year of this annual event, it wouldn’t seem right to be any time or place than we’ve done before, so let’s meet the weekend of the second Saturday in November at Fairfield Lake State Park once again!

There has been a large increase in forum membership over the past year, (42,000 members at this posting), and a good number of them are Texas folks, (or friendly neighbors of The Republic), and all are welcome. What started with a handful of folks from South/Central Texas in early 2009 has surpassed the century mark with past participants from Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, and places forgotten or unknown.

If you have not been to this event before, don’t worry; details and FAQs will be posted very soon. Feel free to take a few moments and scroll through some of last year’s planning and trip reports. It will help answer questions you may have and maybe create some that can be addressed on this thread in the weeks to come.

In the past, the fun has included car camping for those who like to bring everything; (the location has showers and porcelain facilities for those who won’t leave home without them); day hikes for those so inclined; lake paddling; fishing; pot luck dinners; Dutch oven cooking; DIY play time; lots of show and tell along with a little gear trading; group buys; stove tests; drawings for prizes, and some wonderful campfire fellowship.

So, let the planning conversation begin!