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    Senior Member Doctari's Avatar
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    Mt Rogers Official Planning forum

    Well, it is decided.
    As of 05:30 this morning the site is the Wise shelter and the date is Jan 29, 30 & 31.

    Let the "Real" planning begin!!

    For those who are new to this event:
    I do not mean to deter you, just make you aware so you can prepare: IT WILL BE COLD! It May be VERY COLD! There will be wind; there may be A LOT of WIND! There may even be show, possibly a LOT of snow. Most of the social activates take place around the fire in front of the shelter, there is minimal protection from the wind there.

    Hanging sites abound around the shelter, so there is the opportunity to be picky, though you may have to walk a bit to get to / from the social aspect at the shelter.

    There is a very nice privy there, bring your own TP.

    The shelter sleeps 6, but so far the only one to sleep there did so due to a midnight suspension failure. And that is one reason we have the to do at a shelter, “Just in case”

    Groundlings are welcome to join us!!

    On Saturday PM 01/30/10 there is a Pot Luck cook out where everyone shares special treats, like deer bacon & homemade stew.

    The rest of your meals are up to you!

    Usually someone goes for a day hike or 2. There are several trails to explore, most lead to GREAT views. But leave time to get back for the potluck, last year it started around 3PM & being hikers, the food was all gone at 3:01 PM Just kidding, it did go quickly, but there was still ample food after 4PM

    The hike in from the parking lot is about 1 mile on mostly level logging road. On the way you cross 2 streams, which are easy enough to cross. Both years I have made it, I have gone back to my car for something, so it’s an easy walk. Better directions will be posted as we near the date, and there is a map somewhere here on HF if you want to see.

    Alcohol is allowed, but please practice moderation!! This is NOT a drinking party!

    In past years there has been extra hanging set ups if you are ill equipped, or a groundling looking to try out hanging. And for the most part, if you need help, just ASK! That is why this hangout was started, so that we may learn from each other, and share our collective experiences!

    Some things you will see: January of this year there were at least 40 hangers, and 40 DIFFERENT set ups. Under quilts from custom made to store bought to home made. Pads that have included a trucker’s window shade. Tarps of all sizes colors & shapes. Almost as many different stoves. Clothing choices that ran from a crazy guy wearing: short sleeved tee, long sleeved tee, fleece vest, nylon vest, a kilt & panty hose (sometimes I put on a wool hat & gloves), to several wearing down quilts as parkas & a few looking nearly like the Michelin Man (at least to me). There were at least 3 Pulks (camping sleds) there last year.

    So, come one come all!!

    Some items needed / suggested for the cook out:
    Sausages (Hot dogs, Bratts, Metts, etc.)
    Side dishes (Cole slaw, Stew, Macaroni salad, etc.)
    Condiments (relish, ketchup, mustard, hot sauce, onions, etc)
    Hardware (plates, knives, forks, spoons, paper towels, trash bags, etc.)
    Drinks or drink mix.

    Hint: If it can’t be heated (Like coleslaw) or even if it can, bring the food in an insulated cooler, to keep it from freezing.

    Last year firewood was brought, but it was a strain to bring from the parking lot to the shelter, so that is up to you. Please, if you are in a quarantined area (As I am) do not bring firewood.

    If this is your first winter camping trip, bring more of nearly everything than you think you will need; fuel, clothing, food, etc. Not to say overdo it, but as I say at the start, it will be cold & windy. Alcohol stoves DO work, so if that is what you have, bring it, we will help you make it work.

    If you could post if you are coming & what days & what you will bring to the potluck, that would be great. ie.: Friday Sat & Sun, I’m bringing potato salad & forks.

    Have fun guys!!

    BTW: I now have a 3% chance of going, which is up from less than Zero % of a few weeks ago.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Hooch's Avatar
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    Alrighty, then! I'll be there for sure! I'll request the time off after I get back from the Maryland section hike and MAHHA Hang. I'll see Dancer later on today and will find out then if she's planning on attending as well. The last time I asked her if she was interested in attending, she was still up for it.

    On a separate, but no less important note, at one time there was talk of a service project for the Wise Shelter area if the hang was held there again this year. Are we still going to plan that? I think it'd be a great way to give back to the shelter, especially considering the heavy use we gave it last year and I'm sure it will get again this year.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Hangin' Burrito's Avatar
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    I'm in and I think Running Feather is too.

    We'll be there for the full duration, not sure what we'll bring but knowing how my wife loves to cook, I'm sure it'll be more than enough!

    Funny, it's almost 3 months away and I'm already looking forward to it.

    I think it's the challenge of winter hangin' that's got me most excited, years ago I camped just below the Canadian border in January and I loved getting up in the morning to snow on the tent!

    Also, it's the camaraderie of the other hangers and just the time around the campfire telling stories and laughing. Anyways, I know it's going to be great!

    See ya'll there!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hooch's Avatar
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    If Stormcrow is there, I'm sure (hoping) he'll bring some of Thowren's awesome stew! I may pony up and bring my own specialty stew this year: Braised Pork and Apple Stew.
    "If you play a Nicleback song backwards, you'll hear messages from the devil. Even worse, if you play it forward, you'll hear Nickleback." - Dave Grohl

  5. #5
    Senior Member Doctari's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hooch View Post
    On a separate, but no less important note, at one time there was talk of a service project for the Wise Shelter area if the hang was held there again this year. Are we still going to plan that? I think it'd be a great way to give back to the shelter, especially considering the heavy use we gave it last year and I'm sure it will get again this year.
    I was at least thinking of bringing a 3 lb bag of mulch for the privy, & a shovel & bucket(s) to clean out the fire pit. & I'm sure there are other projects that could be taken care of while we are there. I was going to check with the local maintaining club & see what they thought / suggested, I just never got around to it.

    If I come, I still plan on the: Mulch, Shovel & buckets, if there is room in/on the car.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member Mrprez's Avatar
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    Do we need to assign someone to follow Stormcrow from the car to the shelter? LOL!!!

  7. #7
    Senior Member Hangin' Burrito's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hooch View Post
    If Stormcrow is there, I'm sure (hoping) he'll bring some of Thowren's awesome stew! I may pony up and bring my own specialty stew this year: Braised Pork and Apple Stew.

    Sounds good Hooch.

    I could bring a good chili & cornbread, might warm us up.Too many options!

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hooch View Post
    If Stormcrow is there, I'm sure (hoping) he'll bring some of Thowren's awesome stew! I may pony up and bring my own specialty stew this year: Braised Pork and Apple Stew.
    As if now both Thorwren and I are planning on coming to this one. I know she is pretty excited about it and me?, well most here know I am addicted so....The stew will be sure to make an appearence. Even if it is a short one .

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrprez View Post
    Do we need to assign someone to follow Stormcrow from the car to the shelter? LOL!!!
    Man, I am never gonna live that down... At least I know where to park now so if I do leave my crap down the trail it will be much easier to find. Are you offerin to carry my stuff up from the car MrPrez?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hangin' Burrito View Post
    I could bring a good chili & cornbread,
    mmmmmm cornbread....

  9. #9
    Senior Member Mrprez's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stormcrow View Post
    As if now both Thorwren and I are planning on coming to this one. I know she is pretty excited about it and me?, well most here know I am addicted so....The stew will be sure to make an appearence. Even if it is a short one .

    Man, I am never gonna live that down... At least I know where to park now so if I do leave my crap down the trail it will be much easier to find. Are you offerin to carry my stuff up from the car MrPrez?

    I will volunteer to walk behind you and place red flags where each piece hit the ground. Any food items would be picked up and carried, but I don't do firewood! I hope to be able to make it up there but not sure at this point.

  10. #10
    Senior Member animalcontrol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrprez View Post
    Do we need to assign someone to follow Stormcrow from the car to the shelter? LOL!!!
    I'll assume the responsibility!
    and make sure they park in the right parking lot!
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