Photo Report of the Sipsey Wilderness Spring Hang Saturday Hike.

Our group, there were two hiking groups, started at the Borden Creek Trailhead where we crossed the old bridge and went south on the West Borden Trail. After two miles we turned upriver at the Sipsey and hiked to Fall Creel Falls. The falls were great after all the recent rains and not too crowded. I would like to point out that there were a great number of high school and college age kids visiting the falls, but there was no litter around the falls. Looks like Leave No Trace is catching on. We retraced our hike to Borden Creek where some of our group waded the creek and hiked back to the Borden Creek Trailhead. On the way back we had to enter and pass through Fat Man Squeeze, and I made it. It was a great hang with great food and great people. Hope to do it again in the Fall.

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