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  1. #21
    Member 2nd Breakfast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markr6 View Post
    Plenty long. You could even get stingy and do a shorter custom, but the price difference would be very small and not worth it IMO. I do feel like that 3/4 should work for you though. Maybe it's the difference in brands between yours and mine. Or how you're laying. Lots of variables I guess.
    Yeah I'm pretty sure that I am doing something wrong since I think a 3/4 length should work for me too. But since I am so new at this and since I don't know anybody else around me who knows what they are doing, I am leaning towards selling my 3/4 and getting a full length. I am sure when I have more experience and know better what I want, I will get a better fitting 3/4
    Aragorn: Gentlemen, we do not stop 'til nightfall.
    Pippin: What about breakfast?
    Aragorn: You've already had it.
    Pippin: We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?

  2. #22
    Member 2nd Breakfast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OutandBack View Post
    You are welcome. One of my jobs as a mod around here is to promote hammock camping and nothing get me more excited to get out there between the trees than picts and of vids folks doing it.

    At your height I would go with a custom length UQ. No reason to have a foot or more of extra material, weight, and bulk to carry. Measure from your shoulder to your feet and add 4"to 6" that should do it. Good luck

    Picking a temp rating for your UQ is yet another very tricky task. There is no one quilt temp rating to rule them all. What nite time temps do you camp in 80% of the time? Add 10 degrees to that and you will be much happier. There are more 0 degree quilts sold in the FS section than any other temp rating.
    I really do appreciate the pictures. I've been reading a lot of threads and when you posts pictures like that, I just want to run home and get in my hammock.

    As for temperature, granted its been only tent camping since I just got into hammock camping, but the overnight temps have varied from 30* and up.
    Aragorn: Gentlemen, we do not stop 'til nightfall.
    Pippin: What about breakfast?
    Aragorn: You've already had it.
    Pippin: We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?

  3. #23
    Senior Member sidneyhornblower's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markr6 View Post
    I'm 69" tall. Hammockgear's SHORT full length Incubator is 73" and fits me perfect.
    Quote Originally Posted by OutandBack View Post
    Measure from your shoulder to your feet and add 4"to 6" that should do it.
    My thanks to both of you. I've got the full length kit from RSBTR sitting staring me in the face and my thoughts were whether or not to make it shorter than the directions say to cut. Since I'm 69" tall, I'm thinking that somewhere around 73-75" should be plenty. That leaves me some extra materials left over for......something. I dunno what yet, but I like the idea of a custom length underquilt. That's cool, er, uh, warm!

    Thanks again.
    Last edited by sidneyhornblower; 07-27-2016 at 13:37. Reason: spelling
    "...the height of hammock snobbery!"

  4. #24
    Herder of Cats OutandBack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidneyhornblower View Post
    My thanks to both of you. I've got the full length kit from RSBTR sitting staring me in the face and my thoughts were whether or not to make it shorter than the directions say to cut. Since I'm 69" tall, I'm thinking that somewhere around 73-75" should be plenty. That leaves me some extra materials left over for......something. I dunno what yet, but I like the idea of a custom length underquilt. That's cool, er, uh, warm!

    Thanks again.
    You are welcome sidneyhornblower. Your post triggered a question or thought I just had.
    Whenever one orders a custom length UQ they should make sure the length specificed is the finished product length and not the starting material length.
    Once they start stuffing all that down into the quilt things start to puff up and get shorter and narrower in the process. Just something to consider when specifying a custom build..

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidneyhornblower View Post
    My thanks to both of you. I've got the full length kit from RSBTR sitting staring me in the face and my thoughts were whether or not to make it shorter than the directions say to cut. Since I'm 69" tall, I'm thinking that somewhere around 73-75" should be plenty. That leaves me some extra materials left over for......something. I dunno what yet, but I like the idea of a custom length underquilt. That's cool, er, uh, warm!

    Thanks again.
    I know this is an old topic, but I was wondering what you ended up doing with the DIY underquilt?

    I'm in the same situation - I want to make my own UQ. Its my very first and the sizing confuses me.

    Being 69" (175cm) and wanting a full coverege (below feet to above head) and including draftcollars, im wondering if a final length of 73" would cover me.

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