Quote Originally Posted by T- Minus View Post
Personally I think it is both the cause and effect. The evolution of us humans tend to dictate our ability to problem solve and communicate effectively: From youth to mid adulthood we tend to make decisions based on emotional responses and desires, It is not until later when our brain matures to use experience and judgements to shape consequences before they happen to create the desired outcome.
Then add in the 18-28 years of instructional and social engineering, the 20-40+ years of wealth creation, and a life time of personal relationship building:The combination of these things makes a weighted scale to balance out an actual evolution of improvement of both the person and the people. And after the fact realize that you are bonded to this practice by participation. It is kinda the same reasons why everyone believes that laws actually change behavior and currency is the only way to create wealth. And with the evolution of the Government machine, they make laws based on currency and vice versa, make currency on laws; based on behavior and it's change or transformation of the governed.
There are 2 faults. The first is as people we need to learn and practice solving our own problems and not making any for others to deal with. Second laws should expire with the people that made them and when the need for that law is lessened to the degree where it not necessary and or redundant. When these 2 things happen our people can see that any Governing body starts with the individual, and when choices are clear and potential outcomes are known better decisions will be the outcome, thus lessening the need to vote in the wolf to save the sheep.
That being said, I don't see how the ineptitude and an ability to finance it, dictates how I should modify a legal and lawful activity like self transporting via walking,practicing LNT,resting, and continuing my freedom of movement when capable and safe to do so. But I also do realize that the Dogs of our masters are loyal to the hand that feeds it, and is is oblivious to the hand that pays for its food and care.
Well thought out argument. I'm sure I could not pick it, but overall I agree with your thoughts.

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