I got my cardboard box of goodies from Dutch and his elves today! And yes, it really could be anything in the box. Well not really, I know what is in the box but I love that. I remember as a kid at Christmas. All those gifts under the tree. All the potential. The unwrapped boxes never lived up to that potential. But the boxes from Dutchware? I know what is in the box and it somehow overcomes the potential.

A funny story about that box.

Maybe something similiar has happened to some of you out there.

My GF saw a strange charge on the CC today and decided to investigate. Rather than just ask me, she called the number on the statement. It went, more or less, like this:

<ring ring ring>
Friendly male voice: Hello?
GF ready to pounce: Hello.
The Him: Can I help you?
The Her: Are you a business???
The Him: Ummm, yes.
The Her: What kind of business exactly?
The Him: We are a hammock business.
<dramatic pause while the her realizes this is a legit charge on her card>
The Her: Oh, oh, I am sorry, so sorry.
The Her (to me): Did you order....and not tell me....

Haha! I had told her but she just had not put 2 and 2 together.

Well, headed out to test out the new goodies....