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  1. #1
    Senior Member srestrepo's Avatar
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    Sock for the Blackbird (not XLC)

    Hey Everyone

    first of all would like to say thanks to everyone for all of the help so far. i know i've posted a few times and everyone has been very infomative.

    Maybe I messed up when I purchased my blackbird regular, but I also didn't foresee the need for a winter top cover and all this other stuff. At the time, the extras seemed to be just that.

    in lieu of my last weekend up on a mountain caught in a wind advisory - i realized i really like being out there despite the weather. maybe i won't go every weekend, but hammock nights are always ideal.

    I see that there is a top cover with a breathable mesh that you can mate to an XLC but, i'm having some trouble finding something similar for my hammock.

    still being kinda new to this i see mention of a few place to go check stuff out but i dont know what they mean. from memory - u2v2 or something - i'm really sorry if i butchered that.

  2. #2
    all secure in sector 7 Shug's Avatar
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    Go to Warbonnet site....go to hammocks....Blackbird and on Blackbird and Traveler Accessories.....go to drop-down box and choose Travel Sock.....
    No mesh though.
    You may want to consider an Underquilt Protector though since it was your feet that got cold.

    sock copy.jpg
    Whooooo Buddy)))) All Secure in Sector Seven

  3. #3
    My first camping hammock was a double layer Blackbird, I got the warbonnet travel sock for it and used it a couple times in temps ranging from 8 (-13C) to a little above freezing.

    Very impressed with it, was much warmer with it than without, blocks wind very well. The only problem, and you get this with any sock, is condensation. How much of a problem this is varies alot from person to person, by the weather conditions (temp and humidity). In my case it hasn't been a problem at all, the condensation seemed to be concentrated at the top of the foot end of the sock (makes sense since the blackbird foot end is much higher than the head end). Only the sock got wet and since in winter my hangs are 1 night, 2 at most... I didn't mind a little humidity getting on the sock for the 10+ degrees of extra warmth it provided.

    The way I used it was to still use the builtin bugnet and to zipper the sock door around the tie outs for the the bugnet that go to the stake on the ground. This way you still have a mesh opening near your face for fresh air.

    I currently have a second Gen XLC with the winter top cover that has foot end and face area mesh but I don't have any real experience with it yet to say if its much better than my old BB + sock. I am assuming Ill still have similar condensation. So far Ive only used the top cover once on a heavy rain night that was just above freezing... worked great, no condensation.
    Last edited by Bigshift; 11-14-2018 at 16:32.

  4. #4
    Senior Member srestrepo's Avatar
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    have no idea how i missed the fact that they make one specifically for the hammock - looking at the website they only have one picture of it.

    i feel like a celebrity - three for three to have Shug commenting on my stuff - gotta admit those videos lured me back in after being out of a hammock for a while. Thank you for the tips.

    Bigshift - just as i was going to start doing some research on reviews and people experiences with it you pop up - thanks to you too sir - i'll be taking a lock at this and then seeing if there are any other candidates. I've been very lucky so far with the build quality of the stuff i've purchased from Warbonnet so i dont think i'll stray too far. it just never hurts to weigh my options.

    anyone else with wind sock insight?

  5. #5
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    I use the Travler Sock on my Black bird. I did add an extender to both ends so the sock was a bit longer (just about four inches). I really like the sock, I zip or unzip depending on the conditions.

    Some how I ended up with two multicam socks, one is new w/o the extension I made. If you are interested in it send me a PM.

  6. #6
    gunner76's Avatar
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    I have several BB's and a XLC and prefer the BB so you did not make a mistake. I also have and used the old style sock until the new sock came out. The new sock is a little longer and does not have the Velcro like the old sock. Of the two I prefer using the new sock. I have not had a problem with condensation using my sock but then I do not close it all the way. Have used it down to 9 degrees in the snow.
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  7. #7
    cougarmeat's Avatar
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    You will be warmer if you use the bug net in addition to the sock but I haven't found it necessary. I do keep the sock unzipped by my head and if it seems a bit cold for that, I put on a hat and/or balaclava. If it is really, really, cold, condensation is part of life. But you know it will be on the inside of the sock so get up carefully and see if you can get your TQ out, then shake out the frost. It is nice if, after a cold night, the sun comes out for a while to dry things off a bit. That's were dark colors in hammock/sock/quilts comes in handy.

    When wearing the balaclava, if possible I pull it up to cover my mouth. That seem to minimize condensation too.

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