We dropped a 24" diameter Ponderosa in the front yard. We intended for it to drop across the yard and the street. I was backing away in my Toyota with a rope attached high in the tree, when this puppy started to fall right at me. Suddenly it dawned on me that I didn't have the time or rope to back out of the way and about that time it was coming at me faster so I jerked into first and pulled it a few feet to the right to take tension off the rope and get out of the way, and the tree hit about ten feet to the left side of the truck and the top of the tree broke out when it hit another Pondo, which kept the first one from coming down on my neighbors SUV parked across the street. We quit then. The next day I came back and my neighbor had left a note that he would take the whole tree if I didn't want it, so I only had to make one cut..