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  1. #1
    Chard's Avatar
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    CALL TO ACTION: Price Gouging by Ontario Parks - Rates 3-4x Higher for Soloists

    Hi all,

    These are troubling developments with respect to the backcountry fee structure that Ontario Parks is adopting. While perhaps not it's stated objective, the impact of this change is to effectively price the average Ontario resident out of using our own Provincial parks, particularly if they prefer to travel solo or in small groups. If the Ministry's plan is to limit access and fill the parking lots with only Audi's, BWM's and Range Rovers then they're going about it quite effectively.

    Jon and Erin of Lost Lakes have very nicely outlined some action items in his video description, including signing a petition and providing suggestions for contacting the relevant decision makers. Please take a moment to sign the petition and spread the word to get these changes by the Ontario government re-evaluated.

    Let's get this changed!

    Survival is about getting out alive, Bushcraft is about going in to live - Chard (aka Forest-Hobo)

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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    $45 a night for a back country site is ridiculous. I reposted this on 3 other outdoor forums to get it on people's radar.

    I can tell you at $45/night, I wouldn't ever bother with a permit, as the fine for "Unlawfully occupying a campsite" is $125 (best I can tell) so if you're there more than 2 days without a permit and are caught, you're still ahead $ wise. Talk about backwards incentives.

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