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  1. #1
    New Member
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    Pittsburgh, PA
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    Hang Tight quilt set

    Yes, these quilts are essentially just the Costco down throws that have been modified. However, the quality of the stitching and the overall design transcend a typical DIY project and provide value to an effective finished product. Steve is easy to to do business with and provides excellent customer service. His product is popular enough that he sells out of stock regularly. From what I currently understand (as of 3/2021), there are supply line issues that he has been working through.

    It took 15 days from when I placed my order until they arrived. I ordered a 20 degree set in teal and couldn't be happier with they way they turned out. The suspension sits perfectly with the pack clips on my Chameleon, and at 5'10"/ 175, I am able to have full coverage from the UQ on a diagonal lay. The TQ has a roomy footbox enough width to tuck under my shoulders. The lowest temps I have slept in since getting these quilts was 23f. I slept in a Merino base layer top and bottoms with thick wool socks and a fleece toque with a buff. I was comfortable, if not absolutely cozy, and the quilts retained their warmth while nature called in the early morning hours making them welcoming to crawl back into. The next night in these quilts had a low of around 29 degrees with some serious wind. I didn't want to mess around so I added an UQ protector to the kit and felt the noticeable addition of warmth it provided. Given that the quilts are filled with 700 power duck down with a second layer added to the 20 degree set, there is chance that wind can rob your warmth from underneath. I would suggest a UQP as part of this set up just to be sure. The TQ's foot box perfectly nestled a Jacks R Better fleece TQ liner/ summer blanket in case you would need an additional layer.

    I have spent a total of 5 nights in these quilts so far. I have packed them, sans stuff sack, in both my 60L bag and into a bike pannier. They compress well and are quick to regain their shape and loft with a little shaking. The UQ weighs in at 24.3 ounces and the TQ comes in at 24.5 ounces making them slightly heavier than a more expensive, higher fill power set rated to 20f. However, they only cost a fraction of the price and that markup for the finished product from the raw material is made up for in craftsmanship and convenience of not spending hours sourcing materials and labored over a sewing machine.

    I may, one day, get a set of Hammock Gear or Loco Libre quilts that might change my mind on my overall first impressions of Hang Tight's quality and performance. I may also discover that, over time, the quality begins to fade. For now, I just wanted to convey that Hang Tight can be trusted to deliver the goods at an affordable price and all new hangers should give a thought to them as a viable option.

  2. #2
    Following up in this 30 months later to get long any term thoughts on these…

  3. #3
    Senior Member sidneyhornblower's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by elasticolympico View Post
    Following up in this 30 months later to get long any term thoughts on these…
    While I'm not the OP I recently bought a top quilt from Hang Tight and can attest to the quality of the work. I got the lighter quilt described as 40-50 degree range. So far I've had it down no lower than about 60, so I can't say how accurate the temperature rating is. My intent was to have a quilt that worked better in warmer weather than my 20 degree quilt and this one from Hang Tight has worked for that. The quality of the stitching is very good as is the design. This particular quilt weighs just under 16 ounces. It was ordered on a Sunday evening, shipped on the following Friday and I received it the next Monday, which is right in line with the promised 3 to 5 day shipping. I wouldn't hesitate to order again from this shop.
    "...the height of hammock snobbery!"

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