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Thread: Classifieds?

  1. #1


    I haven't been here in a while, a year or three, but it was a vibrant place then; lots of activity, things being bought and sold and alot of thread activity. I bought several things from fine forum members here. Unless I'm doing something wrong, there is virtually nothing in the classifieds. Am I wrong?

  2. #2
    New Member
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    I would like to list a few things but don't have the posts to do so. I may never reach 50 posts because I read the forum religiously but seldom have anything I want to comment on.

  3. #3
    I did see the 50 post minimum to sell. Likely a contributing factor to the lack of classified activity

  4. #4
    Senior Member packman9000's Avatar
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    Well, on the bright side, the more you post the more members trust you because you're building a relationship with the people who will be buying. ��*♂️

  5. #5
    Senior Member arcana73's Avatar
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    Blame Facebook market place.

  6. #6
    Facebook is crap

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  7. #7
    jakev383's Avatar
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    I think the classifieds ebb and flow with items, or at least that's the way it seems. I can't comment on Facebook since I'm not on there, but I do think more people are out using their stuff right now.

  8. #8
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    I asked the same question in a thread not too long ago as I’d observed the same thing. Maybe more folks are using their stuff and being “outside”? I think there is also some maturation of the market and technologies. My sense is things used to evolve faster and gear turned over faster as a result.

    I’ve purchased quite a few of my favorites here and really appreciate the for sale board!
    The deep mystery gives rise to the spirits -Charc

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  9. #9
    Herder of Cats OutandBack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomykay12 View Post
    I haven't been here in a while, a year or three, but it was a vibrant place then; lots of activity, things being bought and sold and alot of thread activity. I bought several things from fine forum members here. Unless I'm doing something wrong, there is virtually nothing in the classifieds. Am I wrong?
    tomykay12, the for sale folder was quite a task for the forum mods. Many were here just to buy crap at the local yard sale and dump it here and the mods, who volunteer their time, had to clean it all up every day, and to be frank we just got sick of it. So new rules were made because we were running out of mods that wanted to play eBay without pay. You can still sell most hammocks and hammock accessories you just can't make it a business here anymore.

  10. #10
    PopcornFool's Avatar
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    tomykay is correct in noticing that the posts are way down on the Hammock Forums For Sale site. I went back and did some back of the envelope calculations and there have been roughly 20 offer posts per month this year, down from over 30 offer posts/month in 2020 (during COVID) and well over 50 offer posts/month in 2019. There has been only one month this entire year with over 30 offer posts. There wasn't a single month in all of 2019 with fewer than 35 posts. Yep, something has changed.

    The "50-post" rule has been in place longer than 2019 and there was still significant volume in 2019 and earlier even with the rule in place, so that's not likely a significant contributing factor for the downturn.

    We also can't blame FB Marketplace for stealing the sellers. I've been searching for hammock gear on FB Marketplace for years and have almost never found any quality gear there. It's usually all dump gear originally purchased from Amazon or big box stores. The volume of quality gear on this site, even as thin as it is now, still surpasses anything on FB. As an example ... this month has been particularly light for offerings here (only 14 offering posts thus far - only September has been lighter), but there still have been a dozen quality cottage vendor quilts (TQ and UQ) offered for sale here in November alone. I haven't seen a dozen quality quilts of any kind US-wide on FB in all of the past year!

    It sort of makes sense that more people are using their stuff and being outside. After being shunted away from indoor congregational entertainment activities (e.g. movies, concerts, people-watching at the mall, etc.) during COVID, many seem to have discovered/rediscovered a love for the outdoors. But one would think that with the increased interest in all things outdoorsy, folks with old gear would be more interested in upgrading and therefore would be MORE likely to want to sell their old gear, not hang on to it. And relative newbies who jumped in with both feet over the past year or two would be equally ready to adjust/upgrade and sell their original purchases now that they're in to it and ready for something better. (There's always something better, isn't there.)

    There may be a nugget of truth in that gear isn't maturing as quickly, but that couldn't explain the suddenness of the decline.

    Personally, I'm also at a loss to understand the cause of the slump. But then again, I failed Economics in college, so what do I know? (I could never grasp that whole guns-and-butter thing.)
    Last edited by PopcornFool; 11-30-2021 at 00:14.
    ~ All I want is affordable, simple, ultralight luxury. That’s not asking too much is it?

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