I'll remember to put gear (that has lines) in a mesh bag for washing. I have a large one that has wondered, for years, what its purpose was. I might have washed some hammock gear once or twice - if only as a gesture before I shipped it to a new owner. I sleep in pj's, light socks, and often a balaclava. There is minimal skin-to-quilt contact. Gear is inspected as it is packed for use. There is no "review" schedule.

I keep it gear clean and use it as designed. For example, although some may use a kayak or canoe paddle for porch mode or another tie-out point, for me, that paddle is too precious. It has only one job - to move me in the water. Sort of like the kicker on a football team. Of course, with that "one use" philosophy, the net result is hardly ultralite - sort of like a football team.