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  1. #1
    robv60's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Athens , GA
    Hammock Bliss Double and Haven XL
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    Cinch Buckle/strap

    I've been away for a while.

    Just realized I havent posted anything in this forum since 7/2016!
    I found myself popping in from time to time over the last 7.5 years, but I have only used my hammock a handful of times over that period. Actually, I havent camped much at all during this time, and when I did, I used a tent. For reasons I wont go into detail about, I became to associate my hammock with a traumatic event that occurred, which changed my life, the last time I slept in my hammock. The event that occurred happened while I was literally in my hammock, and was quite a shock. Don't worry, it wasn't anything physical, nothing broke-physically. I realized some time ago this was happening, irrational as it was. Funny how your mind works at times. But, recently i understood just how much I was letting this association take away from the joy I've had over the years with my hammock, and this forum. Hind-sight being what it is, and seeing how that event actually ended up changing my life for the better, I've been getting back into the fold. My wife, who knows the story behind all this, recently bought me a Haven Tent to reignite my desire to get back in the trees. It worked, and I am in the process of figuring it out, waiting on my XL exchange to arrive before I can play with it, though. Nevertheless, I'm excited to try out the new Haven Tent- I never slept real good in my hammock, if Im honest, since I am not a back sleeper(or, rather, wasn't at the time). It feels good to be back, and reading some of my old posts that documented my journey has been quite nostalgic. Gives me the warm and fuzzies. This was always a great forum, so I'm baaaaaaaaaack! If you'll have me

  2. #2
    Phantom Grappler's Avatar
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    You are a hammock camper—again! It’s good to hear your storied hammock journey!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    homewood, al
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    You are always welcome, even if it's been a while. I sleep on my side in my gathered end hammock and am more comfortable than when I just am on my back. I hope your Haven helps you find your sweet spot!

  4. #4
    robv60's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Athens , GA
    Hammock Bliss Double and Haven XL
    Some rando.
    Cinch Buckle/strap
    Yes, Im hoping the haven will work out. I'll still keep my hammock, regardless. I have that system tweaked to my liking and it is QUICKLY deployable. Its MUCH lighter than the Haven, too. Its a little more fussy to get everything set up than my tent, and likely the Haven as well, but it has it advantages. My Hammock set up could definitely be tweaked even more, made lighter, etc., but i can have that whole system deployed quicker than the other two without a doubt. Thing is, I also sleep on my back or side/back more than I used to back when I was actively using the hammock, so I may even prefer that now. I wouldn't have bought the Haven for myself, because they're pricey and I'm a tightwad, but my wife thought I'd like it, so bless her for the awesome gift! It gives me something to tinker with, and it's gotten me back out there again, so Im glad she did. I would've preferred her to save her money or spend it on herself since I already had a hammock set up, a decent tent, and just havent been camping; but the more I read and watch about it, the more excited I am to have it and the more I'm starting to enjoy the prospect of getting back into all of this again. She did good.

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