Good tidings from Northern-ish Virginia!

So you know how when you start getting old, if you're not very careful, you end up also getting fat? Yeah. I do. I'm the sort of person who needs a "thing" in order to get motivated to makes some changes. So my thing is to get out of the house and do some "camping". I'm not entirely sure what I mean by that yet, but it needs to include walking around outside carrying some stuff. I guess that sounds like backpacking? Sure.

I was dreading the whole sleep-on-the-ground thing, until I stopped thinking silly and remembered that hammocks exist. I have __always__ liked lounging around in swinging/swaying/sketchy/bobbing things. Since I can't figure out how to sleep in a boat, I've decided to go for hammocks.

Anyway, this forum has been a pretty awesome place to root around for ideas and information. Thank you all for the great wisdom you've puked out into this place already and I look forward to chatting with you going forward.
