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  1. #1
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    Down quilt zone filling?

    I read somewhere about filling a quilt less on the edge chambers. IIRC, the theory is it'll seal around you better and reduce weight/bulk.

    The question is how much less? Should the baffle closest to the edge also be reduced in height? In this case it's a summer TQ but could this same theory be used for an UQ?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Double's Avatar
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    Plastic ziplock bags filled with the appropriate amount of down for the chamber. Aka divide the amount you are going to use by the number of chambers. Slit a small hole in the bottom of the bags for a straw to slip into. String your unfinished quilt up in the bathroom or tub. You don’t want drafts or air movement. Put the bag into the baffle zipper side down. Push the bag towards middle. Insert straw into the bottom you of the bag and blow. Move it about until it’s all deposited into the baffle. Don’t worry about it all being clumped up. After you finish filling and sewing shut you can work on fluffing.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Double's Avatar
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    Oh I forgot, piece of bug netting held with rubber band or hair tie on the end of a vacuum is a great way to capture spilt down. Make sure to poke some of the fabric down into the vacuum tube to give yourself a reservoir.

    If weight is an issue I wouldn’t reduce the amount of down I would get a higher fill down instead. That way you don’t have to worry about being cold. 1 lbs of 950 filled my top and 3/4 bottom quilts with extra per baffle.

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