I still trip over my own tarp lines now and again. Trip Happens.
Whoooooo Buddy)))
Shug of the orange, yellow, blue and flour green tarp lines.
I still trip over my own tarp lines now and again. Trip Happens.
Whoooooo Buddy)))
Shug of the orange, yellow, blue and flour green tarp lines.
Whooooo Buddy)))) All Secure in Sector Seven
Dang Shug! Thanks for chiming in! I really want to tell you how much your videos and advice here have helped me! I've really enjoyed watching your adventures during times when I haven't been able to get away and have my own! Thanks for everything man!
The problem with being better than everyone else is that people tend to think you are pretentious.
Any color straight thin line will be challenging to notice if you are not looking for it.
I'm also a proponent of tying on ribbons, flags, shoestrings (whatever I have) on to my guy lines to help make those thin lines stand out better in crowded group campsites. Personally, I prefer twists of aluminum foil. I simply tear off strips of foil and twist them on to the line like a twist tie (2 or 3 to each guy line). I always have some when I'm group camping and it's much easier to remove when I'm done. Ribbons and flags, etc. can be stubborn to untie, particularly if they've gotten wet and the aluminum is easy to reuse or recycle.
~ All I want is affordable, simple, ultralight luxury. That’s not asking too much is it?
I just ordered some of the new Reflect-It from Dutchware Gear, which comes in yellow, black, and purple. I haven't tried splicing it yet, but my intention is to use it as a suspension for a DIY gear sling. I suppose the reflective piece may help with visibility but I definitely trip over my lines all the time. YMMV
Reflect It (25 Feet) | DutchWare Gear
"An optimist is a man who plants two acorns and buys a hammock" - Jean de Lattre de Tassigny (French Army General in WWII)
I use the orange Dutch-wire line for tarp tie-outs never had anyone snag a line, But having a stake that glows I swear is what makes it possible. I also use reflective bungee loops on the tarp for easy finding in the dark with a light.
“ Do not correct a fool or he will hate you, correct a wise man and he will appreciate you.”
~ Bruce Lee
I use reflective orange, but that my preference as I like the color combo on my tarps. I've also used pool noodles at the stake when car/group camping to make them more visible.
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If you are car camping and kids are around, put pool noodles over the guy lines. Could probably use one noodle for two or three lines. Cut them in sections and then slice lengthwise on one side so you can put them on the guy lines easily after they've been staked out.
- Doc Watson
I have reflective yellow ones just because that was what was available at the time. For me the reflective nature is even more helpful than the color, particularly at dusk.
“A man who carries a cat by the tail learns a lesson he can learn in no other way.” ~ Mark Twain
I use reflective lines, nano cord on my non-winter tarps and this stuff on my winter tarp. But given that I'm often camping with scouts, I just try to set up in an "out of the way" place where others are unlikely to be walking. This also ensures that others don't see me tripping on my own guylines
These are all great suggestions, I would suggest if you go with the pool noodles, add some reflective tape to the noodle so they are more visible at night.