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  1. #1
    gunner76's Avatar
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    Neusiok Trail hang along the Neuse River

    Just back in from an overnight hang along the Neuse River here in North Carolina. We had a major rain storm come thru earlier in the week so I was concerned that the trail might be extra muddy but it was not.

    TinaLouise, Clumsybear and one other hanger (whose name I can not remember) were there with their Boy Scout Troop from Wilmington NC to hike and camp the Neusiok Trail. The scouts all stayed in tents. They invited me to dinner and they eat good. Hopefully they will invite me back for another dinner.

    The ladies had their hammocks hung up very close to each other and they had a BB, a Speer and a Hennessey along with a collection of home made tarps and UQ. As all the good hanging trees were taken where they set up so I hiked a couple of minutes down the trail to my favorite hanging spot and set up camp. The wind picked up about that time and lets just say that it made it interesting trying to set my tarp. Did not need it but figured it would help deflect some of the wind off me and help me stay warmer (which it did). Only bad part was I could not watch the stars.

    After that I went back up had dinner witht the scouts (did I say it was good eats).

    On the way back to the campsite we checked out a very large fire a group of (I hate to say it being a retired Marine) Marines left burning. We made it a practical lesson to the scouts and put the fire out. The only positive thing I can say about the fire was at least it was (mostly) in a fire ring.

    Once we got to the scout's campsite we had free entertainment as someone was having a 4th of July size Fireworks show across the river. We all had front row seats from our spot along the river. I told the scouts that I ordered it just for them but I don't think they believed me.

    After that I continued on to my camp site and crawled in the hammock. I used a WallyWorld waffle blue pad and a North Face synthetic sleeping bag as TQ and my jacket as pillow. At one point during the night my feet got really cold and I found that while turnig over my feet had come out of the footbox, put feet back in and instant warmth. Over all I was never hot or cold, just very comfortable. The wind kept the hammock rocking which I found to be enjoyable. I finally got up as I had to answer nature's call, otherwise I would stayed in the hammock and still be out there.

    I broke down camp and met up the scouts at the parking lot where they were fixing breakfast. TinaLousie said that the hangers got hot during the night even though the temps were in the low W's and we had high winds.

    Did encounter a few skeeters. The high winds were keeping most of then at bay.
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    Last edited by gunner76; 04-03-2011 at 09:53.
    I am still 18 but with 53 years of experience !

  2. #2
    Senior Member flatline's Avatar
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    sounds like a very good trip. it's always fulfilling to share with young hikers. looks like a great chuck-wagon too!
    i hope to head down there this fall.
    thanks for sharing your trip and pictures.

  3. #3
    Senior Member eflat7's Avatar
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    I would really like to do this trail sometime. I haven't forgotten about it. Heck maybe when you take the boys out sometime I could tag along. Or just you and I. It's kind of far from me but I think it would be worth it. About 3.5 hours away. That Chuck box in that pic rings back memories. When I was in scouts and we were loading in, no one wanted to carry that heavy thing. Ate alot of meals out of that thing.

  4. #4
    gunner76's Avatar
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    Figure there is about 6 weeks left in the hiking season for this trail as the skeeters are starting to come out. I hope to get out at a few more times to camp out before it gets too bad.

    I normally get to the trail late Sat PM (as I have to work Sats) and camp out along the river and then in the morning decide if I am going to hike or not.
    I am still 18 but with 53 years of experience !

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