
I'm a 6'6", 250-pound guy looking for a cheap first hammock--preferably $50 or less--so I can get some idea of whether this sleeping method is for me. I don't want to spend a lot to begin with, but I also don't want to buy something that's of such low quality that I fail to do the experiment justice.

The plan, if all goes well, is to sleep in a hammock full time. There's something about a bed that goes against my sense of what a personal space should be. This peculiarity of mine probably began in my early 20s, when I bought an enormous home gym that took up so much space in my bedroom that I was required to sleep on the floor. I eventually sold the gym, planning to put a bed in its place, but loved being able to do yoga and other exercises on the wide-open carpet so much that I procrastinated for months. When I finally got around to moving one in, it went so hard against my aesthetic sense that I ditched it within a week. I simply prefer a spartan, minimalist arrangement, and nothing spoils it like seven feet by three feet of mattress.