I have a trip planned to the Wonderland Trail in WA and need some advice. I've searched on the forum and have seen little information. I will be traveling with another couple who will be tenting. I (of course) want to hammock. From the information that I can find I think hammocking will be possible at most locations but some are iffy. Assuming I need to be prepared to go either way, here are my questions:

- I have an underquilt and a GG pad. Since I may need a pad, should I just leave the quilt at home and use the pad? I could take both, but I really want to minimize weight.
- I have a MacCat deluxe tarp which I've used in rain, but not in blowing rain. Since this is WA, the chance of extended rain is always quite high. Since my quilts are down should I consider a rain protector (either sil or breathable) such as offered by ZQ2Q? Or should I just lower the tarp as low as possible, go into storm mode and hope for the best? This might be fine, I've just not had the opportunity to be in a multi-day blowing rain to find out and be comfortable with that decision.
- If I do go to ground, should I just use the hammock as a bivy or pick up a light weight bivy to use instead? I'll have a ground cloth but the hammock is only nylon on the bottom and the bivy will be sil so I would have a better chance at staying dry if there is prolonged rain. I could bring my 2 lb tarptent but really don't want to haul that.

I'd appreciate any and all advice. Also, I have my itinerary set so if anyone has information on specific campsites that you are willing to pass along, please let me know.
