Had planned on a weekend hang at Lake Lurleen State Park just outside Tuscaloosa, AL with some friends. I had heard from someone at the Walls of Jericho trip that father and his two sons had been asked to leave the park when they had attempted to use their hammocks. I called the park this morning to inquire if indeed you were not allowed to hang hammocks in the park. The lady told me that you could hang hammocks and that there was no rule against hanging hammocks in Alabama State Parks but you can not sleep in a hammock, you can not sleep under a fly or under the stars. You can only sleep in a "camping unit" (tent or camping RV/trailer). She said that hammocks are not camping units. I tried to explain that our type of hammock camping was actually like tent camping but just not on the ground. She suggested that I call the Park supervisor Monday and maybe she might allow me to come out and demo the setup but ultimately it would have to go through the Park office in Montgomery.

Maybe all of the hammock companies and other hammock accessories companies should change their names. We could have Hennessy Camping Units, Warbonet Camping Units, Speer Camping Unit Products, etc.

We will have to change the name of this forum to campingunitforumns.net.
Somehow it just doesn't have the same ring.