Been a while since I've sorted through here but last time y'all were VERY helpful and I appreciate that :-)

I've now been sleeping full time in a hammock for about 6 months, an ENO Doublenest and I love it. I have more spring in my step in the morning, I have less back pain and all in all I feel like my quality of sleep is SO much better. I do love the doublenest and think it is quite comfortable, but have considered trying another type of material against my skin. Perhaps a cotton, or some other "Soft" material that would do a little better with these high humidity nights we've been having lately.

Considering I have effectively replaced my bed, buying a new hammock is hundreds of dollars cheaper than buying a new mattress and so I am going to try to be open about prices, I'll try to keep my college student "stinginess" to a minimum. Quality can be expensive. Still, a target would be 160 or less but don't let that detour you. My current eye bolt spacing is 9'3" apart and 4'5" high, though I may be able to improvise a new setup should I need the space, and I prefer gathered ends but it's been a while since I've given a good spreader bar style a fair chance since I've really gotten into hammocking.

Suggestions? Thanks in advance :-)