So I've spent a few nights now out in the piney woods, or as close as we get to that here in AZ... And one thing I've noticed is I'm not sleeping through the night, being awoke by every sound out there for the most part. Now I'm a light sleeper and need a way to maybe "tune out" a lot of the noises out there but I don't want to sleep through a Sasquatch visit if you know what I mean...

So this point was drove home last night as a buddy and I were out camping overnight for some fishing and we had a lot of Javalina visit the area during the night and I would wake up at the slightest twig break and even the grinding of their teeth as they were moving around. This led me to wake up, move, spook them and they would go bolting under the hammock and give me a good "bump in the night"

I've considered ear plugs, but thought they may block out too much noise, ipod was another option, but I don't want to strangle myself at 2am, lol... I've seen other recomendations to medicate a bit, maybe some Tylenol PM etc...

What do you do to "Tune Out" a bit so you get a good restful sleep without waking to every spider peeing in the woods around you?