I am making a replacement bridge hammock for a "portable hammock stand" that I purchased a few months back.

Hammock stand is AWESOME, but the bridge hammock that came with the stand had a net that wasn't incredibly comfortable... plus it started to tear, so I have to replace it.

I've got the hammock mostly measured out and my buddy is finishing up the hemming right now.

-- 80" length
-- 58" width at head/foot
-- 44" width at mid-point (7" from each side)

The original spreader bar on the original hammock was only 16" wide from end to end, but the spreader bar itself was curved to prevent hitting the 4 legs of the stand... so perhaps 17" of length.

I guess that the 80% rule of the triangle will still apply here???

Is this 80% rule the only thing to go buy in determining optimum spreader bar length??

If the imaginary legs of the triangle are 13 inches or so, then I should stick with a 16"-17" spreader bar??

My new spreader bar won't be curved, but will be a straight piece of PVC pipe. I guess I'll need to see if it taps the legs of the stand first. But definitely curious if the 80% rule is the only thing to go by...