Well, we did it! It was a LONG night, but my sister, my self, and my daughter did a hang in Nana's back yard (NBY) last night. My first attempt to hang with my daughter did not go so well http://www.hammockforums.net/forum/s...ad.php?t=46100
We set up our HH cub, HH expedition, and the $25 Wal-Mart blue hammock. 100_0930.jpg

As far as warmth we used the ccf pads with SPE in my HH explorer and the Wal-mart hammock my sister slept in. My daughters HH cub had a 3 inch thick fabric covered foam mat from a portable cot my mom has. We each had regular blankets. They had two and I had one. I attached the two DIY poncho liners to the HH expedition & Wal-mart blue hammock. Last nights low was 50*. There were no cold spots reported, but I did experience a cold face early this morning.

We had an issue with neighborhood dogs barking and growling. We were in the back tree line and they let us know we were closer than they liked. My daughter still had the issue with waking up scared. We had attached the glow sticks to her zippers, so that helped a little. My sister held her hand till she calmed down. I think we had the waking in fear issue about 5 times.... I am glad to report we did make it thru the whole night! AND....my daughter and sister both want to hang again tonight. I really thought that we were going to have to go back to the "old" way of being ground dwellers. If we can get thru tonight we may just get this new way ironed out.

Something else I figured out was that the hammocks are a lot stronger than I thought. I have been very scared to move around alot in the hammock in fear I would break them. I am not a small southern girl and neither is my sister. She tossed and bounced in the cheap Wal-mart hammock till I thought for sure she was gonna end up on the ground. It held her with No issues. My HH went thru quite a bit of me tossing and turning and did just fine. Finding that sweet spot for sleeping is an art. I am not sure that I have figured that part out.

We have a hiking/backpacking/camping trip planned for Friday. We will be hiking 4 miles into the camp site, so getting this right now is a must!

I can't thank everyone enough for the kind support and all the answers to my noob questions.

A group hang can't happen soon enough! We have a lot to learn!