Last weekend Hamhocker and I finally got to go to Sipsey. This was our first trip out since a backpacking trip to Mammoth Cave trip last Nov.

The trails had been cleared of blowdowns so it made for easy hiking except on one trail.

We parked at Randolph trailhead and took trail 202 down to the river and crossed it to 209. The river was about knee high which wasn't bad after the rain they had earlier that week. We hiked a little ways down 209 and found a nice campsite by the river.

The next morning we hiked down 209 to 204 and took that trail to get to Bee Branch Falls and the Big Tree. It took a while to get there but we finally made it. We stopped and had lunch at the Big Tree. Afterwards we took 204A back down to 209. This trail had been overlooked when they cleared the blowdowns. It was a mess. At one point there was 8 or 9 trees down (side by side) that you either had to climb over, under or thru.

Once on 209 we hiked up the trail a little ways and camped. The next day we crossed the river to get back to 201 so we could complete our loop hike.

It was beautiful weather during the day but cold/cool at night. After having some warm days and night temps for the past few weeks the evening temps seemed cold there.

The first night (Friday) we went to bed around 9PM and slept until 9AM saturday morning. Saturday night we made it to 9PM again but got up at 7AM Sunday morning.

It wasn't many miles but after not getting out for a while we didn't care. We just took our time and enjoyed the trip.