I was thrilled to find my Buttinasling Buginator on the doorstep today, 'cause the mosquitoes just came out in force today here in Jersey. There's been a lot of rain and they've been breeding.

I must say, I am impressed with the design. When I originally looked at the Fronkey bugnet, I didn't like the unsecured ridgeline openings. Subsequent mods had velcro closures, but I thought that was inferior for the horizontal stresses a bugnet endures.

BIAS kindly sent me a prototype to test with the velcro closures. They opened from horizontal stress too easily. The new Buginator I received had thoughtful reinforcements on the ridgeline stress points that diverge from the original Fronkey concept, but they thrill the hell out of me. While I think you could make velcro work, I love the new cinch cords at the ridgeline openings of the Buginator - makes me feel much more secure against the evil skeeters. Screw you, skeeters; I've got the Buginator!

I'm taking the Buginator out on a hike this weekend. However, I doubt I will encounter anything like the mosquitoes in my backyard. I am flipping the middle finger at the skeeters wanting to taste my sweet blood. I'm in here; you're out there - mosquito. Live with it.

I'll make sure to grab some pics of the Buginator when I'm out on the trail.