View Poll Results: Do you like an HHSS, or is it just so/so, or does it stink?

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  • I have tried the HHSS but was not warm even at 40- 50F, it is not a good system.

    5 6.67%
  • I tried it and had to much condensation, so it is not for me.

    5 6.67%
  • I tried it and have not had any significant condensation problems.

    18 24.00%
  • Condensation was manageable, and I was warm down to 40F with the basic system.

    17 22.67%
  • I was warm to 30F with basic system and condensation was acceptable

    15 20.00%
  • I was warm to about 20F (basic system) and condensation was acceptable

    11 14.67%
  • I have been warm below 20F with the basic system

    6 8.00%
  • I have been warm well below 20F by adding unworn clothing or other insulation in the undercover

    7 9.33%
  • The UC provides significant extra wind/rain/snow/fog protection, which is a big plus!

    25 33.33%
  • I find it to be more than adequate for the money and weight/volume. I like it!

    38 50.67%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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  1. #1
    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    HH Super Shelter

    My impression is that the once quite unpopular HHSS has significantly improved it's popularity over the years. While there have been several folks since I joined in Jan 07 that the HHSS did not work at all for, my feeling now is that there are a lot more folks who have tried the HHSS and found it anywhere from at least " pretty good for the money" to "works GREAT for me". But that is just an impression, so it is time for another poll. I'm in a polling mood anyway, and may start polls on several other subjects or pieces of gear. Now if I can just get the questions right and complete on first try. I never do.

    So if you respond to the poll, be sure to give more details in a post.

    Here goes! Got to figure out how to get the "poll" started, it has been a while!

  2. #2
    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    It is a multiple choice poll. The basic system is one space blanket covering one HH OCF pad inside the under cover. I have used the basic system several times in the 30s and 40s and have been just fine, with no significant condensation. By augmenting with everything from unworn clothing, or Garlington Insulators, I have been warm well below 20F even with no tarp in wind chills of about 6F. I find the extra wind/rain/snow protection of the UC to be a major plus, even allowing the use of smaller, lighter tarps with no loss of wind protection.

  3. #3
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    The Problem with SS was...

    I had the full shebang. Actually I did use two under pads. I had the weather cover also. The only problem I did have with the system was it's complexity. It is not very elegant system. It keeps one warm, but there definitely is a lots of hassle-factor involved.

  4. #4
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    I use the undercover, pad and a space blanket (cut to size). I dont have the top cover. Ive never been too cold on my back, and never had a condensation problem. When I have used it on colder nights (5°C=40F) I have added a sleeping bag and been too hot; this winter I will try the sleeping bag as a blanket.

    I normally car camp, so I pack all four layers (uc, pad, spaceblanket, and hammock) away together in a large compression sack. If I wanted it in a more compact form for hiking I would packing the components individually, which is a hassle.

  5. #5
    Senior Member affreeman's Avatar
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    I have used the SS with great success. I have had very minor condensation on the space blanket from time to time. When the expected overnight low approaches freezing I usually add my down jacket to the under insulation underneath my torso. This has kept me warm into the upper 20s.
    "Home is where I hang my food bag."

    Allen Freeman
    [email protected]

  6. #6
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    I have the full top and bottom covers and like them. Since I got this I have not been out below freezing so I cannot comment on that. OTOH I can say that I have used the over cover as wind break and raised the downwind side to add ventilation and sight line while blocking he breeze. That also helps with moisture management but reduces heat retention. Sometimes a desired move. ;-)

  7. #7
    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    All righty then, interesting results so far, though limited. But it is still way early as I only posted this late last night right before my bed time. Results - not in the comments but in the poll anyway - not as positive as I was anticipating, though not bad and better than in the past if mem serves.

    For example, only 50% so far reporting no significant condensation problems. Though oddly, at the same time, zero % reporting "I tried it and had too much condensation, so it is not for me"?

    So far, 62.5% who like it or find it to be more than adequate for cost and weight. So, that is at least a majority so far.

    So far no one reporting being warm enough with the base system below 20. But again, it is early. And I know of at least 3 or 4 folks - none of them are frequent posters,I guess they are too busy hiking rather than hanging out here - anyway these folks have (amazingly) taken a base system to zero or even well below. And sometimes without being uncomfortably cold. That seems impossible to me, but that is what they have said. Maybe they will chime in later.

    I am also surprised that only 50%, so far, say "The UC provides significant extra wind/rain/snow/fog protection, which is a big plus! ". For me that has always been one of the undisputed benefits of this system.But I am jumping the gun with these comments, too early.

    Remember, multiple choice! So, for example, you could choose "warm to 40 with base system" AND "warm well below 20 with unworn clothing added to the UC".
    Last edited by BillyBob58; 08-25-2012 at 11:07.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Dos's Avatar
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    Hennessey set up

    so I used my Hennessey HyperLite for the past 6 months on a thru hike.
    This is what I found worked best:

    In the south in winter, I needed a properly working sock - either that or the superfly WITH doors.
    I was atop of a mtn when it was 20 degrees and 40 mph winds.
    I used a Maccat Tarp with an UQ and a Z Lite pad. Had I had the tarp closer to the ground, I would have been fine.
    I sent the UQ home after Georgia. No need.

    I did try a hammock sock, but it was a pain in the a$$ to set up. I sent that back after 5 times trying.

    For most of the time, I just used the Z lite and a MacCat tarp.
    But when climbing boulders, etc it got in the way hanging on the bottom of my pack.
    So I switched to a thermarest 3/4 blow up pad.
    That worked marvelously, although a few weeks later, I went to the Neo Air Trekker full length.
    Again, I kept the tarp very taught over me.
    Not once in 6 months did I get wet. Ever. The tarp added several extra degrees of comfort ( I would say 7-10) and the mesquito netting another 3-5.

    I know I didn't have the exact SS set up that you were polling about,
    but I thought I would add my .02

    two isles

    AT '12. AT '14. FT '15. CA '15.

  9. #9
    Senior Member huauqui's Avatar
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    Cool Hhss

    My son ThreeD and I have used the HHSS system successfully on several occasions ranging from lows in the 48 degree range with some wind to lows in the 30 degree range with 20-25 mph wind. I did one night down to 28 or so with 20 MPH wind with the OC on top to supplement and used no tarp. The system works well within its designed limitations.

    Any time I push a system there is a learning curve and this is no exception. There is a definite fiddle factor with this setup to get it right but I think that is the way any system in a hammock works. We did switch from standard space blankets to the ones that don't make so much noise and that was a great change.

    We just got our sets at the sale last fall so we are still learning. We are adding Underground Quilts 20 degree UQ's to our equipment list so will see how the two stack up and strengths and weakness of both this fall.

    I find I like to lounge on the porch at home in the cool evenings with this system under me and a wool blanket in the hammock.

    It works great for reading and just general laying around. I feel asleep once this past March and as it cooled off I just wrapped up in the blanket I was toasty. I may add this to the hammock this winter and see how it works too.

    We like the HHSS, it is what it is, a bit fiddly but works once dialed in. ThreeD was even so lucky as to get a "one of" from the sale that is camo, I will attach a photo below of our two hammocks with HHSS from two weekends ago. We had them set up without space blankets as the temp was forecasted to get down around 50 which they did and we were both warm.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  10. #10
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    I have always been pleased with my SS. I have had it out in the upper 20's, and I was warm. I did have my jacket in the undercover as well, but I do not know that it was needed. The over cover was nice more because it blocked some of the wind than the heat it held in. Although I do want to say it was 5-7 degrees warmer inside the hammock. I don't remember ever having a condensation problem, but I just might not have noticed it if it wasn't extreme.

    I have been trying under quilts as well, and another thing I like about the SS is that I do not feel it under me. The quilt makes the hammock feel more confined, and I can feel the bottom edge of the partial length quilt under my legs at times( I probably won't notice this when I have to add a pad under my feet.). These same traits may make the quilt warmer when really put to the test, but for now they are mild annoyances. I will leave out getting the quilt dialed in on a bottom entry, since a zip mod would fix that.


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