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  1. #1
    Member Naegling's Avatar
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    Exclamation Some Feedback and Suggestions

    Here's some feedback and suggestions for this site:

    How about the site moderators treat their members with a little respect for dissenting opinions. It seems to me that any view that is contrary to your own is just not tolerated, period. even if it is done in a way that is within the site's TOS, and in an attempt to make the site better.

    So let me ask the mods this; Just how am I supposed to know what falls foul of your whims, likes and dislikes if it's not posted anywhere? How am I supposed to stay within the bounds if you don't clearly define them? As an example, a few months ago I posted a thread about a DIY alcohol stove in the DIY section. It was moved without any notification as to why or what I had violated in the TOS. After some further inquiry by me and a comment from a helpful forum member, I was able to find the moved thread. The irritating thing about the whole incident was that within hours of me posting the alcohol stove thread and it being moved, another forum member posted about another (non-DIY) alcohol stove and it stayed. What gives?

    I am, and have been a part of many forums as diverse as ADVRider to XDA Forums, and I can say without a doubt that this forum is the absolute worst I have ever been apart of on how it moderates its members. I just took a look at Just Jeff's public page and three of the messages in the first two pages were from people who had threads moved or removed with no explanation why. Really? is it that hard? The moderators here act like this forum has a million members to wrangle. The truth is, this forum is small, but you chose to run it like your own private club, exclusionary not inclusionary monitoring every post for signs that someone might actually show a little feeling beyond happy-shiny-everything-is-rainbows-and-sugar-plumbs.

    I have read time and again that the moderation and intent of mods is to keep the site focused on hammocks. That may be the case, but what you end up with when you moderate like you do is a wiki, not a forum. Your limiting interaction between members, and slamming every post that is perceived to be "not directly hammock related" only limits forum members from using these forums as forums and not just a wiki site to go to and glean information from.
    Personally, I've learned all from that I choose to from the very limited scope of these forums and find myself irritated at the narrow-minded moderators of what could be an exceptional gathering place for a great way to make my life easier.

    From past experience, I'm sure this thread will be removed shortly after one of the more draconian moderators read it, and any seeds of dissension that it might sew in the minds of the general population will be swiftly dealt with. I do hope however that this will make the round of the moderators in their private circles, and just perhaps make them realize that there is a growing ire among many of the forum members about just how they are treated.

    I for one will be moving on from this site in search of a place where I feel more welcome and am able to express an opinion without being chastised for it. No hard feelings, this just isn't a place where I want to be. Good luck, and I hope you can treat your current members better than you treated me.

    And by the way; Feedback comes in both positive and negative, so this is feedback, and it was posted in the appropriate forum, and it meets everything in the TOS.
    Last edited by Naegling; 09-20-2012 at 00:41.
    "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately."

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Bubba's Avatar
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    I don't know your history here but I find the site to be well moderated compared to others I've been to and I have read numerous posts expressing the same. Good luck in your forum search and in your future hammocking/outdoor endeavours.
    Don't let life get in the way of living.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Just Jeff's Avatar
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    It's interesting when new people show up and begin posting their changes to how the site should be run. We make it very clear in the TOS that this is a moderated site. We understand that not everyone will agree with how we moderate...that's unfortunate, but we can't please everyone. For some perspective, every time a dissatisfied member posts a thread like this one, we get several responses from members who appreciate how this particular site is maintained and moderated (usually in the thread itself and PMs, and often by a member posting a new thread about it).

    So it's unfortunate that you're not satisfied here, but the moderators and a large majority of the members are happy with this community and how it operates. If you're not in that majority, we won't argue with you. I hope you find somewhere more suitable to what you expect from a hammock forum.

    We do accept dissent, btw...just not disrespect. Not to other members, and not to the moderators. That's clearly in the TOS that some folks think doesn't apply to them.
    “Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall when the wise are banished from the public councils because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.” ~Judge Joseph Story

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  4. #4
    canoebie's Avatar
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    Good luck, hope you find a place where you feel your needs are met. I too have appreciated this forum, I too have had threads deleted and moved. Yet, I realize the need for standards. Standards sometimes alienate individuals, a lack of standards will alienate entire communities. I appreciate and value the standards set forth as part of this forum. I also recognize that the forum may not meet the needs of everyone. Best to you.
    “Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?”
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  5. #5
    Boothill's Avatar
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    guess i think the moderators do a great job! especially when you consider they are doing it all without any compensation

    i have moderated some forums in the past and call tell you first hand that it takes a considerable amount of personal time

    when i go into a restaurant and have bad service for don't like the food, or go to a store and think the salesperson was rude or their prices are too high i just don't go back, but then again it's their place and they can run it any way they want......kinda like this site.....

    if your not happy with the site or the mods then i guess if it were me i wouldn't bother with it, but maybe that's just me

    The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us. ~Bill Watterson

  6. #6
    Senior Member Darby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just Jeff View Post
    It's interesting when new people show up and begin posting their changes to how the site should be run. We make it very clear in the TOS that this is a moderated site. We understand that not everyone will agree with how we moderate...that's unfortunate, but we can't please everyone. For some perspective, every time a dissatisfied member posts a thread like this one, we get several responses from members who appreciate how this particular site is maintained and moderated (usually in the thread itself and PMs, and often by a member posting a new thread about it).

    So it's unfortunate that you're not satisfied here, but the moderators and a large majority of the members are happy with this community and how it operates. If you're not in that majority, we won't argue with you. I hope you find somewhere more suitable to what you expect from a hammock forum.

    We do accept dissent, btw...just not disrespect. Not to other members, and not to the moderators. That's clearly in the TOS that some folks think doesn't apply to them.
    Well said
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  7. #7
    Senior Member Pipsissewa's Avatar
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    I, too, have had posts moved to the donators' section. So, don't feel so put-upon. The bottom line is that HF is THE MODERATORS' site. They created it, they maintain it. It's theirs. It is what they want it to be. I personally appreciate being able to come here and read about hammocks, not hunting, not guns, not politics, not doomsday prepping, not hair-dos and make-up.

    If the moderators miss a thread that is not hammock related, it only goes to show you what a tough job they have trying to keep up with the activity on the forums. Call it a wiki if you want, that's really just semantics.

    Sorry to see you go. Best of luck to you. I hope you find what you're looking for.
    Mountains have a dreamy way
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  8. #8
    Senior Member Cali's Avatar
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    I feel the moderators are doing a great job. Sometimes folks get upset that a thread is moved and they are not a donating member, so they can't view it. Donation is very reasonable, and the benefits of being a member are awesome. You can even find donating member status offered up for free in the PIF thread. It just requires a return PIF. Can't beat that.
    I am sorry you are disgruntled with this site and the moderators. I hope you find what you are looking for.

    I find that when you join a group, you may have to adjust to their rules, which most times doesn't take much adjusting. I don't join a group expecting them to adjust to me.
    "No whining in the woods"

  9. #9
    Senior Member CatSplat's Avatar
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    I haven't had any real issues with the mod team here, but I 100% agree with his comment about notifying users when a thread has been moved/removed. It's not hard, and shooting a quick PM to the user saying where it's been moved to (especially if it's been moved to an area they don't have access to) and why is just common courtesy and helps clear up any confusion. I've seen numerous complaints about this during my relatively short time here.
    Last edited by CatSplat; 09-20-2012 at 09:36.

  10. #10
    Senior Member MAD777's Avatar
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    "...but you can't please all of the people, all of the time."
    However, I'm happy to report that I am always pleased when I come to HF. I'm sorry you didn't find what you were looking for here.

    I've posted threads in the wrong category and realized it upon viewing my own post. I sent a PM to a moderator, pleading guilty and asking their help in moving it. I don't know how a handful of moderators can keep up with the traffic here, but I do know that they do a fine job!
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