Sorry, I tried to make the title a little tactful . This really applies only to guys.

It was brought up on Yahoo a year or so ago, but I knew I could never do the acrobatics that Ed Speer was describing.

For years I have exited the hammock at around 2am to urinate, and that has been the only thing that has disturbed my slumber (short of the horrendous lightning storms).

I went snowshoeing / hammock camping this weekend, and by the time I got myself situated in my hammock at around 9pm, on top of my down-filled air mattress, inside my sleeping bag, the last thing I wanted to do was leave my nice warm cocoon (I have a Speer-type hammock).

I had taken an empty 32 oz Gatorade bottle to bed with me, and my plan was to simply sit on the edge of (or stand beside) my hammock, use the bottle, then quickly return to the warmth of the bag.

That worked the first time at around 11pm, but at 15 degrees outside, it was going to be the last.

The second time at 2am (I kept myself well hydrated all day), I emptied the bottle as far away from my hammock as I could reach while still in my hammock (the snow was 2-3 feet deep in most places), then turned on my side inside my sleeping bag and was able position the bottle upright, and while on my side, conveniently and safely empty my bladder into it.

I screwed the cap on snugly and put the bottle into my gear hammock and very quickly went back to sleep.

Three hours later, I repeated the process (remember, I kept myself WELL hydrated all day), and was amazed to discover how easy it was by simply lying on my side. The "squattiness" of the bottle made it easy to hold it nearly upright, assuring me that I would not spill it by tipping it.

I will never, ever get up out of my hammock for a mid-night pee trip again. It was also nice not trying to "hold it in" for just a few hours until it was time to get up.

Anyone else have any tips or techniques for this activity?
