Hello all

So I have been thinking about picking up a down TQ to use instead of my synthetic bag. I'm really looking for some weight and space savings by going to down.

What I am curious about though, is if anyone as experience with the Hydrophobic down treatments. These seem to have a variety names: Sierra Design's DriDown, LL. Bean DownTek, ect.

So far I've only seen Underground Quilts carry this type of treatment in the from of ResistDown(http://www.hammockforums.net/forum/s...ad.php?t=57575).

Do any of the other cottage makers offer a hydrophobic down treatment as a customization? If you have something that has been treated with one, do you find it worth it? I'm new to down in general, I don't own any down gear, so I'm a bit skeptical at a 'amazing' new treatment like these.