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  1. #1
    Herder of Cats OutandBack's Avatar
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    2013 Colorado Winter Hang, Kenosha Pass CO

    We had a great hang, in true Colorado winter conditions with snow, sun, wind,
    did I mention wind, stars, coyotes, getting stuck and unstuck in snow drifts, great evening fires with many stories.

    I'm just getting my picts uploaded so I will post them a little later.

    It was really great to meet so many new Colorado hangers, you guys made my weekend, thank you so much for coming up.

    EDIT: I guess my camera had issues with the cold.
    The only picts that came out were right when TR42, jobo, RkyMtnChkwgn and myself arrived and started setting up our hammocks.

    TR42 unloading pulk.

    The hardwood and pinion jobo trucked in for us.

    TR42 pulking his kit to find two trees.

    Started snowing, lightly, just as we got our kits setup.

    jobo and Isheian discussing who in the heck would have a hang at 10,000ft in February.

    View of the firepit and table from my hammock

    The general meeting area before anything was done other than clearing the snow off the table.

    Then my camera decided to not work the next picture that came out
    was Sunday morning 7am'ish with a few around the fire.
    right to left; Isheian, RkyMtnChkwgn, TrailRider42, JustJeff.

    Rolling my report back to our arrival. Remember this photo of the snow drift
    at the campground entrance road from my scouting trip?

    Well, the snow drift was 10 times longer and twice as deep. I did not walk it and like a 16 year old I hit the snow drift at about 50mph.
    Cop'd a little air and slid thru to within 25 ft of bare gravel. TR42 and I started digging it out when we realized the vehicle
    was sitting on top of the snow(high centered) and digging out the wheels did not help.

    We were there for about 15 minutes before jobo arrived with a full sized 4x4 and the knowledge of how to use it.
    3 tugs with the tug'em strap and I was on terra firma.
    jobo hit the snowdrift about 6 times back and forth to make a great path for the other to follow.
    Which worked great, until about 9:30PM when rhinoman came walking into camp.

    But that's their story and I'll let them tell it.
    I do want to say big props to RkyMtnChkwgn for getting rhinoman safely to camp.

    Some basic stats of the trip:

    9 attendees. 7 arrived Friday and 2 on Saturday.
    Fri low +15F with tree top winds blowing at 50mph, ground winds gusting thru camp @ 10-15mph wind blew all night.
    Sat low +18F no wind
    All 3 days, Daytime highs ~40F
    note: others recorded different temps so these are just ball park numbers. I was using a 6buck Accurite.
    Last edited by OutandBack; 02-03-2013 at 20:29.

  2. #2
    Senior Member ice man's Avatar
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    What? No rain?

  3. #3
    Senior Member Isheian's Avatar
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    No rain thank you! It was indeed a great hang, my inaugural hang in my own hammock. The fires were insane to get started, hardwood is a different beast than soft wood. Lots of good stories and lots of advice. Who ever left the white bucket, I've got it. I ended up in my truck to stay warm the first night, user error. Thanks to OnB the hammock doctor I managed to spend a great night asleep in the hammock. I got shown that the jetboil sol will work at temps at or below 20 degrees. Just my quick two cents.
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  4. #4
    Herder of Cats OutandBack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ice man View Post
    What? No rain?
    HAHA! no we save the rain for when you come over ice man.
    How you doing bud? Did you get your SF sealed up?

    I sure hope you can make it back this way sometime.
    We hardly got to chat on the the summer hang between the rain storms
    and I want some more IA corn on the cob. You can't get good corn around here.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Just Jeff's Avatar
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    First things first - I didn't get stuck! (But since I know y'all care, here's the video from last time...)

    I didn't get good pictures, but here are two. First one is me trying to use the Handy Hammock stand but that didn't work out (more on that later). So I set up on trees and took quick pic.

    photo(25).jpg photo(26).jpg

    It was a great trip, though! I didn't make it up there until Saturday afternoon...and then I couldn't find South Park Overlook! It was mentioned on one of the park signs ("South Park Overlook - 1/2 mile"), but the map didn't show where it was! So I wandered asking random folks if they knew where it was...nothing. Then, just as I was about to start wandering around on random trials, I ran into OutandBack and he said everyone stayed in the campground anyway! That was lucky b/c I wouldn't have checked the campground before just finding a place to sleep for the night.

    So I rolled into the campsite and set up, then we sat by the fire chatting into the night. Well, into the evening, anyway...everyone else was up all night Friday b/c of the wind, so they went to bed between 8 and 9pm and I just sat up watching the fire and stars until about 11. Beautiful night!

    (While I was looking for South Park Overlook, I drove down into the town of Jefferson and saw a semi that had gotten blown off the road and tipped over Friday the wind was no joke!)

    Sometime during Saturday night a pack of coyotes circled around the camp, talking to each other. That was pretty cool.

    Zero wind, zero condensation in my hammock sock, 14F low.

    Sunday morning was pretty uneventful...campfire talk, stove talk, etc...then folks starting going their separate ways. Good stuff with good folks.

    Edit: Here's the river video I tried to show some folks, but didn't have it on my new phone.

    “Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall when the wise are banished from the public councils because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.” ~Judge Joseph Story

    - My site:
    - Designer, Jeff's Gear Hammock / Pack Cover by JRB


  6. #6
    Slowanderer's Avatar
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    Great trip report guys. Liked to have been there!!
    Ice Man, good to hear from you again!!
    Hey Jeff, was wondering about the latest date you will still be in Co.?
    Maybe another hang in the near future? Or spring?

  7. #7
    Senior Member Just Jeff's Avatar
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    Probably June/July timeframe. I'll be around for a spring hang but will probably have too much going on to make a summer one.
    “Republics are created by the virtue, public spirit, and intelligence of the citizens. They fall when the wise are banished from the public councils because they dare to be honest, and the profligate are rewarded because they flatter the people, in order to betray them.” ~Judge Joseph Story

    - My site:
    - Designer, Jeff's Gear Hammock / Pack Cover by JRB


  8. #8
    Senior Member Kyle's Avatar
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    Am I mistaken, or was the Fall hang colder? O_O

    Looks like fun was had by all!

  9. #9
    Senior Member breyman's Avatar
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    Nice report, thanks!! Was sad to miss this one, although attending my Wilderness Dirst Aid course turned out very well. Looking forward to spring and summer hangs.
    Denver, CO
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  10. #10
    Herder of Cats OutandBack's Avatar
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    After troubleshooting my camera I was able to get a few more pictures off the memory card. I wish I was more knowledgeable about this stuff.

    Here is my kit. I was using a custom Winter Gnome made by PapaSmurf.
    It's an 11'x60" Gnome with the bug net replaced with a 1.0 breathable cover.
    It worked great. The cover helped keep my quilt in the hammock entering and exiting.
    I could really tell it was much warmer inside vs outside. Did a wonderful job of blocking the wind we had Friday nite.
    I did vent the top and had no condensation Fri or Sat night.

    I was using a Tree to Tree syl tarp with 1 set of doors that were added by 2QZQ

    My UQ was a 20 degree Wilderness Logic full length 2oz overstuffed and had it covered with a breathable 2QZQ UQP.
    My TQ was a WesternMountain 5F SB.
    I stayed warm both nights although I did use 2 chem warmers in my down booties Friday night and a hot water bottle both nights.

    For morning coffee I tried the trangia alky stove and CC but keeping the alky warm was a hassle and ended up using whitegas for most of the trip.
    I also brought an MSR Pocket Rocket however the MSR fuel in the red can would not vaporize properly with out heating the can. Same hassle as alky. Many were using the SOL with 4 season fuel and had no issues.

    Coffee from the hammock but Breakfast from the picnic table was easier.

    Big props to Isheian for starting and tending the fire for most of the trip.

    As I understand it JustJeff is doing some R&D on the Handy Hammock Stand.
    He did have some issues and ended up not using it Saturday night.
    Many were very interested in it including me.
    This would be perfect for my trips to Utah where there is nothing but sand and I could
    retire my tent once and for all. Several of us gave Jeff out suggestions and ideas.

    I will continue troubleshoot my camera and hopefully get more picts off it.
    I saw many camera out during the trip so hopefully we will get to see more.

    We toured every ones setup and took photos. One thing that stood out was many were using the warbonnet sock even with other hammocks and all praised them in the wind we had to deal with Friday nite.
    Last edited by OutandBack; 02-04-2013 at 10:58.

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