Well let me first start out by saying I appreciate any and all help I've been getting from everyone on this site and I really do hope you enjoy giving it. I swear ever since I thought about hammock camping and really started getting into it I just keep finding more and more information which, as you guessed, just leads to more and more questions!! I've finally narrowed my hammock choice to the final two based on what I need and their respective price points. Those now being the DD and the Hennessy. Anyways, to my questions..

I'm interested in knowing how everyone likes their HH and how it has served them. Give me the good, bad, and ugly based on your experiences. Hows the sleep, would you recommend it, and is it holding up? Please do keep in mine that this will be my first hammock so I'm looking to keep my set-up under 200 dollars.

Once again I appreciate all your help and will give everyone a solid report on the hammock I do eventually decide on.