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    Question Why no price police

    I have read in the for sale section under the rules that it is generally frowned upon to post in someones for sale thread where you can buy or get the item cheaper. I guess my question is why? This is a fantastic site with a wealth of information, very friendly and helpful people, and it really seems like everyone is trying to help out everyone else. That being said I see it almost as a disservice to any potential buyer not to fully inform them where they can get the item the cheapest, furthermore it would be in the best interest of the seller to let them know they are selling their item for above market price.

    This doesnt seem like a website dedicated to making anyone money, in fact it explicitly states that the for sale section is not a place to start a small business, but a place where you can pass forward unwanted or unneeded items. It would seem that no one would purposly put an item up in the for sale section to rip someone off, but we don't live in a perfect world and unfortunately there are people out there trying to make a quick buck.

    I can see how it could be a bit frustrating to post something for sale, only to have someone inform potential buyers they can buy it cheaper elsewhere, but who cares! If its frustrating to you, you have put an item up for sale for more money than the item is worth, weather you know it or not you are setting someone up to get ripped off. I know if I bought ANY item in the for sale section, only to find a few days later I could have bought the item cheaper elsewhere I would feel taken advantage of.

    We are a community of hammockers, backpackers, campers, outdoorsmen ( and women) and we should always be looking out for one another. The only situation where I feel like this could be a problem would be if an individual is posting in someone elses for sale thread and linking or referring potential buyers to THEIR item that is for sale for less. Other than that shouldnt we all be striving to help one another out?

    Most of the items in the for sale thread are in fact a great deal. Most of the used items are being sold for less than you can buy them elsewhere anyway. It is a great way for people to pass on unused gear, and still not take a total loss on the gear.

    So lets hear it, why is this a rule?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Mountain Gout's Avatar
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    Of course the obvious would be respect for the seller.. People looking for an item should or would have already done their home work on pricing.. Other times the seller carries the shipping cost.... Starting a thread separately on so and so having a sale probably would be the acceptable alternative ... JMO...
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  3. #3
    Senior Member angrysparrow's Avatar
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    - Because it's rude, and it creates needless friction in the threads.

    - Because items are worth what someone is willing to pay for them, not what 'the cheapest possible price anywhere' happens to be. Often, a person is quite happy to pay more if they know the history of an item or can get it quickly.

    - Because the seller may be simply recouping funds when they sell something they themselves paid a higher price for. There's nothing wrong with that, especially if the buyer is happy with the price.

    The marketplace here isn't about delivering the best deals to buyers. It's about having a place to exchange goods between members at prices that are agreeable to both parties.

    If you're concerned about the price of an item, then research it for yourself. And a polite PM to the seller may be appropriate. But the price policing rule definitely serves a purpose, and we're going to keep it.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Bubba's Avatar
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    It's a courtesy. A seller has the right to set their price and to not be bargained with in the open forum. Better prices and offers can be discussed via PM but ultimately if someone wants a to get a price for something then it's up to them. If they don't sell because the price is too high then they can lower the price or take it off the for sale forum. By the same token, you can PM another member who is interested in the item that it is for sale elsewhere. I think it shows respect to a fellow member to not have their sale thread end up full of best offers or posts discussing the prices. This can cause a thread to deteriorate quickly.

    All gear that I have bought here as well as on other forums have saved me money vs. buying new. I have bought something before for less than new and then seen the same thing for sale for less money a few days later but you never truly know the condition of the product even with pictures and it's never enough of a difference to cause me concern. I already saved money so it does not bother me.
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by angrysparrow View Post
    - Because it's rude, and it creates needless friction in the threads.

    - Because items are worth what someone is willing to pay for them, not what 'the cheapest possible price anywhere' happens to be. Often, a person is quite happy to pay more if they know the history of an item or can get it quickly.

    - Because the seller may be simply recouping funds when they sell something they themselves paid a higher price for. There's nothing wrong with that, especially if the buyer is happy with the price.

    The marketplace here isn't about delivering the best deals to buyers. It's about having a place to exchange goods between members at prices that are agreeable to both parties.

    If you're concerned about the price of an item, then research it for yourself. And a polite PM to the seller may be appropriate. But the price policing rule definitely serves a purpose, and we're going to keep it.
    To each of your points- It is not rude to inform people where they can buy items for a reasonable price, however selling something for more than it is worth I agree, very rude.

    An item is worth what people are willing to pay for it. I completely agree with this one, some items are one of a kind, have faster shipping, or some other reason why they would pay extra for an item. But all buyers should be able to weigh their options. As long as the buyer is well aware of their options, it should be THEIR decision if it is worth it. Informing someone they can pick up the same item for half the price but a slower delivery time allows the buyer to choose what is important to them.

    The buyer may be recouping funds- again this is fine if the buyer is ok with the price. But would that buyer be ok with the price if they saw they could get it for half the price elsewhere? Probably not.

    The marketplace is for exchanging goods at prices agreeable to both parties. Again I agree- as long as both parties agree to a price, again the same issue is present, would you agree to a price if you knew you could get it elsewhere at a better price?

    " If you're concerned about the price of an item, then research it for yourself."
    - Exactly what this site is NOT about. We are here to help one another, NOTHING on this site is about doing it all yourself, its about reaching out for help within the community, and helping one another.

    My rant is over, I most definitely won't be playing price police, I will follow all forum rules. I still disagree with the policy, but thats how the world works!

  6. #6
    Senior Member chickenwing's Avatar
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    I saw this same thread on another forum the other day...

    and it was just a little bit cheaper.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by chickenwing View Post
    I saw this same thread on another forum the other day...

    and it was just a little bit cheaper.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Cannibal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcochran28 View Post
    To each of your points- It is not rude to inform people where they can buy items for a reasonable price, however selling something for more than it is worth I agree, very rude.
    It is rude to do so publicly. At the very least, it's insulting.

    If you honestly believe that informing the seller is in the seller's best interest, then you inform the seller privately so as not to embarrass the seller openly. That's pretty basic manners there. You also missed the sub-point of angrysparrow's post; friction. We (everyone, not just the mods) work hard to keep this place a place that people like to visit regularly. In order to help that mission along, the mods try to remove obvious friction points. Calling someone out publicly is pretty much the poster-child for friction. All of this, including your issues with not being able to call-out sellers because you have the time to dig through the internet bargain-bins, is solved with a simple PM.

    I guess I'm having problems with why you want it to be aired publicly, instead of privately. What is the benefit of that for you?

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  9. #9
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    If you're really gung ho to help people, there's tons of litter here in Columbus. Its not DealFinder but it's equally useful.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcochran28 View Post
    To each of your points- It is not rude to inform people where they can buy items for a reasonable price, however selling something for more than it is worth I agree, very rude.

    An item is worth what people are willing to pay for it. I completely agree with this one, some items are one of a kind, have faster shipping, or some other reason why they would pay extra for an item. But all buyers should be able to weigh their options. As long as the buyer is well aware of their options, it should be THEIR decision if it is worth it. Informing someone they can pick up the same item for half the price but a slower delivery time allows the buyer to choose what is important to them.

    The buyer may be recouping funds- again this is fine if the buyer is ok with the price. But would that buyer be ok with the price if they saw they could get it for half the price elsewhere? Probably not.

    The marketplace is for exchanging goods at prices agreeable to both parties. Again I agree- as long as both parties agree to a price, again the same issue is present, would you agree to a price if you knew you could get it elsewhere at a better price?

    " If you're concerned about the price of an item, then research it for yourself."
    - Exactly what this site is NOT about. We are here to help one another, NOTHING on this site is about doing it all yourself, its about reaching out for help within the community, and helping one another.

    My rant is over, I most definitely won't be playing price police, I will follow all forum rules. I still disagree with the policy, but thats how the world works!
    A lot of what you say can be done via PM's. It's just about respecting another member.
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