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  1. #11
    SilvrSurfr's Avatar
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    The rule makes a lot of sense to me. Let's say I'm selling a Hennessy Hammock for $125, then you post in my FS thread that BillyBob is selling the exact same model in his FS thread for $110, or that Amazon has the same hammock for $105. You think I'm gonna be happy with you about that?

    I don't think so.

  2. #12
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    My point wasnt about helping out the SELLER, it was about helping out the BUYER or potential buyers. There is no way to tell who is going to stumble onto a for sale thread and therefore the only way to inform everyone of any kind of better deal would be to do so inside of the thread. PMing the seller might make them aware they are selling their item for too high, but that doesnt stop them from doing so and also doesnt stop someone from buying that item.

    And silversurfer my point is I dont care if YOUR happy or not. You are the one selling your hammock for too much. I'm looking out for a buyer who snags your hammock only to realize he could get it on amazon cheaper. - the for sale section isnt designed so you can make money, its designed so you can pass on old items at REASONABLE prices- what is reasonable I suppose is up to the buyer.

    I do agree it shouldnt be used to link to other individuals selling it cheaper, so if billybob posted in your thread he is selling it cheaper I think that is rude. but if its on amazon, or rei, or some other mainstream website I think its in the best interest of the buyer.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Pipsissewa's Avatar
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    This issue was addressed back in the 18th century. Click: Adam Smith's Invisible Hand Theory

    And in the 20th century by Bobby McFerrin: "Don't worry, be happy!"
    Mountains have a dreamy way
    Of folding up a noisy day
    In quiet covers, cool and gray.

    ---Leigh Buckner Hanes

    Surely, God could have made a better way to sleep.

    Surely, God never did.

  4. #14
    Senior Member XTrekker's Avatar
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    I like the rule. I have in fact messaged someone about their price being above other prices on the internet but I did it via Private PM and I myself have been messaged about a price of an item I was selling, being higher than another advertised price. If someone had posted on my thread saying my price was way to high, I might have had a hard time selling it and I would have been quite frustrated with the person Price-Policing my thread. So the rule WORKs in my opinion. If people are willing to buy an item for the advertised price without price checking then it is their loss and their fault if they feel they could have gotten a better price after the fact.

    I agree that alot of the prices I see in the For-Sale section can be a bit high at times but the items still tend to sell and as long as people are willing to pay that for gently used gear, then that is all that matters. I always price check everything I see in the For-Sale section and I almost always pass over the listing because I find it cheaper else where or close in price. But that is just me, we all place value in things differently. Some prefer to buy from Hammock Forums members just because it supports the community. I see nothing wrong with the current rules and I think they are needed to keep any friction from being started on the forums.

    It protects the sellers from being trolled and leaves the decision up to the buyer whether or not its a good deal rather than Mr. Price Police.
    Sellers are Forum Members too, not just buyers.

  5. #15
    Senior Member grannypat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcochran28 View Post
    My point wasnt about helping out the SELLER, it was about helping out the BUYER or potential buyers. There is no way to tell who is going to stumble onto a for sale thread and therefore the only way to inform everyone of any kind of better deal would be to do so inside of the thread. PMing the seller might make them aware they are selling their item for too high, but that doesnt stop them from doing so and also doesnt stop someone from buying that item.

    And silversurfer my point is I dont care if YOUR happy or not. You are the one selling your hammock for too much. I'm looking out for a buyer who snags your hammock only to realize he could get it on amazon cheaper. - the for sale section isnt designed so you can make money, its designed so you can pass on old items at REASONABLE prices- what is reasonable I suppose is up to the buyer.

    I do agree it shouldnt be used to link to other individuals selling it cheaper, so if billybob posted in your thread he is selling it cheaper I think that is rude. but if its on amazon, or rei, or some other mainstream website I think its in the best interest of the buyer.
    But we DO care if Silvrsurfr is happy or not. He is a member of the community and is and should be treated with respect.
    Keep movin', keep believing and enjoy the journey!

  6. #16
    canoebie's Avatar
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    I think the friction part is very relevant. I am disturbed when I see people make issues they have with pricing, shipping times, responding to correspondence, etc. etc. with other members and cottage industries a public event.

    While their concerns are legitimate, they and the person with whom they have issue own the concern, not the entire forum. Little is accomplished, and too often circumstances that are important are unknown or misrepresented when shared publicly.

    I like the policy and support it. The mods have done a good job. I really don't want to have folks running around the internet finding the best deal for me when a stove, hammock, or such pops up for sale on this forum. Something sold is of value for the seller and a potential problem solved for the buyer. The value of that transaction is determined by the two of them.
    “Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?”
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  7. #17
    Senior Member Cannibal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcochran28 View Post
    what is reasonable I suppose is up to the buyer.
    ^This should pretty much clear it up for you.

    It is the buyer's responsibility to determine if the price is fair, or not. I have a Warbonnet ElDorado which is one of less than 10 that were made. I think I paid $150 for it in 2007. If I were to list it for sale (which will NEVER happen) it would be listed for no less than $500. Is that ridiculous? Sure is! But it is mine until someone pays me what I want for it.

    Another example of this is that maybe I have some excess gear that I should maybe get rid of. I don't really want to though. So, I set my price at a mark above what it is probably worth. If it sells, I'm OK with it because I got what I wanted out of it. If it doesn't sell, I can always say I tried.

    Why, would someone not want the most they could get out of an item? If it is priced at a ridiculous amount, buyers will not buy. Assuming you stick around for a while, you'll see lots of sellers coming down from their original price mark without a single person posting "You're ripping us off. I can get it on eBay for $3 less". The free-market system certainly has its flaws, but it works very well at a market level like a small forum. Added bonus, nobody gets insulted in the process.

    We are not advocates for sellers or buyers. We simply provide a place for extra stuff to be sold and rules to eliminate well-known problems.
    Trust nobody!

  8. #18
    Senior Member chickenwing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cannibal View Post
    maybe I have some excess gear that I should maybe get rid of.
    Say it ain't so. Say it ain't so!!!

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  9. #19
    Senior Member Jazilla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcochran28 View Post
    And silversurfer my point is I dont care if YOUR happy or not. You are the one selling your hammock for too much. I'm looking out for a buyer who snags your hammock only to realize he could get it on amazon cheaper. - the for sale section isnt designed so you can make money, its designed so you can pass on old items at REASONABLE prices- what is reasonable I suppose is up to the buyer.
    Its the right of the seller to sell an item for whatever price they chose. Silver hammock may be new never used and Billy's may be slightly used. Why do you feel its your right to inform the buyer. Why can't the buyer inform themselves.

    We are all adults here. If a buyer sees an item they want and jumps on it without doing a little research, that is there fault. It is the buyers choice to overpay for a hard to find item or a piece of junk.
    Yosemite Sam: Are you trying to make me look a fool?
    Bugs: You don't need me to make you look like a fool.
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  10. #20
    Senior Member BillyBob58's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcochran28 View Post
    My point wasnt about helping out the SELLER, it was about helping out the BUYER or potential buyers. There is no way to tell who is going to stumble onto a for sale thread and therefore the only way to inform everyone of any kind of better deal would be to do so inside of the thread. PMing the seller might make them aware they are selling their item for too high, but that doesnt stop them from doing so and also doesnt stop someone from buying that item.

    And silversurfer my point is I dont care if YOUR happy or not. You are the one selling your hammock for too much. I'm looking out for a buyer who snags your hammock only to realize he could get it on amazon cheaper. - the for sale section isnt designed so you can make money, its designed so you can pass on old items at REASONABLE prices- what is reasonable I suppose is up to the buyer.

    I do agree it shouldnt be used to link to other individuals selling it cheaper, so if billybob posted in your thread he is selling it cheaper I think that is rude. but if its on amazon, or rei, or some other mainstream website I think its in the best interest of the buyer.
    I still think the PM is the best way to approach it. The seller may actually want to know that he is asking for too high of a price, especially if he really wants to move the item. As for the buyer, every one here is capable of googling and seeing how much better a price they can get after shipping and after any wait time is considered, all of the pros and cons. In fact, even if was selling it cheaper here at HF, a search would quickly reveal that. So why confront the seller publicly? Still, the seller may want to know by PM.

    Now let's say that I want to sell a new hammock I have tried out and have decided it is not all that much better than my other hammocks, so I'm feeling a little guilty about having so many hammocks around. But rather than take a big loss, I'd rather just keep it for a spare or if there is some sale going on somewhere, I'd rather wait and sell it later. So I set the price I am willing to let it go for.

    And because I can also do searches, I already know it can be got cheaper somewhere else, and I use that price as a factor in deciding how much I want. Actually, I might say something like "WB has a sale on XXXXX, but he has a shipping wait", or whatever. Regardless, bottom line is, here is how much I want, in order to give up the product and go to the trouble of packing it up and shipping it, or else I will keep it. If there are no hits pretty soon, I will know I have it priced to high, and will either remove the item or lower the price, as you often see happening here. But both any potential buyer and I probably already know what kind of minimum price is available elsewhere, outside of the forum. As far as on the forum, if you look at the FS area, won't you see pretty much every thing for sale here, and if someone else has it at a lower price?

    I personally would probably appreciate a PM notifying me of lower prices available. Then I may or may not lower my price, depending on how bad I wanted to sell it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cannibal View Post
    ^This should pretty much clear it up for you.

    It is the buyer's responsibility to determine if the price is fair, or not. I have a Warbonnet ElDorado which is one of less than 10 that were made. I think I paid $150 for it in 2007. If I were to list it for sale (which will NEVER happen) it would be listed for no less than $500. Is that ridiculous? Sure is! But it is mine until someone pays me what I want for it.......
    And it will be irrelevant to you that some one can get as good or better hammock elsewhere for a lower price, so you probably won't be interested in being told that fact. If I ever sell my WB CS Yeti, nearly as old as that hammock, it for sure won't be sold for less than original price, and maybe more, because it is a very unique collector's item IMO. Unless of course I am hard up for cash, then that might be a different story.
    Last edited by BillyBob58; 03-27-2013 at 10:46.

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